Trainer Name: Jake
Trainer Class: Swimmer
Battle Start:Nothing like the freedom of motion you get when you can swim.
Battle End: You should really give your pokemon a break and try swimming sometimes.
Team: Sharpedo, Relicanth, Gyarados, Feraligatr, Carracosta/Slowbro, Blastoise.
Trainer Name: Mael / JD
Trainer Class: Team Magma Grunt (modified?)
Team: Aerodactyl, Torkoal, Galvantula, Alakazam, Lucario, Feraligatr
Battle Start: Everything depends on everything else. What hand has fate dealt you?
Battle End: Very good- there is Life in those eyes. Take these in remembrance of the spirit that forges destiny and defies fate.
Received after battle: Lucky Egg, Squirtle lvl 1 (Mirror Coat, Scald, Ice Beam, HP Dark).