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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. If godzilla could do it, you can totally have a space nidoking- it's the shiny one.
  2. [quote name='Will' timestamp='1319069573' post='20170'] From the side, that dude looks like his chin is built as hell [/quote] I think of Buzz Lightyear and now firmly believe all spacemen must have giant chins.
  3. As some of you all can't wait to challenge the next leader the next day, it might prove a worthwhile diversion after you've had your daily battle. I dunno about this new rule about having to have a fire pokemon, but yeah.
  4. Stick with the Feraligatr- it's what I use now and it wins fights all by itself. For reals. I mainly buff up the speed and defenses with ev's and let Dragon Dance take care of the power and outspeeding. I use Lum berry on him because it used to be everywhere you turned there were status haxors everywhere, and if I took a turn to DD, they'd WoW or confuse ray or thunder wave and what have you. Now that I know life orb damage is mostly canceled out by sheer force, I'll probably switch to using that to really make him hurt things. If you really want speed, power, and fire, I'd say swap out arcanine for Blaziken with speed boost and baton pass to pass on some game changing boosts to one of your other bulkies when that kickin chicken gets threatened.
  5. Long time no see, former Manowar. Trust me, there are a LOT of new strategies for you to ferret out.
  6. Ikaru, your new theme song is Leave Out All the Rest- Linkin Park.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Godot


      your all overrated!!! this whole server is overrated!!!

    3. Cyrus




    4. Godot


      HOLD IT!!!

      I have Valid evidence proving that your objection is overrated

      TAKE THAT!!!

  7. Happy birthday asian guy. You won't look any different for decades to come, but use that to your advantage. =P
  8. Cilan uses Glare. Iris is paralyzed!
  9. A bit similar to what the chupacabra is supposed to look like, no?
  10. Now that you mention, it is true that his is the drill that shall pierce the heavens! And yes, Gallade is Chivalry.
  11. The only carbuncle I'm familiar with is an armadillo looking thing in Lost Kingdoms that circles around you, doing damage to whatever it touches. Definitely doesn't look like a monstrous neko. but.... espeon? or maybe donphan, though neko it isn't. Goblin of kentucky... Darmanitan or sableye?
  12. Close, but no icky, oncogenic cigars, allan.
  13. [quote name='Find the Horizon' timestamp='1318808181' post='20057'] There's very much a reason for it. It's because you're a chair. [/quote] I approve of this girl very much.
  14. Neo nets 3 of 3! No Wolf. It fits, but the one I'm thinking of fits a bit better. Not that gallade isn't the right asnwer to something.
  15. Anyways, I came up with a few new ones.
  16. Allan has correctly guessed... too many of 'em. It's faster to say he missed: Gizmo Master Belch Romeo Patriarch That's still quite the point haul. I may have to use the old, but huge list I used previously, despite the few MP'ers on here...
  17. A simple game of guess that pokemon based on the nickname I bestowed upon them. As you guess them you'll rack up points based on the difficulty of the connection between the pokemon and the nickname. I've done this before, elsewhere, so I'll have to come up with entirely new set to challenge you guys with. I don't want the mp'ers to have any unfair advantage. And just so you know, these should all be fully evolved forms. Main rule: Two guesses per nickname per post. So, up for grabs: Gizmo- 2 Patriarch- 3 Romeo- 2 Dessert- 1 The Thing- 3 Amputee- 3 Pink Yoshi- 2 Chopstick- 4 PunchingBag- 2 Mistress- 3 --Will--[3 pts] Chivalry- Gallade --Wolf--[2 pts] Simon- Excadrill --Neo-- [6 pts] KFC- Blaziken 1 ET- Beheeyem 3 Mrs Dr Eggman- Chansey 2 --Allan-- [17 pts] Bowser- 2 Master Belch- 3 El Mariachi- 1 Hookah- 2 Deadbeat- 2 TP Zombie- 1 Igneous- 2 Yokozuna- 1 Lunesta- 3
  18. 19. Baby forms- if you like them, there's a 99.8% chance you're a girl.
  19. Maelstrom

    Poke Names

    Horcrux- I mean Heracross
  20. I was a ninja and wished her HB on FB.
  21. Maelstrom

    Poke Names

    Artichoke- I mean, Arceus.
  22. 16. Ubernoobs. They're everywhere.
  23. I must be a really, really, really old challenger to be clueless (aside from context clues) as to what these tokens are. Humbug.
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