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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. So Rinny, when do we take over Canada?
  2. Yeah, if it wasn't for that npc, I would have had no idea it was in there at all. btw, need potions, berries, other items? Why buy it when you can do a funfest and get it for free. Hoping to build powers to abuse the EXP^^^. And the one that makes it likelier to find shaking grass/dust clouds.
  3. Earned like 6 medals at once. Then he gave 16 hint medals. ><

  4. Hah, you pretty much caught up to me already! Yeah, I thought about beating cheren's lillipup with my own but that would just be silly. I caught a riolu, raised it a few levels thinking it would learn force palm. NOPE. they changed the level it learns it at. It got counter instead. So Cheren's lillipup comes out, I switch in riolu. Lillipup tackle does a good chunk, counter ko's it right away. Life is easy.
  5. Aftergame? Psh, I just caught his sandile near the desert ruins place.
  6. I... haven't posted here yet???
  7. OMG, if he becomes president, I will lose all hope in humanity and plot to have the South destroyed by convenient Tornadoes.
  8. Hypno- you thought you had some witty name for it but then mind control.
  9. This is basically the acoustic version, so as usual it kicks the pants off the regular version.
  10. Ohai. It's just your friendly neighborhood Maelstrom here, updating that thing he likes to participate in. Rules -There will be three judges. First three to call dibs are it. -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM me images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST Prizes -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500 Edit: Now that I see it... kinda fitting for my first Caption Contest, no?
  11. After finding out that the first memory link where N is releasing some of his pokemon and then learning that you can catch them in the wild... Well first thought was that it would serve the twat right if I raised a team of pokemon he'd released and beat him with them whenever you get to battle him. Thoughts?
  12. Torkoal- Curses at Burgh's leavanny. Leavanny- U mad? Come at me bro, I'll Cut you! *uses cut* Torkoal- that tickled. *uses flamecharge for OHKO*

    1. Mashew
    2. Maelstrom


      voodoo magic and 4x effectiveness for the win!

  13. Well you were the host so you wouldn't. I definitely had some lag on my end, so I really had a hard time landing head shots. Guess I should keep some smg's on hand for laggy party games.
  14. How far into the game are you anyways? I traded myself a pair of lvl 1s I hatched (squirtle and torkoal to complement my snivy). Probably gonna trade myself some items too, like leftovers and lucky eggs.
  15. Time to brush the dust off this topic. B2- 4556 7838 9961
  16. If you didn't live quite so damn far away, we might have had a less laggy connection.Also, you wouldn't have been going to sleep after that we made it to Sanctuary.
  17. Gonna be a pain in the butt to update the OP but for easy reference of where my characters are at as of right now... 41- Assassin 15- Commando 15- Siren 9- Mechromancer 7- Gunzerker
  18. Between Col Mael Radec, Snake, and Cloud... I dunno who I'll try to main first.
  19. Doing some messing around and found a few small things out, which is odd since neither of these were mentioned on serebii that I could find: 1) for black and white, use the pw IGNPORYGON to get (what else?) a lvl 10 porygon. This one lasts only a few more days. Finally collected my Arceus from GL too. 2) If you do wifi mystery gift for BW2, you get a Genesect. So yeah, happy about this one.
  20. No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.

  21. playing BL2, trying out the new character. One of her skill trees is completely OP but it takes a lot of skill points to really get it going. And now that I have that gold key, I'm gonna be perfectionistic and wait till my Assassin hits the ceiling at lvl 50 to open the chest in Sanctuary so I can get the best loot i can get from it. Only like 8 or 9 more levels. ; Oh yeah, like I mentioned- grabbed Black2. And played barely any of it before I couldn't stay awake anymore. Sleep schedule is still skewed atm. So far, loving the music, and the rival type character seems pretty legit. I haven't bothered to read up on bw2, so whatever's new and stuff is gonna be a surprise. Which reminds me- what're the big differences between the two versions?
  22. A bit behind the times, but just got my copy of black2. =3

    1. Joker


      I get mine tomorrow. :c

    2. Maelstrom


      Dude, linked it with my b1 copy and just found the first flashback. QQ the music is so ... sad and wonderful. So I'm just sitting here listening to it.

    3. Joker


      We have to add each other once I get the game! And I wish I still had my Black version :I

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