I agree that mini-mods can get annoying.
What is especially annoying for me to see is people throwing out rule numbers as if that explains everything. Which it does, but is an extremely brusque way of telling people they're doing something we frown upon.
Seriously guys, think of it like this: Cop A pulls over a person for speeding. It's just a warning, so he explains that, "Hey, you were going over the limit here so we'd like you to slow down because we have lots of children playing in the streets around here and really, maybe you should slow down and enjoy the view. Have a nice day."
Cop B pulls over a person for speeding and says, "That's the speed limit" and points to the speed limit sign down the road and glares at the driver. This is also just a warning.
Which cop would you respond to favorably? Does one just MAKE you want to rub infractions in the auth's face?
In between the lines of Cop A's speech is a calm rationality that says "look, you're new here so I understand but that's not how we like things done around here. It's not a big deal (yet) but try to keep it in mind." He's in control and doesn't make things personal and is willing to gently work with the person to correct things.
Now Cop B, on the other hand. His approach is a bit like a slap in the face, "You're doing shit wrong and breaking the rules. Fix it now." This is very confrontational and implies purposeful rule-breaking on the part of the offender and explicit blame for such infractions. This is a rigid, hard-line stance that implies zero amount of tolerance or understanding for this behavior and really, who would like to see this jerk again? The 'offender' will likely take it personally and get angry, and perhaps flaunt the rules to spite the authy or get defensive and argumentative- none of which is conducive to the atmosphere we'd like to foster here in Reborn.
I've seen this a lot from both mods and regular members and I don't like it. There's a lot to be said about HOW you approach someone engaged in prohibited behavior. If you remember seeing me speak on behalf on someone who's been muted, kicked, Geo, or telling people to chill out, it is because I disagreed with the way the situation was handled and have probably managed to have a more meaningful conversation with the offender in a side chat. Seriously guys, do MORE than simply throw a rule number at people.
Maybe one day I will get off my lazy posterior and write a guide to authoritative etiquette, but I'll simply leave these examples here for you to ponder in the meantime. If you really need more examples, Ame is a study of deft effective authority.