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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Portability really isn't a selling point for me. Name some times where you're sitting and waiting during the day with nothing to do over an extended period of time so you pop out your 3ds. Chances are, you're at home for this. How often do you take trips on airplanes or buses? You think you've got time to do all that much during short work breaks? yearly dental checkup and doctor's appointments? maybe if you have long breaks between college classes? I'd do my homework then, instead of at home where I could be playing my console. Portability sounds nice on paper, but it's actually rather niche.
  2. Are you the dream of a sleeping god? Or the nightmare of a dead one?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cepheus


      I guess I'll have to find all 8 sacred instruments and play the ballad of the windfish to a giant-egg on top of tallest mountain to find out...

    3. InnocentSerenity


      Can life just be the world of Eternal Sonata? Because I flipping love that game.

  3. You get inured to the fan service pretty quickly and it just becomes another sports anime with quirky training and special techniques. Just watched the second episode of Yuri on Ice and I'm really looking forward to the music and choreography for this competition.
  4. Um, so Keijo is a thing. Like the universe trying to cancel out Free memes and jokes. lol. or Yuri on Ice. Not gonna lie, Yuri on Ice is well animated and seems nice (if you don't mind the homo-erotic undertones).
  5. "You really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! God damn you. God damn you all to hell!"

    1. Imperial


      Planet of the Apes ?

    2. Maelstrom






  6. So there's skyrim... and then nintendo's skyrim clone. Which probably has fewer weapons and abilities, much more narrow and mundane npc interactions, much easier enemies, inferior graphics, and predictably thin storyline. But it looks shiny, right?
  7. I'm just wondering how long it'll take before we're inundated with fanart of people's trainer OC's and battlebond pokemon. Surely, Ame wouldn't do that with reborn gym leaders and their signature pokemon. Don't give her ideas.
  8. You've gotta tag it if it's an online image. like so: [spoiler][img= insert image link here ][/spoiler]
  9. back in boot campe, we fought over frosted flakes, cinnamon toast crunch, cocoa puffs, and pops in the mess hall. But my cereal staples also include apple jacks, cap'n crunch, and fruity pebbles. And maybe rice crispies if I can get bananas to slice up and toss in there.
  10. My parents wish I had been kept away from video games growing up, lol. But I played video games back in the days of the original game boy and SNES, so I started with the original red and blue.
  11. uwot, m8? They provide a convenient, free, and conveniently free experience. are these through official channels and programs? Because that would be the convenient way of playing the games without the whole (usually imperfect) emulator middleman, right? at any rate, everything points to a ps3 emulator being way too much for either a pc to run or someone to program so... go with ps2 by process of elimination I guess. I never had much of a ps2 library, so I've no idea what games would be worth your time.
  12. Viri Lugruf Ikaru CG Pokefailure Jericho Shia
  13. Seems like a good time to get mine updated.
  14. clearly, it's not ready yet and probably has issues besides the battery life to work out. And I imagine they're waiting to have more titles at launch.
  15. It was funny to watch your hype slowly die.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 5hift


      Its funny to watch your hype die immediately.

    3. Maelstrom


      No. It's just that people don't believe me till their favorite youtubes reiterate what I said and they have to stop and think about what I've been saying the whole time.

    4. Guzam


      Tfw you only use youtube to watch FE channels and smash content

  16. Seeing as I'm not getting it, it would make sense for me to wait for them to wow me with critical improvements.
  17. Well, I guess it's too late to recommend against the star fox games... Try out Lost Kingdoms 1&2
  18. your name always makes me think of this
  19. Pele and I demand that all pikachus must be scourged and cleansed from the land so that game freak may likewise be rid of designers clearly out to sabotage pokemon.
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