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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Haha, if you're excited instead of being afraid of things going wrong and messing things up, then all is right in your world. Good luck and congrats!
  2. Really, Hark, I enjoy the way you put so much more into the daily things. Me, I can be somewhere and be completely unaffected by any number of things that would irk the shit out of anybody else. They're all so either so insignificantly mundane or inconsequential as to be beneath my notice (slow to anger, but also slow to feel anything). The way you know your shirt is on you but don't really pay attention to the sensation of it rubbing against you as you move throughout the day. But you remind me every day that there's all sort of amusing shit if you stop to pay attention to it or look at it in a different light. My usual business is serious business and observing monk-like restraint. I'd like to be more like you and Ame (yes, Ame, I read the blog you write); stop and look at things with more than a superficial notation of its existence. The only way I figure I can do that is to let go. Reading your steam of consciousness makes me realize my consciousness is rarely a stream. My consciousness is a stream that's been dammed up. There's no flair, no creativeness. Too concerned with the practical. When it isn't daydreaming some foolish fantasy. I'm the guy who replies that nothing happened when he comes back from someplace and then his buddy who went with him tells the whole story and reminds him of all the things they actually did on their trip. So yeah, keep it coming, Hark.
  3. Hai person who was around here during the times I was not. May we cease to miss each other.
  4. my version is more like this: when I'm listening to the radio when i'm driving and an awesome song that I haven't heard in forever pops up and I decide you want this. But then another song comes on and I get into it and it drives the first song out of my head and i forget it. Normally I text myself the name/lyrics so I can look it up and buy it later, but I can't do it legally while driving.
  5. Lol, I ended up writing something nearly that long earlier today when I was supposed to be working. Inspired by two songs that were inspired by MLP, of all things. 0.0 It's on my to-do list to type it out and flesh it out. Also on my to-do list is to read this in its entirety.
  6. Can we get a summary so we know what we're about to dive into here?
  7. Torkoal is such a boss (except against spc attacks). It's just kind of a shame it doesn't learn EQ naturally (breed, TM). Oh well, Curse the daylights out of it, quick claw, and steamroll through.
  8. Not the meowth! Save good pokemon, kill a pikachu!
  9. It probably has gotten real old by now but I still feel compelled to advise you of its other nickname: the flaming poo-flinger.
  10. His Infernal Majesty vs His Ephemeral Majesty. Who wins? Maybe the online betting bot will give you the odds.

    1. Godot


      wait... what? ha ha

  11. Oh look, I've been obtained. Now I'm curious as to what your actual team is.
  12. Accelegor cuz gusting cloaks.
  13. I feel that's rather lazy on our part if we do that. It makes perfect sense to do that to someone who has been here long enough to know better, but for a brand new person coming in... it strikes me as a little demanding that you want them to read all the rules right off the back. For the most part, many rules are common but reading through everything auth has to say about each particular rule and all that is NOT what I do if I jump into some place new. I'd test out the waters and gauge the activity and atmosphere before I'd settle in and read the rules. It's like reading the whole user agreement before clicking "I accept." Who does that? I'd let the server or forum prove itself to me as being worth my time before I bother looking at the red tape, not the other way around. The idea that you have to put in this much effort to just to be new here doesn't sit right with me. Again, I believe it is better to explain the nuances to newer people than to make them sit down and read through everything right off the bat. Give 'em a little what's what and then /rule 'em. They'll be more receptive to reading the other rules if you let 'em know something isn't kosher and that there may be other things they need to keep in mind that are different from the average server. This will have them reading everything, hunting for the details that make us different. mind ninja We are not the average server. It is up to each of us to help keep it that way and let others know what kind of standards we keep. I say, break 'em in gently.
  14. Lol, I jelly. Bring on the proliferatin' vampires so I can steal yo best stuff in 3 or 4 turns. Did you actually pull that from a booster or a fat pack? That reminds me, I gotta pm you some stuff when I get the chance. Ikaru- Focus you must, young padawan. Also that place is so green...
  15. Random visit to DA to find comments on my stuff makes me want to revamp ALL OF IT. Oh, the things you learn as time goes by.

  16. So, reborn is it's own city-state then... Also, is it supposed to be Burned Beach or is Burneed correct??
  17. This screams Gurren Laggan crossover art.
  18. Noob trainers on this motherf***ing train. ^~^;
  19. I read your ramblings all the time. Because it always amuses me. =P
  20. The respected whisper- and the crowds quiet to hear their words. Fools will shout and yell because they would be ignored otherwise.

    1. Godot


      what is that from?

  21. Good and bad are relative. Relative to how the consequences affect you, and relative to how the consequences affect others. That is how we define 'good' or 'bad.' Everyone has to make a balance between themselves and other people. And so, one could say capitalism tips the scale in favor of the individual, where idealistic socialism is tipped in favor of the multitudes. There is no black and white moral to it, good or bad. They are simply different based on the particular order of priorities.
  22. Yep, didn't notice Phazer judgin'. =/
  23. My favorite is Albert Einstein VS Stephen Hawking. Which is what I would be listening to now if I could.
  24. I agree that mini-mods can get annoying. What is especially annoying for me to see is people throwing out rule numbers as if that explains everything. Which it does, but is an extremely brusque way of telling people they're doing something we frown upon. Seriously guys, think of it like this: Cop A pulls over a person for speeding. It's just a warning, so he explains that, "Hey, you were going over the limit here so we'd like you to slow down because we have lots of children playing in the streets around here and really, maybe you should slow down and enjoy the view. Have a nice day." Cop B pulls over a person for speeding and says, "That's the speed limit" and points to the speed limit sign down the road and glares at the driver. This is also just a warning. Which cop would you respond to favorably? Does one just MAKE you want to rub infractions in the auth's face? In between the lines of Cop A's speech is a calm rationality that says "look, you're new here so I understand but that's not how we like things done around here. It's not a big deal (yet) but try to keep it in mind." He's in control and doesn't make things personal and is willing to gently work with the person to correct things. Now Cop B, on the other hand. His approach is a bit like a slap in the face, "You're doing shit wrong and breaking the rules. Fix it now." This is very confrontational and implies purposeful rule-breaking on the part of the offender and explicit blame for such infractions. This is a rigid, hard-line stance that implies zero amount of tolerance or understanding for this behavior and really, who would like to see this jerk again? The 'offender' will likely take it personally and get angry, and perhaps flaunt the rules to spite the authy or get defensive and argumentative- none of which is conducive to the atmosphere we'd like to foster here in Reborn. I've seen this a lot from both mods and regular members and I don't like it. There's a lot to be said about HOW you approach someone engaged in prohibited behavior. If you remember seeing me speak on behalf on someone who's been muted, kicked, Geo, or telling people to chill out, it is because I disagreed with the way the situation was handled and have probably managed to have a more meaningful conversation with the offender in a side chat. Seriously guys, do MORE than simply throw a rule number at people. Maybe one day I will get off my lazy posterior and write a guide to authoritative etiquette, but I'll simply leave these examples here for you to ponder in the meantime. If you really need more examples, Ame is a study of deft effective authority.
  25. John, I can't be jelly until I know what that card is. But I'm at default jelly-ness just because I know it's a planeswalker---- wait... is that... Sorin?!
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