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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    The big sharp blade is facing backwards. And it's kinda sad it has a smaller blade on the back instead of a spike. An axe would be kinda bad against armor, but you could use the spike to puncher armor and skulls real easy. Banned because like claymores, Front Towards Enemy.
  2. Hercule [spoiler] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120131221447/dragonball/images/5/5d/DynamicPunch.png[/img] [/spoiler] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O2aH4XLbto&list=PL03ABB875BB2E4BFA&index=47&feature=plpp_video
  3. Is it that Skrillex's hair has not yet recovered from his run-in with that lawnmower?
  4. FC: 1633-4263-3297 Actual 3DS games I have... um.. *looks for all the games he hasn't played in forever* OoT Theatrhythm (the FF music rhythm game) Devil Survivor: Overclocked Starfox 64 Super Mario 3D Land MGS Snake Eater Pkmn Rumble Blast Tales of the Abyss The ones I think have actual online ability is Rumble Blast, Starfox, and maybe Theatrhythm
  5. I can sing. Just not well. When we all meet one day in real live, we're all gonna play rockband and sing until people's ears start bleeding from the noise
  6. I think Inuki is Ikaru's evil twin.
  7. Psst. Emboar isn't the only pig in this picture. *cough*
  8. I was gonna pm them but then ninja.
  9. Hey, let's ban everything that beats my team so I can --win-- enjoy laddering more! --- yeaaaaah no.

    1. Cyrus


      Stop liking what I don't like! pretty much

    2. Shanco



  10. Could always just add a tier that's a copypasta of smogon's OU tier and call it exactly that- the Smogon OU tier. I think the only selling point I see is so that people who are used to smogon's word as gospel can jump into the tier and be sure of what is and isn't allowed and not have to look up Reborn's tiers. But with the way the tiering system is set up, I don't know if it would actually work. One tier with exca and others as OU and yet another tier set up so exca and co push the team into smogon tier... yeah, I can see the difficulties. Yep, don't think it'll work. NVM. Too bad for you guys. Sorry guys, but we're not going to conform to Smogon standards because committee that oversees the tiers don't agree with them. You'll just have to learn to cope with Reborn being Reborn.
  11. Maelstrom


    Banned because Brom is holding his axe backwards.
  12. Erick, it all looks like one big list for excadrill.
  13. Electrode- a slightly bigger ball of boom.
  14. 5/10 because it screams of a weekend of heavy drinking, ink-guns, and absurd YOLO abuse.
  15. ... you'd have to gain a few dozen IQ points to understand it. If you were a Mortal Kombat character...
  16. I'm so tough, I taught yoda to speak colloqial english without an accent.
  17. Hey Godot... besides Tiny Tina, do they have soundboards for the midgets?

  18. Maelstrom


    Banned for baiting munchlax with Leftovers. Can't you read the park signs?! Do NOT feed the wildlife!
  19. This is the Distortion World. If it isn't meant to be taken seriously and isn't some forum game, it gets posted in here.
  20. This is what happens when you stock your stand with only a dozen cones a day. In the middle of the summer.
  21. Something... strange about that spinning leek. For some reason... I feel like going all Donald Trump on Phoenix's keister. My head feels funneh...
  22. Summer memories... Rules -There will be three judges. First three to call dibs are it. -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM Ame/Ikaru images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST Prizes -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500
  23. I probably just made this as a place to vent my frustration with the political scene, but here it is. A specifically sanctified location for the discussion of political issues, not least being the United States presidential election. It's just that the idea of Romney having as many supporters as he does is absolutely astounding to me. Anyways, first things first: rules. No name-calling. If you think a position is stupid, ignorant, retarded, whatever... that is just an opinion and name-calling is just beneath anyone having an intelligent conversation. And it doesn't necessarily mean that the person with that view is necessarily any of those. They are either simply be unaware of an important factor or unaware of a factor's full impact or have different values or priorities than yourself. If you feel that an idea or position is stupid, ignorant, retarded, etc... well, that's just not proper. An idea or position is simply incorrect or uninformed. You'll just have to support your claim with facts and reason, won't you? The idea is to educate/inform and have an intelligent discussion. There is nothing like opposing opinions to explore the depth of any subject. Any violation of the above guideline will be quoted and corrected to show how one can argue without being unnecessarily offensive. I will not edit, delete or otherwise alter an original post unless it is clear that there is an utter lack of respect or relevance to what is being discussed. And well, really that is pretty much the only guideline- respect. No one knows everything, no one is aware of everything. And that is where the education part comes in- learning something you didn't know or looking at something from a perspective you've never seen it from.
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