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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Did ya'll miss me? [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']No[/color]
  2. Happy birthday megaman operator. Gives new meaning to playing with your little bro. 'Grats.
  3. [url="http://cannibal-cartoonist.deviantart.com/art/Dasutodasu-182150555?qj=2&q=boost%3Apopular+pokemon+funny&qo=510"]My sentiments exactly...[/url]
  4. Oh Ame, you did it. You made me nolstagia and remember things so casually forgotten. >.> While you had been on the internet a while it seems, CheatPlanet was part of my first real foray onto the internet. I remember it clearly now. At the time, I was marooned in my cousin's mansion up in Maryland. That summer saw myself spending four weeks on the opposite side of the country of my usual stomping grounds. The thing was... there was nothing to do. My aunts and uncles were always out early in the moring to work and came back late in the evening, most of my cousins were elsewhere doing whatever but none of which were remotely within walking distance. The one cousin who was there was my age, but we were too different to really get along all that well. Usually, I spent my summers playing video games and swimming in the neighborhood pool nearly every day. The internet was something I used to AIM people while ostensibly doing my homework. Not something that ate up my free time- yet. Boredom overcoming my disinterest in spending energy to make accounts on things online, I ended up discovering myspace. Still, one could only wait around for intermittent responses for so long. Then I was saved by the release of something amazing. Megaman Battle Network 3. It was pure bliss for a few days. Then I got stuck at one part requiring a code and the game gave you some numbers and the most retarded hint ever. Stuck, I was back to lurking AIM where a friend of mine told me about cheatplanet. So I joined the forum as Soulstrike96 to get the answer I so desperately needed. I got it, but I ended up staying because I enjoyed helping out others. Having sped through most of the game and yet still a thorough searcher, I was a pro at it. It was around there that I first met Cy (Ame), and my socially inept loudmouth friend, xcvb. Tired of being flamed for being a noob (which he was, in retrospect), xcvb created his own refuge, the Gamer's Underground board. He invited me along and granted me authy as second in command. He invited a whole bunch of other people and a small community formed. As Ame said before, the forum died and revived a few times (technical problems, emotional breakdowns, hax... you know, the usal things). And then split into multiple forums, none of which I started but all of which I was invariably given some form of authy (I was nice, respectable guy back then). And during all that time, Ame was one of our tech guys, or so I thought of them. Doing banners and skins and buttons and smilies and signature banners and stuff. My strengths lying elsewhere, I frequented the video game and soap box discussion boards. At one point there was a GU comic made in which I was the main villain, to my surprise, but it would be much later when I would come to enjoy the role of the villain. After a time, when the forums had died down to occasional whispers, Ame invited me to his site, World of Aryon. I knew Cy had barely been active on the forums for quite some time, a good look at all the activity in WoA explained his absence. It was at WoA where I really got to learn more about Cy and meet quite the collection of characters. Rhapsody, MonkeyDog, Sakura/Uxie, Tremor, SirIsaac, Knight, Lara, Ice, Starstorm, and others... Anyways, as Cy mentioned, it was here that my name changed to Maelstrom.
  5. I'm not good at this whole "Guess what this person would really like" sort of thing. =(
  6. Maelstrom


    How do you like your straightjackets, lacy or frilly?
  7. Been so long ago... I don't really remember much at all. I just remember being on MonkeyPro and Gaia a lot. I don't remember who's idea it was to start the board, me or ame, but somehow Ame got us a board and made me coadmin. All I did was create the different forums and boards with pokemon themes (todays current organisation is all ame's) while ame did all sorts of computer nerd wizardry. We started off with mostly members from monkey pro and using actual game paks and wifi... which meant the board died a few times because of the awful logistics required to coordinate such battles. Anyways, during that time I made a few small efforts to recruit from Gaia and other places, but I think only Ice remains from them. If I remember right, the forum was precipitated by the epic pokemon rp we had going. After a while, I dropped off the radar due to the fact that my parents are nazi's when it comes to me and my gaming. They have it in their heads that i'm an addict and that's why my grades weren't up to the usual A++ par. Instead of me just being tired of all the bullshit i had to put up with to achieve some bullshit letter grade that no one really cares about, least off all me. My work at school had become taken for granted, my effort totally unappreciated, and I can count on my fingers all the interesting and/or useful things I learned from the 5 years I wasted in classes. The things I learned from my friends, especially my guru roommate Kumar... that's a whole new can of worms. So yeah, I couldn't play much if my DS lives in another state. After a while I come back and am totally surprised to see this place alive. And using this newfangled doodad called shoddy. Interesting. So I jump back in and make my team, which actually does well for about half the leaders. Then more stuff in life happens and I get busy or something. I can't even recall. Oh, and then the whole army training thing kept me isolated from the world outside the barracks for months. I come back and here I am, surrounded by mostly new faces and faced with another new battle program. oh joy. >.> And that pretty much sums it up to now. I'm an old member with a new attitude, new tricks, and few ties to anyone here. That is all.
  8. Maelstrom


    But didn't we all know Mashew would be back?
  9. Anybody else have the urge to raise a Nidoking again?
  10. Maelstrom


    Who wants to leave anyways?
  11. Did someone say, [url="http://0peko.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-gijinka-Metagross-146071086?q=favby%3AMetroidPrimeHunter%2F40367591&qo=5"]sexy?[/url] @.@
  12. [url="http://loyalkng.com/2010/11/15/akai-teras-epic-pokemon-reimagining-featuring-charizard-steelix-snorlax-pickachu-venusaur-blastoise-more/"]Red and Giovanni's teams[/url] [url="http://c4tman.deviantart.com/art/so-i-herd-u-hate-Victini-183888800?q=&qo=&offset=10"]and this[/url] because I couldn't find the poke art topic anywhere...
  13. Lol. Pity i don't run that Abagoura build, as good as it is. xD
  14. Mm... how recent is the reality on which this is based on?
  15. Sometimes, I think Titania is mad at life because she was born a girl. If it was just the skirt thing, I'd understand, but the hints add up with her. =P
  16. Wow. Like a priest, that message managed to touch me somewhere that made me shift a little in my seat. But no really, this place has grown beyond expectations. Especially after it died all those other times. It's been so long, you actually had to remind me I helped start this place. But I say that's not true. This isn't the place I started, this is the place you and the others started and followed through with, Ame. As much as it is the result of everyone who populates this place, this is definitely all the work of you and the new crew. So hats off to you all, this place has been fun. YOU ALL KEEP ME UP TILL ALL ENDS OF THE NIGHT WHEN I SHOULD BE SLEEPING!!! I guess that's a good thing.
  17. Funny, I lol'd more at the Alejandro one.
  18. That's harsh Ame. You know you love my conflict/tension heightening abilities. Anyways welcome. If you've won a badge, then bravo. That and the fact that you've got the emo avy and sig going on for ya... I think you'll fit right in. Somehow, I don't think a british accent has magic over there in the UK, but yeah, if you come visit you'll have curious onlookers on you like flies on crap. Um... I'll work on that simile, but I'm sure you get the idea. Edit: Kitty is indeed crazy. Smex at your own risk. ;P
  19. Maelstrom


    Can you see my chesire cat-like grin right now? =3
  20. Will is a bearded mountain man at 15. And... you can't find Amor's virgi- ahem, anywhere. xD JK Moar story nao!!! don't leave a bro hangin'!
  21. Rofl. Amazing how zoroark's ability keeps ditto from transforming. xD
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