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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom

    Gamer Tags

    All I have is reach until I'm actually around during my small lunch break window to go to the mailroom and pick up the package with my ps3 and games (it should be there by now, even if i haven't been able to check since Fri, and won't be able to till this Fri, probably). But yeah... 360- SonicSoulstrike PS3- Soulstrike96 I'll add the games when I receive them and thus remember what they all are.
  2. 1. I don't really have an image of reborn in my head except for a fuzzy image of stuff ame's drawn up already. 2. Need I answer this one, compadre?
  3. Maelstrom


    Banned for not having that angry looking Abra sooner!
  4. Maelstrom


    BANNED for using another effeminate avatar!
  5. Then I'd follow my cat instincts to fight everone for dominance of the neiborhood. And mark my territory. Top cat, yo. What if you had a pool in yourbackyard full of jello?
  6. Maelstrom


    Banned for having a female avy while being a male. In fact, isn't that particular person in there the other main reason Ame is a trap? Bullet: I was plannin on changing mah avy in a bit but I'll leave it cuz Wynaut
  7. Then they'd be applauding my action hero methods and Batman-like approach to dealing with Team Rocket. Too bad it's about you then, eh will? (and yes, wolf did break the chain by not answer my question D<) What if you knew you were going to die in a month?
  8. Maelstrom


    Banned for thinking I check the OP for random, unannounced edits.
  9. @Dragons tl;dr I want the story, not the entire book collection.
  10. Is that the real server or is it just renamed?

    1. Amethyst


      It's just renamed. You can tell because in Blez's back up the Main Channel is called a Refugee Camp

  11. {Insert FailWhale Here]
  12. Then you dun know what a posting game is. What if beer never existed?
  13. L is for Luvdisc. [img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbuvs2BO7r1qcamaso1_500.jpg[/img]
  14. Maelstrom


    Banned... cuz it's for your own freedom and protection. Sucka. =P
  15. Dude. Some of us have a lot of interesting things to say!
  16. Dude, if you were a bank, would you loan me money to start up a BBQ restaurant chain called Hell's kitchen?

    1. Godot


      ha ha i know the perfect chef :P

    2. Will


      I do believe I would...and COULD totally go for some BBQ chicken right about now...

  17. Maelstrom


    Banned for living in south carolina!
  18. [u][url="http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/327226/pokemon+trainer/"]H is for ecchi.[/url][/u] [img]http://avatar048.mylivepage.com/chunk48/1855063/2.jpg[/img]
  19. *Is reminded of the instant-kill Moon-Raker Laser*
  20. --------------------------------------- today I was the most pissed i've ever been since before my brother was born nearly 15 years ago. I was looking for an excuse to verbally castrate someone. Luckily, it didn't happen. ++++++ eating a good lunch and an energy drink reduced anger level back down to mildly irritated. --- did sorta terrible on the pt test this morning. While still easily passing pushups, that was my worst pushup score ever because i used a mat that wasn't wide enough to let me do my normal wide-arm pushups. Also, running in the cold air and all the ice on the road made everyone's run times terrible. So I don't feel too bad about that. Plus, it was diagnostic only, so not for record and we'll be retaking it in 2 week intervals. - X (9000+)!: only one of the three packages i've been waiting for for like two months finally got here. And it had only old movies of mine, mtg cards, and empty psp game boxes. Instead of my 360 or ps3 that should have arrived here friday and monday, respectively. And thus half the reason i was pissed today. --------------------------- no car still, and it's not even going to the port to WAIT TO GET SHIPPED UP HERE till the beginning of April. That's for a grand total of 3 months of having to mooch rides off my roommate and not being able to go anywhere (yeah, YOU go walk in -10 degree weather plus windchill factor for half a mile to the nearest convenience store) to not include however long it will sit at port waiting to actually be shipped off on the boat. Other half of anger issues reside here. ---------------------------------------- 10+ mile ruck marches coming up to be attempted at EIB standards. 12 miles within 3 hrs computes out to 1 mi per 15 min. With a 45lb or so ruck sack. To not include the weight added by your water source, rifle, ammo and carrier vest. Not sure if we wear our heavy kevlar battle armor or not too. And imma shorty, so i'm at a disadvantage. Yeah, fun shit. >> ++++++++++++ I'm gettin' back in shape.
  21. C is for Custap- the Last Stand berry. [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/6/63/TagCustap.png[/img]
  22. Welcome back, Kitteh! And welcome for the first time to Mika!

  23. Maelstrom


    Banned for not finishing that game of Phoenix Wright we played that time I was over!!!!
  24. I'd probably lead up a vigilante group that shows up to places just to trounce team rocket. So... I guess what I'm saying is I'd be the Batman of the Pokemon world and there'd be some other guys to be the equivalent of the lame superheroes that make up the Justice League core. Either that, or I'd be a part of team rocket. Taking what I want, but enforcing my own methods and rules. Hmm... =/ Barring those... probably a poke-cop. Something to do with semi-frequent battles, challenges, and travelling. Any which way, I'd use my favorites and cultivate their potential. (Also, no 4 move limit as in the game.) So, I'd have blastoise, torkoal, gengar, and others. With a psychic type- Mewtwo or Alakazam- to telepathically relay my strategies, thoughts, and emotions to my team. Cuz hey, it's kind of a disadvantage if your screaming out attacks lets your opponent anticipate them and perhaps counter them. Plus, it's not like pokemon would actually have to be ordered to attack to use one. So with their connection to me, they see what i envision, and perhaps be inspired to come up with new techniques on their own.
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