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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. But I thought this whole topic was one giant antlion trap with neku the troll/antlion at the center, sucking in the unwary...
  2. Maelstrom


  3. FFFF. Sleep, Y can I not haz you when i need u and haz you when i'm supposed to be up?

  4. If you were a wild pokemon in the safari zone, how many rocks/ mud clumps would it take before you ran away [s]or broke the rules and attacked the trainer[/s] ? >> <<
  5. YES! I love that song. Until I bought it from itunes and overplayed it to death. oops. And as I am listening to ^, I shall not post a new song in this post.
  6. Well that's polarizing it a bit too much I think without really giving a good argument why it would be one view or the other. I mean the article does mention some relatively compelling reasons to blend in biblical beliefs with scientific finding. Which of course involves looking at stories like Adam and eve in a far less literal light and more of as metaphors and/or analogies as far as the god-human relationship goes. The author of the article is proposing a middle-ground and I'd just like to see some structured arguments for or against any particular viewpoint mentioned. (Don't get me wrong though, I'm an atheist myself despite being raised catholic. I'm just trying to promote more detailed scrutiny of the different viewpoints, of how people have arrived at them and how different people ultimately choose what ideas they support)
  7. [quote name='Winter' timestamp='1303806138' post='12940'] O_O [/quote] If you'll forgive the pseudo-accidental pun... your expression is unreadable, Winter.
  8. You could also do neither and pass them on the stairs as you go about your business, neither gaining nor losing anything. Except maybe another what-if almost-regret infinite possibilities scenario playing thru your mind. "what if I knocked 'em down without getting caught?" "What if i knocked 'em down and they ended up dying cuz of it?" etc. Are you evil or bad if you choose to do neither? Cuz on the one hand you're just taking care of yourself by saving the energy of helping out someone who's never helped you and will probably never ever help you, and on the other you could have done something to help based on a foggy notion that you should (because you'd want the same help if you were in their shoes?). So is that really doing good, or performing a service with the expectation that you'd get similar help if you needed it? It's the social contract's insurance- we all do good for others not because we like to, but so as to make sure we'd get help if we were to suffer unfortunate circumstances. It's literally like insurance- you pay in some ammount against the possible future need that you will require aid in the future. You don't get anything back from it if nothing happens to you, and you don't seek it out because not having misfortune fall upon you is better than having it and receiving recompense. So I guess I have a problem still with good and evil and by extensive altruism and the concept of selfishness.
  9. Ame, you are the undisputed master of TL;DR. I mean, I didn't get a chance to read more than the first 3 paragraphs of the original post till now. It says something about your average state of mind and confidence level that you normally don't lose in your dreams. From my own experience, what happens in my dreams are usually a result of my own subconcious and conscious expectations. For example, I'm a pretty down to earth, realistic sort of person. And a good natural wariness of heights [s]and go figure, it's part of my job to jump out of planes now[/s]. So I don't often fly in my dreams as many others claim to. And often times when I do, I begin to question the how's and why's of things and my waking rational consciousness gathers itself. And if it doesn't make me wake up from the rising level of self-awareness, it re-imposes gravity and such things upon my dream world self. And during those times of semi-lucid to lucid dreaming (more awareness without waking up) I can assert varying degrees of control based on focusing my will to erase doubts and beliefs and force myself to have certain expectations and beliefs so that they happen. Like, continuing flying, if not so well or nearly as easily as my dream integrated self. When you see things and do things and expect them to happen in your dreams, they generally do (with certain exceptions I won't get into). Your confidence or your fear of expected events or outcomes will rule your dreams, lucid or not. And so, my dreams and nightmares reflect a great deal of my waking expectations of these situations when they do not reflect my 'inherent' knowledge of the dream world's workings- that state of mind where you absolutely are the person in your dream, capable of those feats, in the bizzare and fantastical workings of that world- that point of limited consciousness when you don't realize you are dreaming. TL;DR with in between the lines summarizing: the more confidence in yourself and your own abilities at the time of and given non-phobia centric situations, the more you will win in your dreams. Stress and waking concerns will dig their roots into your subconsciousness and thus will determine the course of your dreams, as will confidence from real accomplishments. And as for me... I seem to get the most physical rest and remember more and longer dreams with 4 hrs of sleep at night. And my body seems to want me to nap after lunches now, what with my daily routine being far more physically demanding than they were in school. So I think I would benefit most from a biphasic routine of 2 x 4hr sleep sessions. If I'm really tired from not enough the sleep the previous day or just a lot of work today and crash real early after work... I'll most likely wake 3.5-4hrs later... and not be able to fall asleep again till about the time I'm really supposed to get up and start doing stuff again. The army and my body's apparently preferred sleep pattern don't seem to sync together very well... but at 4 hrs of sleep I can actually physically perform with more energy than i can getting 8-10 hrs of sleep. It's easier to wake up, but harder to get up and going. Unless I relax and try to go back to sleep again right away after waking naturally after 4 hrs, it becomes very difficult to sleep again. Dunno if this helps or sheds any light on anything. Side note: Some of my longest and more epic dreams happen during my shorter periods of sleep. And if something wakes me up during a rem cycle/dream, I remember the details from the whole thing the best. So I suppose if you really wanted to really remember experiencing your dreams and be best able to record them, you would intentially interrupt your sleep during the rem phase. Preferably near the end of it. But not so late that you slip back into unconscious, dreamless sleep and the details of the dream slip away with it. It is the easiest to wake from because you have that bit of active consciousness already going in your dream. But I sure as hell hate it when I end up getting woken up just before the climax of the dream.
  10. I don't know how no one has been listening to this one yet. This is SUCH a clubbing song. Especially the remixes of it... I'm not really liking the video though. >>
  11. [url="http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2011/04/10/my-take-jesus-would-believe-in-evolution-and-so-should-you/"]Jesus would believe in evolution.[/url] Or would he? What is your take on the subject? Straight up creationist/atheist or the usual synthesis of god guiding evolution/the natural mechanics of the universe? I feel like I should put more, but I really should sleep. I'll obviously write more of my own perspective of the whole when and if this topic attracts any interest.
  12. Cough*pollplz*Cough Oh boy, I got a barking cough that could raise the dead. ~_~
  13. Carnival night zone? Reminds me of that old cave/cart zone music... Anyways, moving on to my music vid of the week.
  14. Maelstrom


  15. Classic. Doesn't this music make you want to gamble? ^^
  16. Buy some lotto tickets and hope you're picked on the "RANDOM" days, Dom.
  17. [img]http://www.myfacewhen.com/i/457.jpg[/img] my face when pr0n.
  18. Maelstrom


    BANNED cuz F YO COUCH!!!!!!
  19. P is Professor (almost) and "Pinky" [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/110/f/a/1303297127_pixel_fennel_by_signomi-d3edkwz.png[/img]
  20. Silly peeps. It's only been what, like two days? It's like the y2k scare all over again. Anyways been busy. You know, jumping out of airplanes. and then not getting back till 4am. Not that anyone could have possibly been worried about any absences of mine. v_v
  21. Monies? What monies? And who mentioned rupees? I swear, the currency was supposed to be called the Doro. >>
  22. Maelstrom


    BAN'D for all the super overused pkmn on your team!
  23. Then we'd know all the perverted things Will would have wished for. What if Speed Boost was never invented?
  24. Cuz girls know if they want to bang you within like 30s of seeing you. So yeah. You were considered before you even thought about it.
  25. WTF? When did you join and how the F did you get sent over before me?! What MOS?
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