I'm an atheist well, technically an agnostic, de facto atheist because technically it is impossible to disprove the existence of god. But I'm %100 convinced god doesn't exist so it's faster, easier to say atheist
Well, aside from agreeing with Hark's view that religion is man's attempt to give his life and existence purpose, I also view it as a means of controlling the masses. It is and has been used as a tool to forge conformity- a unity of belief for the masses. Morals and ethics do exist without religion to proffer a reward or punishment for those who do/do not adhere to the relition's rules. It is also a nice psychological security blanket that lets people delude themselves into believing that have control over things they do not. Humans have prayed to god for rain, money, power, health... everthing anyone has ever desired. It gives people comfort to believe that silly rituals will actually grant them their desires. As George Carlin said, what is god's ultimate plan worth if any shmuck with a 2 dollar prayer book can mess up his plans?
Wolf- heh, it's ok Wolf. Forced spirituality based on tradition/habit/command I think would be worth less spiritually than that which was willingly undertaken. There is that fine theological line between doing shit just to prove how much or that you DO believe to yourself/ other people and doing things simply BECAUSE you believe.
Even if there was a god (and it depends on how you define it), I wouldn't believe it worth worshipping or as completely benevolent, nor use it as my moral compass.
Hark- I don't know if any of those Nords frequent this place, nor do I know a reason for them to ignore/ not read in this topic based on the title.