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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Clefable > Deoxys in space. And no one will have seen it coming
  2. If I get tired of swimming, I'll just grow gills. Granted, but it turns out a technicality disqualifies your victories. I wish the ocean wasn't so scary.
  3. Indoors (blackout)/ Unlit Cave
  4. Q.Q MFW some dude who is not in Afghanistan received my request to go to Japan Jan 16 and didn't do anything with it so now I can't go to Japan. So, let's count the ways this guy screwed me over. 1. Free round trip ticket to Japan. You have to get deployed to a warzone to get the army to pay for plane tickets. Is that guy gonna reimburse me my plane ticket if I decide to go to Japan after the deployment? No. FU, shitbag. 2. Even cancelling ahead of time, the hotel will charge me 1 night's stay as cancellation fee. 3. It's way too early in the deployment so that going home won't be that big a deal for me. Whoever gets the early leave is shafted because they come back to big block of deployment left to go. The only thing that would have made it worth it is to go somewhere awesome, somewhere different. Seriously, fuck this guy.
  5. Wish granted, but the neighbor's dog eats it. I wish for more rain.
  6. Long overdue update- I was pretty busy leveling and raising pokemon before I got deployed [s]and skyrim[/s]. Oh, and let's not forget imports from my other games. *Opens up 3DS* Charizard- "Blaze", lvl 82, imported at lvl 64 Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse Bisharp "X Blade" lvl 90 False Swipe, Brick Break, Night Slash, Iron Head Archeops, "Gaap" (trade from someone on reborn server one day, already lvl 60 or so) lvl 89 EQ, Rock slide, Shadow Claw, Fly Kingler lvl 39, Tauros lvl 36, Pupitar lvl 52 [^ pokemon currently in party] Now, for PC Mewtwo lvl 88 Ice Beam, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Psychic Kyurem, "Everest" lvl 75 Sceptile, "Trent"- lvl 84 (raised from lvl 5) SD, Rock Slide, EQ, Leaf Blade Blastoise- lvl 99 (transfer from little bro's fire red) EQ, Rock Slide, Waterfall, Ice Beam Serperior, "Lilith"- lvl 67 Aerial Ace, Coil, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance the lvl 70 volcarona you can catch Galvantula- lvl 68 Thunder, Bug Buzz, Charge Beam, Energy Ball Carracosta, "Midas"- lvl 71 Waterfall, Stone Edge, Crunch, Shell Smash Jolteon, lvl 64 Nidoking- lvl 56 (transfer from bro's game) Megahorn, Rock Slide, Brick Break, EQ Venusaur, "Leaf"- lvl 65 (transfer from bro) EQ, Energy Ball, Leach Seed, Sleep Powder Dragonite- lvl 62 Extreme Speed, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush Gyarados- lvl 85 Waterfall, Ice Fang, EQ, Dragon Dance Typhlosian- lvl 77 (transfer from friend) Lava Plume, Eruption, Flamethrower, Shadow Claw Hitmonchan, "Jackie"- lvl 85 Sky Uppercut, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch ---- Other notables: lvl 31 Korean spiritomb Shiny Garbodor I caught cuz holy shit, I found a shiny pokemon. lvl 27 Espeon, Japanese, Magic Bounce, Mild, [calm mind, psychic, baton pass, substitute] lvl 36 blastoise lvl 32 sharpedo lvl 57 ho-oh event celebii, entei zorua, zoruark lvl 43 Golurk, iron fist lvl 57 Bastiodon lvl 50 Electivire lvl 48 Haxorus lvl 50 articuno x2 44 Omastar 42 Rhydon 50 Snorlax, "Yokozuna" from HG. other evolved pokemon, DW ability pokemon.
  7. Dunno if you all have seen it or not, but there's a new game trailer on serebii. Kinda hard to say, but it looks like game=Pokemon Tactics. And what does it look like to you at the beginning? Main character meets a pokemon and a mystical bond is formed? And the way the people and armor resemble their pokemon. I can totally see even more fan-fic coming from this.
  8. Happy birthday, Rhu. As a gift, I will eventually send you some of the math jokes my cousin created. PhD in math and all. That guy. xD
  9. Skeleton reminds me of the invisible girl from The Incredibles, in more ways than one.
  10. Feliz cumpleanos and other things you may need google translate for. Enjoy a pinata, it's on the house.
  11. MFW they call the lead truck (the one I was riding in) the AME truck for the last 3 serial letters on the back.

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    2. Stein
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    4. Maelstrom


      Don't worry about the machine gun on top. It never gets used. The best part is the up-armoredness. It's been hit by I'm not sure how many IEDs, but it's like FU, can't scatch this, biyatch! <3

  12. That actually turned out really well. Did you have to draw out the coded paper to get that to work?
  13. A lemon is never ripe. It's ALWAYS sour. That's why you smash the F out of it, dilute to 50% lemon juice, 150% sugar, and enjoy the southern lemonade. But mostly you smash the F out of the lemon.
  14. Thanks guys. It was kind of an odd day, but it ended on a great note on several different levels, so yeah, it's been a pretty good birthday considering where I am. All that glimmer of hope and stuff.
  15. 80 degrees is 'warm enough to sunbathe' cold. So spoiled.
  16. Golden Gloves- golden lucky charm that boosts the power of punching moves. Sacred Water- 30% chance of curing all of the holder's status ailments each turn.
  17. Since younger pictures... well, all I have access to is my abandoned myspace account that I didn't think still existed. These are pics of me from my junior and senior year of high school. I joined myspace the same time I joined Cheat Planet forums and GU, where I would first meet Ame under his guise of Cyberian. The rest is history, as they say. So yeah, the sideways one is me when I was swimming again, as I mentioned to Winter. And proof that I had my hair 'military style' since way before I was in the military. http://www.myspace.c...y-photos/408633
  18. She is here, but you can't see or hear her. I wish for dark powers that will allow me to rule the world.
  19. Oh wait, starts distribution Feb 12. I'll be in Japan and able to connect to wifi from any number of places there. YES!!!!! http://www.pokemon.com/us/ex/mewtwo/get-mewtwo
  20. This makes me =D But how can I get event Mewtwo if I can't access internet from here? FFFFFF
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