Since GF is really stingy about letting their pokemon amiibos or anything pokemon be used in anything else, the main focus will be ideas for amiibo support in pokemon games themselves, like S/M, rather than for much less related things like super mario maker, but feel free to discuss that too.
Anyhoo, some I ideas I came up with for pokemon amiibo support, aka things they do to enhance gameplay or just give you things.
Maybe first time one is used, you get an egg for that line, if it isn't a legendary.
Or allow you change the ability of a matching pokemon in your game.
Giving a shiny would be too much and devalue them...
But maybe a temporary transformation to it's shiny sprite, but with a different entry effect to signify it's not a true shiny.
Subsequent uses of the same amiibo could randomly award the usual giveaways, like potions and other battle items, protein class items, pokeballs, evolution items, etc, etc.
BP would be nice too.
Or maybe act like an extended O-power for a day- regain some hp/pp after each battle, bigger gains to happiness, etc.
What do you guys want amiibos to do for you?