Street Brawler JD- a hardy trainer who isn't above using his fists as well as his pokemon. His methods may be questionable at times, but has a strong sense of justice that doesn't let little things like laws get in the way.
Blastoise (Maelstrom)- JD's first pokemon, he has never been anywhere without it since he first received it. Having been together for so long, Maelstrom shares his owner's Calm demeanor and seriousness of purpose. A veteran battler, it stands unphazed by most attacks and makes use of moves like rapid spin, aqua jet, and hydropump to create speed for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. It's torrential water attacks are usually boosted by the Mystic Water pendant it earned a long time ago.
Torkoal (Gamera)- Named for a famed giant fictional monster, this small turtle pokemon Bravely faces off against pokemon of all sizes. It is usually cheerful and more than willing to help out those in need, but won't back down from a battle if drawn into one. Its tenacity and energy often inspires and invigorates the rest of the team.