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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Except that rock smash has terrible power and the oppoent will reward such leniency with pain. Anyways, good luck. Prepare to surrender your beloved ubers to challenge the league. Your might will be tested. Will you be found worhty?
  2. Duh. The power of water is often underestimated. No more!
  3. If I made a video game of my life or a video game in general, this would be the soundtrack: Homecoming Of stone and steel (angry theme) This Path I Choose (righteous theme) Coursing Life (battle theme) Critical Hit! (Urgent Battle theme) Song of Tears Nostalgia This Mortal Coil (enemy theme) Darkness Holds the Answer (battle theme) I have more but I forget what they are, I have to find the piece of paper I wrote them on.
  4. Undefeated tonight. I'm lovin' it..

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    1. Maelstrom


      I'm no legend, but I'm not to be trifled with either.

  5. You do but skynet has taken over and there are no other humans around. I wish I could go back in time and apply what I know now.
  6. * Went thru all of pokemon tcg with a squritle, wartortle, blastoise only deck. What now?*
  7. I fail to see the attraction. -50 pts for griffindor.
  8. Plz do Ame, such devotion should not go unrewarded.
  9. Maelstrom


    I remember a time when I couldn't get up in the morning, but bacon was the turning point. Ask Wolf if you need to, but bacon is delicious.
  10. Hello, enjoy your stay. You will be watched and judged by what you say and what you do. If you don't like that, join another reality because what you do and say has consequences.
  11. I'm on leave, but people don't want me to get serious. Veterans know newbies don't want a confrontation with me. But I'll look forward to it cuz it gives me something to do. You wouldn't post this if this wasn't getting a little out of hand, Ame. Let's hope this spells things out for those who haven't gotten the gist yet. Remember. One day my deployment will end, and I will be back in full force. I don't ban, I don't kick, I don't mute. I can't. But I will let you know wtf is up. I WILL talk to you. And I will have a good day. It's up to you if you do too.
  12. The wet hair look is better methinks, slut. And that is one pretty lady for someone's homecoming. Nice job. Inuki, you remind me of Ikaru with that hair that way.
  13. Didn't realize she was dead. 0.0 Her doing drugs doesn't detract from anything, except maybe her quality of life. I dislike conservative propaganda at work. >>
  14. Had a dream about the one girl I was in love with for all the right reasons but was too immature to understand it at the time. Valentine's day being near had nothing to do with it or my state of mind either, I swear, but it's gonna mess with my head for a while. Plus I'm pretty I've long since ceased to cross her mind. How time flies an illuminates each and every mistake you make... Btw, thanks, Edge, Winter, and Hark.
  15. Happy Birthday Rodaku! Or would you prefer a mediocre one? I can make that happen you know.
  16. It's a good thing that mess he calls his hair can stop bullets. Which is why he keeps it like that.
  17. Granted, you're still an ass. I wish I had the Drizzle ability so I can rain people's flareon's parades.
  18. If you don't know which pokemon to name after me, you're dead to me Ame.
  19. Granted, but it turns out 'Gaben' is someone's pet rock. I wish for some Cold Stone Ice Cream.
  20. Name a Torkoal after me. Or a sharpedo.
  21. Hai. *is forum lurker*
  22. Maelstrom


    Welcome to the hell hole. BBQ is out back, out front, out everywhere. Everything be cooking here.
  23. *equips allan with extra coat* trades allan to other side of the city. *allan is evolving!* Allan evolved into uber hoodrat, cold-weather form. *Maelstrom wants to trade back* evolution trade complete
  24. I almost miss the days when morals were black and white. But I don't. But you know what still stands? THE BRO-CODE. I'm in the army, and thus surrounded by conservatives/republicans. It's hard to keep my mouth shut, but I do. >>
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