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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Genwunners? What are they supposed to be? The hipsters of the pokemon franchise???

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    2. Skeleton


      That's stupid.. ._.

    3. Joker



    4. Godot


      Gen 1 wasn't entirly a pot of gold imo

  2. I thought we had one of these once upon a time... Anyways, what game(s) are you playing right now? I keep cycling out between Pkmn Rumble Blast and Tales of the Abyss for 3DS. Also, I sit and listen to the whole opening vid for ToA because it's surprisingly good. Guess it kinda figures since the game's magic system is based on a theory of sound and the vibrational signature of matter:
  3. Didn't you see pokemon the movie? Those bubbles don't just pop- they asplode!
  4. Maelstrom


    Banned because bomberman.
  5. People in the bible married into their own families. Just sayin.' Have you read the geneology stuff in Genesis and how the bible tries to make a big deal of it all. Did you know that through David, Jesus is royalty? Gave a little extra credence to the case that Jesus might have been a revolutionary, with some people mistaking his intent for his kingdom to be on earth. Anyways, the bible is full of stuff that is pretty crazy. There's a lot of kingdom and victory promising... Mostly in the old testament. I'm not a fan. New testament has a lot of good stuff, with a lot of good ethical references. Supposed to supercede most of the old testament stuff. Then there's the Koran, supposedly part 3 in the series if you're muslim, which has rules about jihad and stuff. Not exactly fair to lump 'em all together like that, but it's one perspective on these religions. I was bored and wired on caffeine one day after shift, so I was reading a king james bible that was lying around the room randomly.
  6. It is, in a manner of speaking. Conservation of mass and energy and all that. The circle of life is a tale of many stomachs; that which is eaten and becomes a part of another life, only to be eaten or die in turn, the materials broken down by exposure and microbial agents, altering the state of the materials to be used by larger and larger organisms again. Without death and destruction there is no room for new life and creation.
  7. Already forgiven and over with, if not forgotten. That isn't to say we're friends, but I'd like to think we've treated each other fairly since all that settled down. I have no ill will towards you whatsoever.
  8. Someone already posted the 'just met you' meme pic, but Kangaskhan hatching and having that baby in its pouch. In the show- flamethrower cancels out hydro pump so that neither attack hits. WTF is this? Gulpin. How do steelix appear in the wild if theyneed a steel coat and to be traded IOT evolve?
  9. That was probably as strange as it was difficult to read.
  10. Maelstrom


    Banned for talking about stealing stuff when I just had some important shit stolen from me. I'm pissed off.
  11. Don't look now, but Eternal Edge is OVER 9000!

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    2. Maelstrom


      Don't ask me, look at your profile and you'll see it.

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Oh, right, I was playing around with Admin stuff xD

    4. Godot


      Wait! His powerlevel is only 1006... go get him --Nappa-- Orca!

  12. About to break that round, 2300 post count.

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  13. [quote name='SF™ Inc.' timestamp='1347482424' post='41223'] I legitimately planned that for a while...but I scrapped the idea as I thought it too ridiculous. That and I'm saving the zombie stuff for another of my future projects. [/quote] Oh, so that was gonna be the secret to the land called 'Reborn?'
  14. What a Wonderful World in my pants.
  15. Not always a good thing because you just lost what you had built up but it provides an opportunity to do things differently.
  16. Ikaru looks like he has a RE Umbrella Badge. Does reborn have zombies?
  17. Well is that fire behind Fare or is it more a visual reference to FE's Radiant Dawn? And if they're going to give Kirby Dedede's hammer, it gives credence to whoever said it might just be one generic character to represent the whole series. Which is to say a lot of the males are pretty feminine anyways so they chose female. I found this on a random search result in google that lead to another forum talking about it: Then there's this link http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/09/its_nintendo_versus_sega_anime_style Which says their translator has that dude with the staff represents Tetris. Which is wierd because Tetris first came out on the Game Boy. And he agrees that Fare is fire emblem, which naturally has cavalry units. If it was F-Zero they probably woulda done something about his helmet or his falcon emblem.
  18. Same, does remind me of Fire Emblem armor. So maybe Titania? Fare ~ FiRE emblem in the same way Saroid= SAmus + MetROID. Lucas is the blond EB character, but I know next to nothing about his EB game, just the one with Ness. Do Mr. Saturns reappear in Lucas's game? Maybe he represents both characters in one? And I just noticed the bow on the head, so it's actually a Mrs. Saturn. Opul does seem like a female Knuckles, based on the color and the punching pose. Who the heck is Blaze??? Carvai probably is Kirby, but with Iconic Dedede weapon, to give obligatory weapon and more fully represent the series. And as for Ramses and the crystals around her, didn you need to do something with 7 crystals in the LoZ series??? So... is it just Sega vs Nintendo? Will they be rival nations until Microsoft and Sony invade, forcing Nintendo and Sega lands to unite against them? =P
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