Jedi. No. This is not that Galaxy.
Yeah, snake is a serious character. And he still kinda sticks out. Dante is too... well. I really don't like the guy. At all. Probably cuz he's an overpowered douche in MVC3. Are they gonna dummy down his attacks so he's not god tier?
As far as the white wolf goes, all she did was some spinny attacks and some paint brush things that don't really seem to translate into a brawl style move. The AoE (area of effect) just seems to be too great. I mean, her flashy attacks work well within MVC because of all that comic book style background that allows for that kind of action. The only thing that does that kind of stuff in Brawl are the final smashes themselves. STOP. [s]HAMMER[/s] FINAL SMASH TIME.
Megaman.exe/Hub- when where they ever in crossovers? I missed those. As far as his moveset, you just gotta realize what the signature moves are and supplement with common attacks. Charge blaster, life sword, life canon. You know what, it would be cool to cycle between elements/attacks, the way olimar can cycle between his pikmin. Normal charge blaster, flamethrower, bubble shot, leaf tornado, guts punch, kunai ... Final Smash- 2x Hero. meh, maybe he is to versatile...
It really irks me when people just name characters they like without considering how they would play or how compatable they are with the series. Just a general statement, not really pointing fingers right now. I know Nintendo surprised me completely when they put Snake in there, and even finding ways to make Rob playable. A lot of things work differently in MvC3 than they do for SSB. You can't look at them in mvc3 and expect a direct translation.
I for one would not be interested in playing as dante, veiwtiful joe, RE characters, supermonkey ball monkeys, SF characters, or any of those namco characters.