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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Welcome to this shady place we call reborn.
  2. You whipper-snappers, stretching my page and doing donuts on mah lawn!
  3. Haunter cuz so slim and so shady.
  4. Barry or Montague. or... IDK. Why are you doing an oc that's a pony but really a unicorn who's emo again?
  5. christians. evolution. they don't believe in it nor in global warming
  6. Nidorino: The compensating-for-something pokemon.
  7. You can but the world suddenly runs out of bagels. I wish I could breathe fire like a dragon.
  8. Lol, that's totally fine by me and totally awesome on your part. And here's some copy-pasta about exactly that, which I put up for my family on FB.
  9. Well son, pokemon is old as the hills and so are we. Hell, I used to ride wild aerodactyl as a kid and herd wild cranidos with the pa, but before I got my trainer's liscence I had go up the hill to school in the snow- both ways. Infernal abomasnow migrations... Now i'm retired and live off the fat of land, selling moo moo milk all 'round the country and run a small chain of Tauros Steakhouses. Let me tell ya boy, respect your elders!
  10. Some people say there's no morality without religion. If anything, you have true morality without religion. With religion, there is only a set of rules you must follow, supported only by an appeal to a vague authority whose morality you can never fully comprehend. "because the dude upstairs said so." Without religion, you discard this weak appeal and begin to look at what morals people have and why they choose to follow them. Why do we have them? What purpose does this serve? What are the alternatives, what are the drawbacks? Where did this come from. Who said that? What is the context? Here, we begin to have understanding instead of merely institutionalized tradition. I don't believe in a religion, so I suppose I don't believe in 'morals' so to speak. But I do *believe* in consequences. EVERY action has one. Discuss: Do you agree or disagree? Why? Comments, examples, etc? *for lack of a better word
  11. Added to list of things I want to learn: how to friggin dance. I'm like the tin man, oiled joints not included. Adult beverages do the trick, but I'd rather not rely on that... List of words and phrases that describe me, with bolded words being more prominent, I guess: Solid reserves judgement tough love confident easygoing bastard skeptical atheist scientist without goals or plans slow to anger needs to let go of the past
  12. Mienshao cuz asian battle master. xD
  13. Nidoran-F : the other pipsqueak.
  14. For a thousand years I've waited here for you Waiting every night For I thought you were the answer to my life Days turned into years and into centuries Patience had to fade Don't you see that there is vengeance in my eyes? - Not gonna lie, Luna is badass too.

    1. Voctrode
    2. Maelstrom


      That you did. Which is the only reason I listened to it in the first place. Good thing these songs are free podcasts on itunes. =3

  15. Maelstrom


    It gives me ultimate class. =P Not everyone can wield every element. Banned for not finding more djinn for me.
  16. College is no obstacle, trust me. Especially the first two years. High school was more demanding. Once you've got your schedule and stuff figured out, come on back.
  17. Alakazam for offensive core: +Spd/-Atk or +SpA/-Atk 252 Spd, 252 SpA, 4 Spc Def Trait: Magic Guard Item: Life Orb Psychic Shadow Ball Focus Blast Wild Card move (Encore, Disable, Charge Beam, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Psyshock, taunt) Definitely an offensive finisher. This thing has amazing power and speed on it's own. Then give it the ability to use life orb without repercussion and this thing is lethal. It's ability also allows it to ignore damage from weather, hazards, burn, and poison so you can switch this into any hazard and nearly any wall that's trying to set up- which is perfect for bringing in late game and sweeping the house. It's first three moves give it all sorts of coverage and the 4th move is really up to personal preference. Encore and Disable both work to wreck someone trying to set up. Encore is pro for movelocking pokemon in non-damaging moves so that they either have to switch out or flat out eat a loss. Disable is great for shutting down scarves, bands, etc, and pokemon that set up and/or generally only use one attack move and the go-to counter for toxicroak's sucker punch. Energy ball is for more type coverage. Charge beam is good for finishing weakened pokemon while boosting your already incredible SpA to help make sure it ohko's whatever they try to match it up with next. Used less often is the Lum/synchronize alakazam that counters gimping stallers with their own medicine while coming out it just healthy. Probably best paired with Disable so it doesn't simply try again (if you're expecting the foe to actually survive a hit). Sporeloom has nightmares of this Kazam.
  18. Updating: Regular Team: Blastoise- For pure awesomeness. Surfing, diving, rain dancing, winning. Alakazam- Pure power, and she'd allow me to psychically communicate with my pokemon. Also, screw flying, I can teleport *puts on shades* Torkoal- Tank with powah. Also, impromptu steam room machine- just add water in enclosed space. Gengar- For mischievousness and to exemplify my darker side. Fun with shadows. >:3 Umbreon- my other night stalker and tank. Machamp- for smashing faces in, particularly team Rocket and other thugs. Sparring partner. In Reserves: Feraligatr- Power and Intimidation factor. Aggron- Power and Intimidation factor. Sharpedo- Speed and Intimidation factor. Dragonair- Makes the weather channel guy wrong and for elegant power. Chick magnet. Mewtwo- for when I'm angry and everything/everyone needs to be destroyed.
  19. Mewtwo. But also,all my turtles, but Blastoise first and foremost and Torkoal second.
  20. WTFsauce, I'm disappointed. If that's all they have to offer after all this time, I quit.
  21. Lol. Why are all the awesome girls taken? Cuz derp. I met this one girl who was amazing to talk to when I first arrived to Alaska. But it turns out she was engaged to some guy stationed in Germany at the time. Still, all my best conversations seem to be with married women. No stress, no expectations, just a good time.
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