As the title says, what are some of the uncommon things you've done so far?
For example, my list:
Jumped out of an airplane at 1000 feet. Different from skydiving, which jumps from from much higher and isn't using a static line parachute.
On that note, jumped out of a helicopter too.
survived a partial parachute malfunction
Ridden in a blackhawk and a shinook- the ones with two rotors and elongated body.
Eaten alligator, but it was in the form of a spicy sausage, so I couldn't tell what the flavor was.
Been to the west coast and east coast of the US, as well as to Hawaii and Alaska.
Wish I could say I've really been to Ireland, Germany, and Russia, but transfers and layovers on the way to Afghanistan don't really count, imo.
Gone rappelling down a 100m tower
Hiked 22 miles up and down a mountain (it was miserable)
Swam with a bunch of wild stingrays and near a small shark
Fired a bunch of different weapons- m4, m16, SAW, m240B, noob tube, grenade launcher, 2 types of rocket launchers, m2 grenade, compound bow, shotgun (skeet shooting)
Encountered a herd of wild horses
been on a cruise
been inside a few native american casino's (didn't gamble though)
caught a fish (trout) with my bare hands
worked as a fish monger at an asian market
eaten a thresher shark steak
been in the back of a police car. no, I wasn't arrested.
been horseback riding
met toby maguire in person
seen holly holmes in person, at a gym where she was training
fallen off my bike into a patch of cactus
Geez, military gave me a variety of experiences, but I'm still glad I'm out.