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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Which system? What is your hunter rank/story progression at?
  2. I don't feel old. Everybody else just seem pretty young. And unfocused and undisciplined. They be trekking in figure 8's across my lawn instead of walking by on the sidewalk. Uncultured swine!
  3. "What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see." - the Alexander Hamilton play by Lin Manuel Miranda.
  4. A villain to you is a hero of the other side.

  5. "This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its loud roar tells me to defeat you! Take this- my love, my anger, and all my sorrow!"

    1. seki108


      forgot which theme it was for this scene, so have both








      I think this was the theme for God Finger, but just in case



    2. Maelstrom


      Definitely the first one. it's funny cuz I shared both of these with someone a bit earlier on discord. Good shite.

    3. Maelstrom


      Seriously, my most favorite gundam series.

  6. overworld/map music is pretty specific though. Edit: this is how to use spoilers https://prnt.sc/j8bfpy and some games don't have overworlds like
  7. As the title says, what are some of the uncommon things you've done so far? For example, my list: Jumped out of an airplane at 1000 feet. Different from skydiving, which jumps from from much higher and isn't using a static line parachute. On that note, jumped out of a helicopter too. survived a partial parachute malfunction Ridden in a blackhawk and a shinook- the ones with two rotors and elongated body. Eaten alligator, but it was in the form of a spicy sausage, so I couldn't tell what the flavor was. Been to the west coast and east coast of the US, as well as to Hawaii and Alaska. Wish I could say I've really been to Ireland, Germany, and Russia, but transfers and layovers on the way to Afghanistan don't really count, imo. Gone rappelling down a 100m tower Hiked 22 miles up and down a mountain (it was miserable) Swam with a bunch of wild stingrays and near a small shark Fired a bunch of different weapons- m4, m16, SAW, m240B, noob tube, grenade launcher, 2 types of rocket launchers, m2 grenade, compound bow, shotgun (skeet shooting) Encountered a herd of wild horses been on a cruise been inside a few native american casino's (didn't gamble though) caught a fish (trout) with my bare hands worked as a fish monger at an asian market eaten a thresher shark steak been in the back of a police car. no, I wasn't arrested. been horseback riding met toby maguire in person seen holly holmes in person, at a gym where she was training fallen off my bike into a patch of cactus Geez, military gave me a variety of experiences, but I'm still glad I'm out.
  8. 'What doesn't kill you... had better start running.' xD
  9. same old song and dance, really

  10. I just reported myself for being an ass. But I was also obviously right. What are your thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Well yeah, I could have. I chose not to cuz I was angry. That's why I say I was an ass.

    3. Walpurgis


      I personally agree with what you said, but that doesn't excuse the tone you used. 

    4. Maelstrom


      aye, don't I know it. I was definitely in a state.


      the only thing i have to add to the conversation is that the quote sounds like petty excuse for something someone chose to do.

  11. The 100 is a somewhat decent study in viewpoints. Especially in the way the narrative follows people such that the viewpoint and the person or people you sympathize with makes 180 turns many times.
  12. So...understanding other people is impossible. Go float yourself.
  13. Dying is easy. Living is harder.

    1. IntSys


      Living is just the decades-long version of dying.

    2. Maelstrom


      because the journey there is devoid of any meaning, right?

    3. IntSys


      Not quite. Dying is not devoid of any meaning, nor is living. I'm merely just stating the inevitability of dying. Our journey to death is living, but in the literal sense, it is also dying.

  14. "Dying is easy. Living is harder."
  15. Yeah... there's no such thing as a kirby game with a 'good' story. You either enjoy the gameplay or you don't play. They're nothing like games like Drakengard or Nier Automata If you wanna play something that's very story driven, play persona 3, 4, or 5. play the kingdom hearts final remixes. Play some Mass Effect. Play some Horizon: Zero Dawn. Play some Baiten Kaitos. Play some Witcher 3. Play some Dangan Ronpa. Play some Phoenix Wright. Play some Borderlands 2. Play the Last of Us. Things you shouldn't play if you want 'good' story: Nintendo games (pokemon, legend of Zelda, Mario, Kirby, etc) Street Fighter Soul Caliber Monster Hunter DBZ games Overwatch Destiny (now that they removed the grimoire and current writers for bungie are clearly not familiar with the lore, but just like Overwatch, there's no story in the game itself) Sonic Games Crash Bandicoot games Spyro games
  16. MHW. trying out the buster sword atm
  17. You want cream? What are you, Nanako?

  18. Alright peeps, I'm prepared for the new drinking game: Watch Jessica Jones and drink every time she takes a drink. She's like a female version of me, except angsty af. And I haven't been experimented on... afaik.

    1. Maelstrom


      I'm actually in the DC camp, but Marvel stuff has been too good to pass up since the Iron Man movie so I guess I'm turning. Certainly the DC movie-verse is nothing to write home about.

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