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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. This is what happens when you don't give Pele her due.

  2. It really does help to avoid reborn because of memes and people talking about not voting. It just grates on the nerves. I'll go out and eat at restaurants. Play video games. Reread my favorite books. Drink.
  3. Pele demands a sacrifice.

  4. Because that's clearly where it should have ended.
  5. *stern disapproval*

  6. So... you can get Gannon to move into your New Leaf village.

  7. Needs moar Shelly.

  8. It's been so long, I really don't remember all the reasons and who was really doing what. Except that the Imperials made a really bad impression at the start, so for the rest of the game I enjoyed wiping out their camps singlehandedly. Followers are for scrubs. They die too much and mess up any stealthing. But I got the remastered edition for PS4, so I'll probably update this thread. So for some reason it has me running with Hadric instead of the stormcloak guy I'm pretty sure the game had me run with the first time. This guy is pretty nice. But screw those torturers. Killed that guy after Hadric went around the corner. I might go Imperials this time around.
  9. Since GF is really stingy about letting their pokemon amiibos or anything pokemon be used in anything else, the main focus will be ideas for amiibo support in pokemon games themselves, like S/M, rather than for much less related things like super mario maker, but feel free to discuss that too. Anyhoo, some I ideas I came up with for pokemon amiibo support, aka things they do to enhance gameplay or just give you things. Maybe first time one is used, you get an egg for that line, if it isn't a legendary. Or allow you change the ability of a matching pokemon in your game. Giving a shiny would be too much and devalue them... But maybe a temporary transformation to it's shiny sprite, but with a different entry effect to signify it's not a true shiny. Subsequent uses of the same amiibo could randomly award the usual giveaways, like potions and other battle items, protein class items, pokeballs, evolution items, etc, etc. BP would be nice too. Or maybe act like an extended O-power for a day- regain some hp/pp after each battle, bigger gains to happiness, etc. What do you guys want amiibos to do for you?
  10. This. I'm gonna start MS Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans season 1 because someone I know actually cosplayed a character for Halloween so it got me curious. Anybody know anything about it? Other than that season two is airing this season.
  11. I'd trick or treat at that place.
  12. There's a new vigilante in town, boys.

    1. Exalted


      Is it Reggae man

    2. Maelstrom


      Nope. But maybe he doesn't count as a vigilante because he is sanctioned by the devil to send evil souls to hell...

  13. Mael Ability: Huge Power/No Guard Item: Leftovers Nature: Hardy Slack Off Procrastinate Dynamic KO Punch Surf Bulk Up
  14. Bonus Questions 1. Cerulean 2. I see water and earth bending as the two most useful and versatile skills to have 3. This is almost hard. Tenzin, Toph, Asami, and Zaheer are definitely up there, but there's one character that stands out even more for me: Iroh.
  15. Well, I can follow up with the obvious one from another game...
  16. for all the action in that battle, there wasn't that much action. Shoot, dodge and shoot back, dodge and shoot back, bust through a defense and then pokeball capture. It was nice to look at but it was more than a bit too brief for me.
  17. Things I won't miss.

  18. Would you let go of all your earthly attachments?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      Depends. What would I gain?

    3. Ironbound


      Nothing. That's the point. You're here to get rid of unnecessary things. You'll get relief, and cosmic power the likes of which even sigilyph knows not.

    4. Maelstrom


      You gain the power of flight... if you're an air bender.

  19. to be fair, Ame, the elves are the biggest asshats in the whole game. If I remember not much since it's been so long, I remember meeting that elf down in the mines. And that's how I learned that some characters the game won't let you kill and that for some you can but after certain quest stuff. Dunno if he was one of 'em.
  20. Actually, this is the Fallout 4 formula, but with 4 factions instead of two.
  21. The imperials are assholes, so I opted to kill them. Wanted to kill some of the stormcloaks but the game puts in silly limitations sometimes. Certainly a few elves that needed to knocked down a peg or 5. Besides, they were about to execute me at the beginning for no reason at all. That's not something I could let slide. In any case, you can be part of the stormcloaks without agreeing to everything the other leaders want. As the true force behind the scenes, you end up with the power and position to enact your own changes. If you go with the Imperials, you're not much of anything, tbh. they pat you on the head and say thanks.
  22. Well, yeah, who doesn't sit at home playing 3ds games and whatnot. But this new system doesn't have the dual screen or touch screen of the ds. we lose some of the things the 3ds could do. The games and functionality that made you want to take it with you even if you weren't actively playing (streetpass) are some of the things that make it great.
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