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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    DO EET! Bant for the flying eel of doom. wtf, flying eel. are we on another planet now? and why does it look more like a leach? lolBant *coughcoughihatebantcoughcough* .....if that made any sense to anyone
  2. Maelstrom


    Banned for the goddamned pikachu in your avy. it epitomizes everything wrong with the pokemon franchise in general.
  3. Street Brawler JD- a hardy trainer who isn't above using his fists as well as his pokemon. His methods may be questionable at times, but has a strong sense of justice that doesn't let little things like laws get in the way. Blastoise (Maelstrom)- JD's first pokemon, he has never been anywhere without it since he first received it. Having been together for so long, Maelstrom shares his owner's Calm demeanor and seriousness of purpose. A veteran battler, it stands unphazed by most attacks and makes use of moves like rapid spin, aqua jet, and hydropump to create speed for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. It's torrential water attacks are usually boosted by the Mystic Water pendant it earned a long time ago. Torkoal (Gamera)- Named for a famed giant fictional monster, this small turtle pokemon Bravely faces off against pokemon of all sizes. It is usually cheerful and more than willing to help out those in need, but won't back down from a battle if drawn into one. Its tenacity and energy often inspires and invigorates the rest of the team.
  4. Kain is a beast. Plus his dragon armor is badass. But why is it purple instead of that cool blue/green?

    1. Godot


      did you look at his alternate costumes?

  5. Maelstrom


  6. If terrance and phillip were a pokemon character instead of a southpark duo... xD They would be Solaris.
  7. Dr. Doom is phail. And Sme is too nice even in his countertrolling. All the fun stuff happens when I'm away. And suffering through rigorous physical training and other things that make me fall asleep at 730pm without even showering first. >>
  8. Cubone- is MOTHAFUCKING BATMAN! xD And yeah, I noticed that about yamask when I caught it. I was sadface.
  9. Blaziken baton passing a swords dance to something like a haxorus is fucking broke. BANANANNANABAN
  10. Haha, very nice. And if anything is wrong with the dragonite, is that it's horn doesn't show up clearly enough. Pretty good, man.
  11. thunder likes to paralyze and help keep the damn thing from doing things. then i can switch in to something else... like my DDing feraligator, or lucario. If i don't just spam thunder till it's dead.
  12. Baton Pass. Not just for pokemon anymore.
  13. I parakill chanseys with the spider, so I dun get you will. And yes, def sucks. so dun let it get eq'd. it's definitely fast enough and strong enough.
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned for having a sleep walker in your avy.
  15. Q is for Quiver in fear. [IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/2mx1h6q.jpg[/IMG]
  16. Maelstrom

    Gamer Tags

    OK. Games list: [u] 360[/u] Halo3 Reach Halo Wars CoD: WaW (i hate this game though) [my bro kept all the other games instead of sending them to me] [u]PS3[/u] RE5 MvC3 MW2 Demon's Souls and the rest i don't play online with at all.
  17. Maelstrom


    BANNED FOR USING 3 STARTERS ON YOUR TEAM! (4 if you count ralts as a gen 3 starter... for someone else) I do...?
  18. Underrated- Galvantula- This spider is a BEAST. Speedy as hell, and can even take certain hits like a pro. Thunder accuracy > 90% is amazing. Energy Ball F's your swampert. Bug buzz will mess up all the common dark and psychic types, as well as those asshole plants. These three moves have swept entire teams for me. Why don't I see anybody else with one???
  19. Riddle me this: where have all the grenade launchers gone?

    1. Will


      4kids got anal-pained and b& them.

    2. Bullet



      + Respect to Will

  20. Sweet! I just LOVE convenient interruptions. Saves more heroes than unnecessarily slow death devices. =3
  21. Maelstrom


    I saw a video review that pretty much like it except for the fact that the battery life sucked. 2.5 hrs max with all the bells and whistles on. Not cool. Still, I may get it. I still have to think about it. In the meantime, I have to get a Hard Drive for my 360 and buy an HDMI cable for my 360 and ps3 to use. SRS, the screen is fuzzy as hell without it. T_T
  22. Yep. Plants that somehow steal your energy, and bugs that will leech it... Giga drain is meh. But yes, drain punch pisses me the hell off. >>
  23. Current team- which is probably underleveled for having just beaten G-Dog and his patient plot to take over the word. I used up SO MANY ITEMS, I SWEAR TO GOD/SATAN THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Also... I need better moves! Why couldn't MY Carracosta have friggin EQ and Stone Edge for the fight!?! Let me show you the crap i had to work with. >> Serperior- Lilith lvl 51 - Coil - Dragon Tail - Leaf Blade - Return Galvantula- lvl 45 (can't take spc hits worth crap and its spc isn't rasing like it should) - Thunder - Signal Beam - Charge Beam - Volt Switch Carracosta- Midas lvl 50 (can't outrun much, even with...) - Shell Smash - Smack Down (lame!) - Waterfall (had aqua tail until AFTER i beat these guys) - Crunch Scrafty- lvl 52 - Crunch - Dragon Tail - High Jump Kick - Brick Break Basculin- Red Eye lvl 49 (fast and powerful, but not quite powerful enough, and easily kicks the bucket) - Aqua Tail - Chip Away - Double Edge - Crunch Krookodile- lvl 46 (has a nature that boosts atk but reduces spd. >>) - Dig (Where's mah earthquake?) - Brick Break - Dragon Tail - Foul Play Also... FFFF the fighting e4 guy. and that 3 headed dragon of G's. jalkjdflkajskfdjaskldjfkajkillhim..... I should go back to raising Sawk and Boldore. Swoobat was raising up terribly. Also, for a super effective move, Dragon Tail didn't do shit from either my snake, pantslizard, or the moxidile. >>
  24. See what happens when I'm not around? Exactly- NOTHING!
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