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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Granted, but now Justin Bieber has an identical twin. 'I wish, I wish I hadn't killed that fish.'
  2. Okay, now you're coining words here. Shit might be going down.
  3. Oh lookit, tink's still alive. 0.0
  4. It's been years since I took my only college math class (calc 2) and a couple years before then since I'd taken calc 1, so really don't remember much except the name of the rule. You don't use calculus in biology. Advanced math and stats, yes, but not calc.
  5. I have one. But I don't do any real art or anything. More like... screen caps from halo and fan-made mtg cards. You know, really nerdy shit that eats up free time like fat with zero calories. Also... I've been off and on and I never really understood the whole llama badge thing. Explain plz?
  6. Take it easy on the sparkles and we may get along. Welcome.
  7. Of course. There's a whole cascade of chemical reactions for each individual emotion. And yes, it travels across various systems. EVERYTHING is integrated. Some things are just more independent/isolated than others. Everything is a chemical reaction, once you realize everything is a chemical. A chemical reaction happens to make your muscles move. A chemical reaction happens to emit light. A chemical reaction happens when light strikes your skin, your eyes, etc, etc. "Gut instinct" is still your brain filing in the gaps of knowledge (referencing past knowledge) in order to make sense of the situation. There's actually a lot your eyes don't see and your brain responds by compensating and filling in the gaps with patterns it already recognizes. That's how a lot optical illusions work. You can undo the damage, but then it would have to be a perfect replica of the part sometime in the past. Think of yourself, your body, as a giant battery. You can recharge it, but eventually it will still lose its charge. Energy is lost from elements and molecules and not every part of the battery is revitalized when you run a current back through it. You have to break it down and revitalize every tiny piece and rebuild it. And if you understand evolution, you understand how automatic responses have developed and occur independent of conscious thought. You do not consciously control your stomach's digestion. But your stomach will still make you feel hungry. It will change your chemical balance, and thus it will change how you feel. Positive feedback, negative feedback... your body is full of so many systems and mechanisms that it is incredible to think about. But you don't have to think about them. They happen on their own. People have been revived after being declared clinically dead. But in general, a body is dead for a good reason. You would have to fix everything (or at least the minimum fix necessary) that contributes to that reason. One system fails, they all start to go. It doesn't work to simply fix the original because the other systems are already interrupted. They required it to simply keep running. Reactions have already occurred that requires far more fixing than filling the original hole. The more time goes by, the more that is steadily affected. That is why the sooner you go to the hospital to get help, the likelier you are to survive because they can stop/reverse the process before it reaches that critical point. And I would have research the concept of anti-matter far more thoroughly before I could say anything about it. There's far more to it than is given in brief explanations dummied down for the media. Anyways, my comp time is up again. For now.
  8. Hi. I'm a mad scientist. I concocted your cake. Have a bite.
  9. Saya and I, at least, are sold on the persona series, so yeah. You have to get Persona 3 (make sure its the one with the afterstory game too) and Persona 4. Both are only on ps2 and not on ps3 for some stupid reason. >> I loved P3 on the psp.
  10. Wish granted. You earned several million dollars in monopoly money. I wish I had a giant sapphire in the shape of a perfect oval.
  11. Yeah! KING OF THE PUDDLE!!!
  12. Will confirmed for midget Ent. He just absorbs the sunlight and grows.
  13. Well you can't take some of the pieces out and expect it to work the way it does when it remains a part of an entirely integrated system. It's like taking the gears from an old clock and expecting them to grind and turn on their own. An independence from mere chemistry? I think not. Chemistry is what happens when memories are made, stored, and accessed. It is an imprint of stimuli, and thus you react similarly when it is accessed, if not quite to the same degree. When you look at the problem of the physical and metaphysical... how do I say this? One thing cannot act upon another without the latter impacting the former. It's hard to explain, and it involves the definitions of the physical and the metaphysical and their defining properties, but that's the core of the debate about reality. How can the metaphysical be tied/anchored by the physical if the metaphysical does not have the properties of the physical? There has to be some sort of contact point, some spot where they interact in specific, predefined ways to affect one another. When one atom runs into another, the first one loses kinetic energy and moves slowly or in a different direction. The other gains the kinetic energy and its movement changes. What something is, is defined by its properties, and what something's properties are is defined by how it interacts with things that are NOT it. But they have to share properties such as taking up space, weight, etc to interact. If emotions are beyond matter, how does matter affect emotions? What are emotions but (physical) responses? How do emotions affect matter? Ok, I just found what I was trying to say. How does the tangible touch the intangible? By definition, it cannot. So by the measures of the tangible, the intangible might as well not exist because it can never, ever affect it. And vice versa. Emotions are not independent of chemicals because it must be tangible in some way (share some properties) to affect the tangible.
  14. Ikaru. Your friends must be at least this awesome to ride the Reborn train. All violators will be released from Bill's PC until further notice. [img]http://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/song_of_my_people_2.jpg[/img]
  15. Welcome to Reborn. If you don't see me on the server it's because I saw you coming first because of stuff. Sit down, relax, and have some chai.
  16. I forget where and when people used to attribute things to the liver. I dunno if it was medieval europe or the greeks. It's been a while. I think it was medieval europe where they used to think there was a fire inside you or something. People have done and thought some weird things throughout history. Edit: http://www.stanford....dderspleen.html Just something I googled up. Doesn't say which was romanticized and by whom, but it illustrates early theories and ideas about some of the aforementioned organs. oh, and here, have another: http://www.stanford.edu/class/history13/earlysciencelab/body/heartpages/heart.html
  17. 0.0 Time to spend some serious caption rupees.
  18. Happy birthday and all dem sappy wishes. Now where's da cake?
  19. Shrimp and crab. That's as good as seafood gets, aside from Long John Silver's. Speaking of which, where have those gone to? I haven't seen one in years.
  20. It wasn't always the heart. People used to romanticize the Liver the way we romanticize the heart now. The 'heart' is metaphorical. It is quite central within the body, and the body cannot live without it (though the same could be said of many, many other parts) if it fails. It is strong, but fragile at the same time- just as your feelings are. It may or may not be a coincidence that it is also caged by its natural defenses. Emotions are not chemical imbalances, but chemical reactions, natural reactions to whatever force is applied to your system. Everyone is build different, is raised different. How can you so quickly deny that there could not be a psychological problem? Just because the stimulus is psychology doesn't mean there is no biological basis behind it. But yes, the solution is not to obsess, to linger. Time moves on, and you have to move with it. My theory is that instinct, ingrained by evolution, combined with knowledge and understanding (or lack thereof) shape your beliefs. I would write more, but my comp time is limited.
  21. Do you remember Tom from myspace? Ame is the Tom of Reborn. Except he'll actually be your friend and talk to you. Welcome.
  22. You provide the house, I'll provide the furnishing. Or at least the victuals.
  23. Stupid cuz can't like more than one game. ;P
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