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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. > Make cult about mayan doomsday predictions. > accept donations > buy tickets to non-extradicting country for the day before it happens. > profit
  2. Why don the mantle of 'Slut?' What were the circumstances of you being in a group home?
  3. Me too. I've only played p3p though. need to buy P4 and steal back PS2 from little bro
  4. *Social Link Level 1 has been forged with Maelstrom- Star Arcana!*
  5. I thought Beau was a guy's name... Hi, I'm trying to put together the facts about you and this is how it is turning out: 13yo girl + blood + emo/punk = twilight junkie
  6. I'm bored and sleepy at the same time, so I second APC's suggestion of do it all.
  7. No One- Alicia Keys changed to Boy- Yuria <- I love this one so much. Can't quite put my finger on why though.
  8. Charmeleon- Charbroiled Chump
  9. But that ending was a lie, as we all know Ikaru will never do the logs. Instead, what really happened was...
  10. Yeah, I hate getting paired with Noobs on MW, but I never use the cold blooded perk except on the class I have specifically to shoot down aerial perks. Also, people don't realize how stupid it is to stand next to the team sniper(s). Be vewy, vewy quiet- I'm hunting rabbits and your face is giving me away!
  11. Q&A NEVER goes wrong. Never.
  12. Hi Pukurin, welcome to the Velvet Room Reborn. Show us your persona.
  13. So. Sleepy. ZZZzZ.

  14. Quote of the week Maybe someone says something funny, cool, deep, etc. Nominate it and the winner gets munneh. If the nominator of the winning quote wasn't the winner(s), that person gets a cut of the spoils. 'Tremor In the Blood' Contest Take someone's avy/pic and 'torment' it. Person who makes the funniest/coolest/all around favorite photoshop/edit of another person's pic wins big. Dredging up pre-pokeplace history FTW. Viral Video of the week: Limit one entry per week. Whoever finds and posts the week's favorite video wins. I'm kinda meh on this idea myself- so many videos, so many that we've all seen before. I'll try to think of other non-battle-centric ideas so I can participate while I'm downrange too.
  15. Not dead so much and mostly completed and then mostly forgotten about.
  16. This is a tough one... No wonder so many judges already. Cress: FYI, 'Leggo my eggo' only works in the commercials.
  17. I ain't scared of no quake. Radiation leakage though... And I think whoever (I forget who, atm) posted this on my FB has it right "Australia is America-lite." Japan definitely has the edge up on exotic, new stuff to look at and do. Don't worry though, Australia will probably be my next out of country trip. Still gotta find time to look up destinations in Japan. =(
  18. Hi. What is a miju and can I eat it?
  19. Really? Looks like a lot of work to me. =/
  20. I see MCzippo and pronounce it the same way I say McDonald's. =P
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