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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I'm so tough I haven't updated my antivirus stuff in ages. AND I USE INTERNET EXPLORER.
  2. Maelstrom


    Banned because what is this falling in reverse band? I didn't know you could wear so much metal in your clothes and still stand up straight. =/
  3. Zombie in my pants. Simple and Clean in my pants. Sanctuary in my pants. Master Exploder in my pants. Holes in my pants. The Scientist in my pants. Truly, Madly, Deeply in my pants. Harder to Breathe in my pants. Super Bass in my pants. Animal in my pants. Sarah Smiles in my pants. I Need a Doctor in my pants. (not good...) Hero in my pants Little Lion Man in my pants. Indestructible in my pants. Angel in my pants Brave Soldier Boy in my pants. A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup in my pants. I've Just Seen a Face in my pants. Little Wonders in my pants. (lies!) A Whole New World in my pants. (magic carpet rides and everything) Your Voice in my pants. (she's a ventriloquist) Mystic Cave Zone in my pants. /thread
  4. Nations will fall and the world will be in flaming ruins. They will need a leader. A guide with vision! And my vision just happens to be 20/20.

    1. Summer



    2. Voctrode
  5. I look like a south american dictator in my most recent cell phone pics. I may upload them laterz.
  6. Hi, congrats, Reborn owns your souls now and thanks for all the fish. *disappears again*
  7. A little late but here ya go. Rules -There will be three judges. First three to call dibs are it. -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM Ame/Ikaru images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST Prizes -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500
  8. needs more judging. So I guess i'll be judge #2. need someone who hasn't entered or someone who doesn't mind not being a contestant to be the 3rd judge.
  9. I totally thought that cutscene was gonna happen where an arcanine or whatever comes out and beats the snap out of seviper and my lucario would come out and help me chase down those rascally ninjas. NOPE. And except for a panpour, torkoal tanked each and every pokemon. paralyzed? Confused? Asleep? I'll wait. Vesuvious snacks in her sleep and has a shell to make Gigalith jealous.
  10. Why aren't rock, steel, and ground types automatically exempt from recoil damage from moves like head bash and double edge? Using Growth in sun doubles spc atk and atk increase... It would make sense if the same thing or something else special happened in the rain. =/ Swift swim in rain. I'd have called it the slip n slide effect/ability. Cuz unless biblical flood, you ain't swimming in a bit o rain. And slip and slides were fun as shit back in the day.
  11. bill oil companies complaining that they need lower taxes so they make more money (and maybe hire people). Welcome to Alaska- you can never escape.
  12. PC players are too nerdy to be seen hanging out with them. =/
  13. Hi, I'm just here for the cake.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      /me used Me First!

    3. Shanco



      Hate to break it to you, but...

      The cake is a lie.

    4. Summer


      Ryan stole my joke.

  14. Sell fossils on black market. Profit.
  15. I'm so tough, I was brave enough to eat the local Afghan food and enjoy it. Most of the other soldiers were like F THAT, and were too afraid to even drink the tea.
  16. Dude, if your guys are at 25, you could totally take on everybody at the world tournament at the next town over. All their pokemon there are level 25. They didn't stand a chance against a lvl 30 torkoal with leftovers. I miiss Elesa being a blonde. Yellow hair looked better on her, + she's the electric gym leader. I still find it cute that she kinda gets shy after you beat her. And yeah, I love gigalith and i've made a mental note to raise one... it's just never happened. It's the awesome looking version of golem.
  17. Said artificial pokemon can live outside the computer and deal ridiculous amounts of hurt. Aids in Pokemon actually helps make your pokemon stronger and -most importantly of all- it cures itself. You have to earn enough badges to be able to buy respectable items. In a free market economy, as long as you have the dough... Adults who have had years and years to practice at being pokemon trainers and catch a lot of pokemon and have every opportunity to have high level, fully rounded teams have patrats and stupid shit and lose to a fledgling trainer of like 10 yrs old. Even though you can't get a trainer's liscense till you're 10, you will fight elementary school students who have their own pokemon. The BW champion looks like an eccentric hobo. What? dat hair...
  18. Sorry pal, not that far into the game where I can run into one in a grotto. What's the DW ability, Sap Sipper? As for the tympole I put up a seismotoad for trade on GTS from my original Black version. If it's still there in GTS, I'll breed it and get you a tympole. Did the ability matter for it?
  19. Purloin used Fake Out on my Steadfast Lucario (Tassadar) and all I could think was: How hilarious! You just activated my trap card. *+1 speed force palm to the face**

    1. Jelly


      Dat assassin joke

  20. But they were sad to be released. For a guy who can talk to pokemon and wants them to be happy, he sure didn't bother to ask them what they wanted, did he? And yeah, you go to that house N of the PWT area on that hill and that sage gives you N's Zorua, if you have an open slot of course. Also if you go back in, the room will be dark with a zoroark in there and it does a memory link sequence of what N's loyal followers do after N goes off on his own. And I randomly thought of an interesting pokemon and BL crossover after reading a sign. Battle Train: Catch a Riiiiiide!
  21. Hi, you're looking for Elesa? I'm sorry but the gym leader is in the other gym. >>

    1. The Fush
    2. Godot


      Still didn't stop the Slashy Slash

  22. I felt like my servine was underleveled because it was, so I put it first on the team and ran into some trainers. They all had tranquils. except the one with a trubbish. so much facepalm.
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