Kimi Ni Aeru Kisetsu, by Hanaboy
The song is sad, and I can't find the lyrics for it... But anyways, I discovered this song as it was featured in this video (a link given by another fan of the Godzilla series who posts up his amazing fanart on DA). This is a japanese monster movie that was never released and is based on Ray Bradbury's short story, The Fog Horn. A sea monster, the last of its kind, is drawn to a light house because the fog horn sounds like another of its kind. Infuriated at the lighthouse's lack of response, it destroys the lighthouse when the horn is turned off. One can imagine the terrible loneliness...
And because this is reborn...
"Many years later the idea set down in this story was used in one of the early episodes of the TV series "Pokemon", in which the owner of a lighthouse uses the horn and a recording to call a Dragonite to his tower."
Oh, and this literary master recently passed away too. Q.Q
and then that reminds me of this, which is pretty much the song for Gamera: The Brave, another but rather new Godzilla style monster movie.
Eternal Love- Mink