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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Why can't anyone live in between? Where the weather is nice. Florida is too close to Georgia and thus it is too hot and muggy. But them beaches... Anyways, hi and welcome. I definitely prefer my favorites as well, so well met.
  2. I'm Zero, the assassin who survived an encounter with my former employer, who was really a dummy who blew up the train I was on. I somehow managed to survive and improved my situation by following a sexy AI's advice to follow and obey a hilariously crazy robot. I had to shoot my way through several giant abominable snow-man looking things. Also knock off my list of people to kill- boom boom, his big cannon, his midget brother, and their boss who kept lighting me on fire and delighted torturing my robot 'companion.' Fast-forward a few hours, and many dead bandits later, I saved Lilith. She's hot- literally and figuratively. Then she says her boyfriend is the resistance leader. Then she corrects herself and says ex-boyfriend. giggity. xD
  3. Yes back for good. Although I keep hearing that the unit will deploy again kinda soonish. I hope not. frack.
  4. Having fun with BL2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phoenix


      needs moar zero

    3. Cyrus


      Gunzerker is best class.

      If you don't think otherwise you don't enjoy fun.

    4. Maelstrom


      I like every class but the Gunzerker class. >>

  5. I missed ya'll too. Let the party begin!!!
  6. Well, it is well documented in history that the church sifted through all the stories and hand picked which writing and stories went into the bible, a concerted effort at controlling what people ended up believing to be divinity and truth. Ever heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Also, here is something about the history of christianity and other religions that bears some going over by everybody. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZgT1SRcrKE
  7. 144000 is just another random number from the bible. The bible is bad at things, like accuracy. That's all I'm referring to there. If I had homosexual parents, I'm pretty damn sure I wouldn't care if the care I received was the same. I was raised by a single parent anyways, so yeah. Rape is natural- competition for mates and resources is basic nature. By raping, males generally avoid competition and produce offspring anyhow, though males tend to safeguard their females and prevent this. http://www.nytimes.com/2000/01/15/books/what-provokes-a-rapist-to-rape-scientists-debate-notion-of-an-evolutionary-drive.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm BTW, Dr. Thornhill was my human sexuality class instructor. That book it mentions has long been published now and as distasteful as the idea is, rape has occurred very often in the history of humanity and other animals as well. Just because a thing is natural, doesn't by default make it good. This example proves this point perfectly. BTW, your jeans are evil because they aren't natural. Almost everything we encounter isn't natural. Do you think sidwalks are natural, that they just grow out of the ground for our convenience? Nearly everything in our everyday lives have been manipulated from the natural state of things to make them more beneficial to us. Jeans, computers, phones... like I said, just about everything. Polygamy- mulitple spouses, or multiple mates if you will, is quite common throughout nature and human history as well. Polygamy is found everywhere in the bible. Take my namesake Jacob, for example. He married his cousin Rachel as well as his sister, and if you really read the bible, biblical figures had many children by their wives and slaves and servants. If the old testament that Jesus pretty much died to nullify has no effect anymore, why is it still preserved and taught by the church? What is 'normal' is absolutely relative. It used to be normal for countries to go to war with swords, shields, axes, bows and arrows and rape and conquer and steal whatever wealth could be carried off. Is that normal now? Riding around in cars is pretty normal now. Didn't used to be. Normal is simply how often something is seen/done. And that is changing every day.
  8. So... you believe that people can't go to hell anymore ever since Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Interesting. Dude, you know nothing of "natural" if you can really say that relations with multiple people isn't natural, nor that the occurrence of transgender-ness and homosexuality isn't a natural occurrence. "Problems at home" almost exclusively being domestice violence and poverty, not simply the gender of their parents. You might think that, but there is no supporting evidence whatsoever that same sex parents are likelier to cause children they raise to become criminal or social problems of any sort. You might think we don't know much, but your viewpoint is actually quite limited. A lot of what you say are assumptions rather than anything based on fact in any way. The bible might mention 144,000, but it also says moses and many other figures lived to be multiple centuries old. Which is funny given how the lifespan for people was more like 50 years and shorter. Mother and Father? What are their traditional roles? Care giver and provider. Those are definitely not roles lilmited by gender.And what about single parents? Natural is the most piss-poor excuse for anything I've ever known. Did you know rape is a successful reproductive strategy? It's a natural phenomenon that occurs quite often in nature. Does that make it right? No, but it's still natural. I know they like to talk alot in sunday schools, and forgive me for being hostile, but you really need to get away from that single source of information. Fact checkers would have a field day with your post. /rant
  9. Went to Best Buy and found the first 12 episodes of P4 the anime, so I got it and guess what I'll be watching. There was also a Fate Stay Night movie thing so I got that out of sheer curiosity.
  10. But yeah, I'm back in the US and am capable of lurking the forums like everyone else. This should be fun.
  11. Full Metal Panic is what I've watched recently, as well as episodes of G Gundam Looking forward to eventually watching Gankutsuou again, which I order a while back from Amazon.
  12. I love that episode and I really like this song (which is why I ripped it from youtube for my ipod). It's so sad. Dunno why you used some repeating version instead of the one that appeared in Avatar: the last airbender.
  13. Gallade Edit: WTF, how did you ninja me with THE SAME POKEMON?!?!?!?! my mind is so full of f*** right now.
  14. See, even if I don't win I still get a prize. =P
  15. Bought new ps3 and 360 and the following: MW3 Borderlands2 Ico in the Mist + Shadow of the Colossus RE: Raccoon City Portal 2 Killzone 3 Dragon's Dogma, but probably gonna play Dragon's Dogma or borderlands 2 first.
  16. Tis very prettyful. Not pleased with the available options of which pokemon you can be.
  17. Looks like Gardevoir's girlfriends are trying to give her advice. Dunno if I can put a caption to this one...
  18. That would be convenient, wouldn't it? I'd rather keep on keeping on too, but that just isn't how it works. =( YOLO- which means I have shit to do. god and i really hate that meme too..
  19. Maelstrom


    Unbanned for finally posting on the forums.
  20. Oh, and what about that one chick that appeared out of nowhere? Lilith? Anyways, don't have any bibles handy to check through stuff. Can you elaborate? I mostly remember the bible makes all sorts of promises if only the faith is kept. So very mercenary. In the old testament, god promised kingdoms and power and prosperity and talks directly to people and there are angels everywhere. Where'd they go? This god is pretty interventionist.
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