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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. In honor of starcraft heroism, I dub thee Raynor the Brave. Or just Raynor for short. Welcome and junk.
  2. Yo Owen. I'm here making military history. It's about as crappy as it sounds. Also, time to train you up to be loose and relaxed in a crowd. Benefits untold, my friend.
  3. A broadway musical loving bi pink furry. Sounds legit. What'd you end up doing in Skyrim?
  4. Hello person located inside my heart like some parasitic worm. I welcome you to the forums and server, if not my internal organs.
  5. I read the topic and thought "Jabberwok" or whatever that stick thing is in Skyrim.
  6. Stupid cuz that thing attached to Suicune's head.
  7. Maelstrom


    Banned because also from Texas, yet avoids soap dirty, dirty DJ.
  8. IAWTP. Cuz that's the answer you get. Or you flat out get ignorant replies that make you wonder what planet they live on. Imma go with Obama again, but other than that, I actually like that Ron Paul character. I sure as hell don't agree with him on all points, but we agree enough that I gotta give him props. Obama could learn just a little bit from the republicans and be a bit bolder. Republicans can learn from Obama/Democrats and learn temperance and substance to back up claims. In general, of course.
  9. Mayan calendar ends cuz not enough space on stone calendar for infinity. ;P
  10. Boss perks are pro+.
  11. Maelstrom


    Fine. Banned cuz sassy.
  12. Your lazor of cuteness doesn't affect wild Maelstrom! Come at me bro! [Maelstrom used taunt] Maelstrom used Bide.
  13. Maelstrom


    Banned cuz surfing in shark infested waters.
  14. Stupid cuz one of those pokemon just doesn't belong. starts with a P and rhymes with "orygon"
  15. Careful there, 'chu. The eye of the storm is watching you...
  16. Sup, guy. Welcome to Reborn. Stuff will happen. Stuff will be epic. Stay tuned.
  17. 0.0 There can only be one... *Lops Major's head off* Welcome and stuff.
  18. Someone be advertising... Keep up the good work. Anyhow, welcome to the fold, sharky.
  19. MOAR RODENTS!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! JK, welcome to reborn and don't eat all my cheeze. It's hard to find good M. Jack.
  20. Hi Blaze. Please forgive the infestation of rodents. I blame myself for being deployed and unable to lay down the law. ;P
  21. What is this TBT you people speak of?
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