Long overdue update- I was pretty busy leveling and raising pokemon before I got deployed [s]and skyrim[/s]. Oh, and let's not forget imports from my other games.
*Opens up 3DS*
Charizard- "Blaze", lvl 82, imported at lvl 64
Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse
Bisharp "X Blade" lvl 90
False Swipe, Brick Break, Night Slash, Iron Head
Archeops, "Gaap" (trade from someone on reborn server one day, already lvl 60 or so) lvl 89
EQ, Rock slide, Shadow Claw, Fly
Kingler lvl 39, Tauros lvl 36, Pupitar lvl 52
[^ pokemon currently in party]
Now, for PC
Mewtwo lvl 88
Ice Beam, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Psychic
Kyurem, "Everest" lvl 75
Sceptile, "Trent"- lvl 84 (raised from lvl 5)
SD, Rock Slide, EQ, Leaf Blade
Blastoise- lvl 99 (transfer from little bro's fire red)
EQ, Rock Slide, Waterfall, Ice Beam
Serperior, "Lilith"- lvl 67
Aerial Ace, Coil, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance
the lvl 70 volcarona you can catch
Galvantula- lvl 68
Thunder, Bug Buzz, Charge Beam, Energy Ball
Carracosta, "Midas"- lvl 71
Waterfall, Stone Edge, Crunch, Shell Smash
Jolteon, lvl 64
Nidoking- lvl 56 (transfer from bro's game)
Megahorn, Rock Slide, Brick Break, EQ
Venusaur, "Leaf"- lvl 65 (transfer from bro)
EQ, Energy Ball, Leach Seed, Sleep Powder
Dragonite- lvl 62
Extreme Speed, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush
Gyarados- lvl 85
Waterfall, Ice Fang, EQ, Dragon Dance
Typhlosian- lvl 77 (transfer from friend)
Lava Plume, Eruption, Flamethrower, Shadow Claw
Hitmonchan, "Jackie"- lvl 85
Sky Uppercut, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch
Other notables:
lvl 31 Korean spiritomb
Shiny Garbodor I caught cuz holy shit, I found a shiny pokemon.
lvl 27 Espeon, Japanese, Magic Bounce, Mild, [calm mind, psychic, baton pass, substitute]
lvl 36 blastoise
lvl 32 sharpedo
lvl 57 ho-oh
event celebii, entei
zorua, zoruark
lvl 43 Golurk, iron fist
lvl 57 Bastiodon
lvl 50 Electivire
lvl 48 Haxorus
lvl 50 articuno x2
44 Omastar
42 Rhydon
50 Snorlax, "Yokozuna" from HG.
other evolved pokemon, DW ability pokemon.