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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. [quote name='Amethyst' timestamp='1329674038' post='25569'] I'm pretty sure Dunsparce is a way more emo answer than Absol. [/quote] Choosing Derpsparce is like a scream for help. xD
  2. Re-word skydiving to: Jumping out a perfectly good airplane in mid-flight. AND NOT DIE. And I had a friend post a video of himself going through a drive through riding a stick horse on youtube. It was for a class project of ours. Fun times. Can't really think of anything to add, other than some things I know others have put on a list like this: get kissed in the rain, meditate at the base of a waterfall, go scuba diving at a reef or wreckage, go deep-sea fishing and a land a big one, 'rassle a crocodile, appear on a game show, eat something while it's still alive, learn an instrument.
  3. I was first introduced to pokemon by Ninteno Power. It came out as a preview and a mini comic insert for several months before the game was actually released. I saw Blastoise and I was interested immediately. Favorite color is blue, element is water, favorite animal is the turtle, so yeah- good combination. I read about the game and all the articles in each Nintendo Power and got Blue version when it came out. So yeah, been playing just about every game since then. The only games I never played/owned are Crystal and Emerald. And one of the console coluseum type ones. Gale I think. Anyway, yeah. I've been around Reborn since its creation as Poke-Place, if not quite a part of its inception.
  4. I hear ya. My cousin, who's a manager, was talking about how hard it is to find good help. Like one guy had great interview but the past work references said he was not rehirable because he was ALWAYS late, etc, etc. She interviewed 12 people, called back 6, and of those only 1 seems legit good. The same poor ethics they show in school are totally showing up in their work ethics and then they wonder why they can't get the job they want. Bad attitudes, incompetence, burnt bridges... Lol, not me though. I went to my old work place and my old boss gave me food for free (it's a food chain). I loved working there.
  5. Show up to anime club out of the blue in time for Brawl tournament. I win first place, Wolf snags 2nd. CUZ THAT'S HOW WE ROLL.

    1. Cyrus




    2. Godot


      ... fucking lucas... my ninja skillz only took me so far...

    3. Kiozo
  6. Hi Genova, I think you'll fit in just fine. Welcome to the ranks. Don't mind me though, I'm no one important.
  7. I'm rolling 'cholo' style, so I've got the goatee+beard thing going now, plus the obligatory gold chain on my neck over a black wifebeater. Don't worry, I don't have a wife to bea- *is shot* Too bad the barber messed up my haircut or I'd take and post a picture on facebook.
  8. Sup dude. You won't see me on the server after this week, but I'll be here on the forums. Welcome to the padded house Reborn.
  9. There are famous beaches in Japan too. I mean, like Australia, it IS an ISLAND NATION. Asian girls in bikini's vs australian girls in bikinis. seems like a win-win either way.
  10. Maelstrom


    Most of the answers are in the league rules and registration topic. Others are scattered around in other topics. Right now we're just consolidating all the trivialities important stuff ya'll wanna know. The Oracle answer topic will be up soon, I'm sure.
  11. See ya Owen. Me > 'the Gang.' Just you wait till I return to the server. I kept hearing references to the gang while I was on but it seemed like much ado over nothing.
  12. Hai gai. Nice to see you join the forum too.
  13. Maelstrom


    Banned for letting Marth beat you, even it was just for fun! *Monkey smashes Marth*
  14. Congrats, Edge, Cyrus, and Phoenix. Well, with the influx of new members, I'm sure the Ace club is more exclusive than it seems at first. Ame, you sly fox you. Well played.
  15. Speaking of minish cap, they made it a free download for the 3DS. Haven't touched it yet though. I'll play the free Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones first.
  16. I'm still at my upload quota, so my one new picture of me in my uniform is on my facebook.
  17. It gives you a random amount, apparently, but I don't know what the highest possible amount you could get is.
  18. Weak attack is still weak, and still onl 50% chance of def decrease. In the meantime, SE and Ice beam are looking for OHKO's to trade for a soft rock smash hit. Tornadus doesn't have the defenses to sit there and take a SE STAB from anything with decent offenses. HP fighting has greater base power and benefits from Tornadus's greater Spc Atk Stat. A rock/steel type pokemon is pretty much garanteed to have the physical defenses to shrug off a rock smash (while often having terrible spc def that leaves it further vulnerable to Hidden Power) and ice types like walreign have the bulk to do the same.
  19. Well, yours does behave better. XD
  20. You get 3 lollipops, but an educated owl has found the center of all 3 tootsie rolls. Also, he had bird flu, so good luck with that. I wish for a better lunch than this mexican pizza that someone gave me because she didn't want it. It's cold.
  21. 1,298. No artificial inflation either.
  22. We can. Welcome to the group.
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