[b]Trainer's Name(s):[/b] Jake, Rain, Maelstrom, Samael
[b]Ever "caught 'em all":[/b] Yeah, in my original Blue
[b]Games Played:[/b] R/B/Y/S/G/Rby/Saph/DPt/Black
[b]Spin-off games played:[/b]Mystery Dungeon/All the colluseums/Snap/Rumble/Pinball/TCG
[b]Any TCG decks:[/b] nope, just collected 'em way back when...
[b]Favorite Generation for Pokémon:[/b] 3
[b]Favorite Generation for Games:[/b] 3
[b]Favorite Game:[/b] Sapphire
[b]Favorite Spin-off game:[/b] Snap!
[b]Pokémon that needs to exist:[/b] Torkoal evo, a steel type turtle pokemon, Fire/Dragon, alternate Evo for Dragonaire, Hammerhead alt. evo for carvannah, non-rock type fossil revives.
[b]Pokémon that needs to not exist:[/b] dunsparce, entei, the genies, the fighting legendaries, the psychic trio, giratina, most dragons, unown, bidoof, gulpin, any more eveelutions, reshiram and zekrom, derpfish, wishcash, hooh and lugia, any more dragons, sigilyph, deoxys
[b]Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc):[/b] [color=red]Evil Organization Leader[/color]
[b]Currently Playing:[/b] Pokemon Black
[b]Favourite Pokémon:[/b] Blastoise
[b]Favourite Starter: [/b] squirtle, duh
[b]If you could have anything for a starter: [/b] Torkoal/Carvannah/Tirtouga
[b]Favourite Pokémon Song: [/b] Misty's Song, I guess. NO- the pokerap!
[b]Favourite Kanto Leader/E4:[/b] Misty
[b]Favourite Johto Leader/E4: [/b] don't remember
[b]Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: [/b] Flannery I guess. she had a torkoal
[b]Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4:[/b] don't remember
[b]Favourite Leader/E4 overall:[/b] None
[b]Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon:[/b] They're all really gay except for most of the Pokeathelon events.
[b]Favourite Pokémon Movie:[/b] Mewtwo Strikes Back, complete with unedited begginning
[b]Favourite Animé Episode:[/b] Dunno
[b]Favourite Type:[/b] Water
[b]Favourite Strategies:[/b] Type covering attacks to deal massive pwnage to everyone!
[b]Favourite Characters:[/b] Red, N