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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Hmm... there is wisdom to those words. I'd have to notice that I'd accumulated that many. I really need a new converter so I can charge up and play my 3DS.
  2. Having only 20 minutes at a time to go into the tiny computer lab to check in on this place. )=
  3. I see 3 walls and 3 attackers. The attackers are all pretty straightforward. As for the walls, their movesets speak for themselves. Murkrow can only toxic and stall things to death. And as for spiritomb, doesn't rest end up resetting stat changes?
  4. Advertising already, 'Neo'? =P Well, it's nice to meet a southern girl. Charmed, I'm sure. I like cats and I like girls, but sometimes they don't mix well
  5. *Picks up leftovers from the ground* Eww... *pokemon munches leftovers anyways*
  6. You who I have yet to see. You who I do not know where you are. Are my prayers reaching you? Please listen! There is nothing more I can do but rely on you. Right now, the borders of the world are collapsing. We were foolish. We didn't catch on to such a trap... It's here! But I can't leave my injured friends behind. You, who listened to my prayers. You, who I have yet to meet. If there is still time, save the world and everyone! Please! As a warrior of Light. Pretty epic, no? 1. Can't wait for this to come out. 2. This would make a great start to your own original story. Which I just might end up doing. Maybe what you do in dreams matters somewhere else?
  7. Turn those 50 escape ropes into any level of Repel and we'd have ourselves a real winner.
  8. I think I still need to beat Red on my HGSS. I've done just about everything but beat red and the e4 for a second time and my team is definitely too low for Red just yet.
  9. Hi, and welcome. It's not that often we see australians on here besides Winter.
  10. Barely changed any answers. =/ [url=http://www.dragonflycave.com/newpay.aspx][img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/weavile.gif[/img][/url]
  11. [quote name='SF™ Inc.' timestamp='1331605759' post='27862'] You'll find out what happened at that scene soon enough [s]after some filler stories.[/s] [/quote] I blame Naruto for this.
  12. Ika and his costume reminds me of that one cosole coluseum that had you cleanse pokemon of some darkness. I never finished that game. Oh yeah.... how did Will survive? Blood loss resulting from arm loss is... fast. *watches as Nurse [s]Frankenstein[/s] Joy transplants ambipom tail to Will's shoulder*
  13. 27. Bidoof is everyones HM slave. No exceptions.
  14. Sometimes my dreams feel like a sequel. Like I'm returning to a world I visited before and had battles and epic victories and adventures. And yeah, I usually get the girl.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amethyst


      Then I want to switch permanently.

    3. Maelstrom


      7DS- I was definitely thinking something like that. Or like being summoned to a different world. I'm thinking of it as making it more of a story than as a legit theory. Or like quantum leap, lol.

    4. Maelstrom


      Ame- I'd be jumping back and forth between lotsa dream worlds! Hmm, I may have to make a topic of this.

  15. I had a dream the other night that Ame and I were at the beach. He was on a raft and I was swimming next to it but we were only 10 ft off shore but the water was already 10 ft deep and clear with no waves. Ame watched as I tugged on the tail of a small shark that was passing by, which reacted by jerking its tail and swimming away faster. Ame said he wanted to do that the last time he was here with a friend but didn't because he wasn't sure how it would react (I think he thought it would turn quickly and try to bite its tail free). I just laughed and told him that I pulled a shark's tail like that the last time I was here and it did the same thing. Then I remembered I was afraid of sharks and that while I was at the surface talking to Ame I couldn't watch if anymore sharks were approaching. So we agreed it was good idea for us to go back to shore. @_@
  16. Lol, I've been meaning to raise a pokemon that has Pick-up. Can't it pick up rare tm's in addition to gold nuggets and stuff?
  17. List of things I WISH I could do: Fly Read Minds Telekinesis A kamehameha Teleport remember everything perfectly or at least dreams and cherished memories. Time has torn some holes in more than a few. Q.Q Become young(er) again Live... not forever, but for as long as I choose to. There is much to be done! Have elemental powers play violin and piano, as well as write music. draw things exactly as I envision them in my mind. Find the perfect job, with that perfect balance of money and free time and location.
  18. I wish they hadn't make it take forever for meowth to learn payday. I used to roll around and payday things to death with my amulet coin meowth.
  19. In any case, tell us more about yourself. Grief isn't the whole of you, you know.
  20. In phazer speak: LOL, -1. Watch it, mister.
  21. Seriously excited because they built a Buffalo Wild Wings back in Alaska. Can't wait for deployment to end.

    1. Neo


      I love Buffalo Wild Wings. I get a little crown every time I go. << >>

  22. I need a cape and a big, golden magical sword and epic wave-in-the-wind headband with old school leather boots and clothing (jerkins?) for Ike. or tacical gear, gloves, cargo pants, atheletic fit tee, and earpiece for this: Also Inuki, I'm not sure what to think about that. 0.0;
  23. 20. A pokemon OHKO'd by a water move drowned.
  24. Things that would be fun to do before I died but I wouldn't be heartbroken if they didn't happen: Go to Europe. Appear on a gameshow. Appear on a 'reality' TV show. (actually, i'd be too self-conscious to be on tv with everyone watching every move I make) Better yet, appear on Ninja Warrior or MXC. xD Learn how to dance. Meet irl with (more) people I know from online- well, I think I would be a little heartbroken about that. I've only met Saya so far. Publish a book or some short stories. Chill out with someone famous. Cosplay. Things I should definitely do before I die: Write an autobiography, even if nobody will get to read it but me. Visit Japan. Visit Australia. Go to a famous water park, like the Schlitterbaun (sp?). Get a GOOD camera and take pictures of everything. Spawn more overlords. Work as a bartender. Construct additional pylons.
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