Quote of the week
Maybe someone says something funny, cool, deep, etc. Nominate it and the winner gets munneh. If the nominator of the winning quote wasn't the winner(s), that person gets a cut of the spoils.
'Tremor In the Blood' Contest
Take someone's avy/pic and 'torment' it. Person who makes the funniest/coolest/all around favorite photoshop/edit of another person's pic wins big. Dredging up pre-pokeplace history FTW.
Viral Video of the week:
Limit one entry per week. Whoever finds and posts the week's favorite video wins. I'm kinda meh on this idea myself- so many videos, so many that we've all seen before.
I'll try to think of other non-battle-centric ideas so I can participate while I'm downrange too.