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Everything posted by Maelstrom
This trainer who tends to love water type pokemon says Gyarados. I don't really recall having any real problems taking out Tyrannitars, but the reverse is true for gyarados. My teams tend to be full of guys with moves that take care of rock types, and besides which... my machamp vs either of them... tyrannitar is dead meat sooner than gyarados.
Lol, me like. And since you steal pokemon and/or are rewarded with 'better' pokemon, the challenge would be to win with whatever they give you. [zubat FAIL. xD] I can also see touch screen minigames you'd need to do to take things from museums, like bypassing the security. Lol, you'd 'earn' badges by taking 'em from trainers who'd beaten the gym leaders, so you've beaten the gym leaders by proxy. Your base invasion sounds fun. It also sounds like hill defense game types in FPS's. =D. The way I see that working though, is each trainer in your base registers their team and rival bases fight cpu controlled characters who have carbon copies of your pokemon. Cuz I'm not sure how they'd organize it, live base against live base. Grunts against grunts only? double battles? would it be realistic, with little to no healing of teams between battles as you run through the base? send in waves of lower ranks, then higher ranks to take out the initial line of grunts and work on through to the HQ boss? Your idea has a lot of potential for fun. (I'm assuming it runs off the regular turn based battle system of course.) Lol, I'm also gonna go ahead and say it should have multiple endings/story lines based on choices you make in the game, like stealing or not stealing from certain situations, or which direction you go if there's a proverbial fork in the road. Will you be the most evil bastard in all of pokemon, or will you reform the group into actually helping pokemon?
What kind of gaming systems/styles do you think would make a great pokemon game? Examples, MMO, real time fighter ala brawl, etc. Do you want another pokemon snap? [of course you do!] What about games that aren't about battling somehow, like how Snap was? or fighting but in a different way, like Pokemon Ranger? A pokemon adventure/platformer? I've got some random, crazy ideas but I wanna see the ideas you come up with.
Thank you, though that tells me little. =(
Aparently it came to them by an easy name mashup- Emboar. And then they ran with it. Why fighting? I dunno. I suppose everything fat and bulky has to have some muscle somewhere under there capable of moving it with enough force to at least oppose gravity.
So... when does it come in?
Yeah... I'm still new to this whole making pokemon thing. How exactly are you making 'em/putting it all together? What program(s)? And for someone like me who can only plan and live day by day... 1.5 months is a long ways away. And as for rules... I'm all for following rules in general, but here, we make the rules that govern ourselves, so really, everything is flexible, changeable as long as we generally agree to the changes to be implemented. No need to be so stiff. "Sempre Gumby" - Always flexible. =P
Actually yeah, I looked up under the collapseable menu up top left and downloaded it. I pretty much went back and redid my Turtle/Trade team that took me so far, but with some distinctions. [quote][b]Blastoise[/b] Surf Ice Beam Mirror Coat Toxic [b]Torkoal[/b] Heat Wave Stone Edge Earthquake Explosion [b]Torterra[/b] Earthquake Wood Hammer Outrage Protect [b]Machamp[/b] Brick Break Stone Edge Earthquake Facade [b]Alakazam[/b] Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Encore [b]Gengar[/b] Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Confuse Ray Destiny Bond[/quote]
I think we can do both. But then again, I'm just here for conceptual support. I don't do any of the spriting or anything like that.
Miss Kitty- well, maybe not so much shaggy as scruffy mutt looking. side note: I like my current title. It fits me damn well.
Whatever. That being said... this one is pretty much done, no? I'm up for starting RPP2. I would've suggested a Water/Fire evo for Torkoal to make the steam powered pokemon (the first of its typing) but then B/W came out and gave me the gift of another turtle (if one of rock and water, knocking relicanth out of the ranks for me, mostly). So I ain't gonna push for this one all that much.
Did you? I was not witness to such extraordinary feats. I still hate the rodents.
[quote name='AmethystStorm' post='4621' date='Sep 17 2010, 08:41 PM']Blaziken has Speed Boost as well, and Politoed Drizzle. One-way tickets to the OU tier. Gochiruzeru... Shadow Tag? I'll take it. Now if that thing learns Perish Song, which it looks like it might... Hell yes. Mael- Sturdy is useful now. It acts as a built in Focus Sash. PS. Why is there still no Wolf? Gamefreak hates me. In particular, out of all players, they hate me.[/quote] 0.o Now I'm torn as which ability I should hope for. nah, solid rock should work. It's a great physical wall and then reducing its weaknesses to 1x (except grass) in a set full of physical attackers... I think I'm set. Now if it could learn mirror coat, then sturdy would probably get me surprise kills against electric spc attackers. I'm not sure if Mightyena counts as a wolf. It kinda looks like one, but has terrible stats and has that ugly shaggy dog look and of course has a name referring to hyenas, which are pretty much wild dogs.
That sure as hell works for me.
So now my team of turtles goes up from 3 to 4- Blastoise, Torkoal, Torterra, Abagoora. Although Abagoora is like blastoise but with an added type and some slightly shifted stats. less speed and spec def, more def and attack. Awesome ability-solid rock, super effective damage is halved. Dream world ability of swift swim? Even doubled, the base speed is terrible. Sturdy is just terrible outright. It looks to have a pretty good move pool... but is noticeably missing head smash. =( It will make a welcome addition to my team. Ooh!!! Dream world abilities... give Blastoise Water Dish. Hellz yeah! Torkoal- Shell armor. tis okay i guess. Torterra- shell armor as well. Dude, sharpedo gets speed boost. =D
meloia reminds me more of a couple of characters out of the battle network and star force megaman games (serenade and lyra). It also reminds me of celebi (who I hate). I also noticed the stat imbalances. wtf. and look at victini's base stats. 100 across the board.
I see what you mean. I don't like at least half of 'em. But some of 'em... I'm ALL over that sea turtle. The archeopteryx below it looks pretty sweet too. But right under that is a literal pile of WTF. While that terrier makes me lol. Also, why do we need monkeys? The zebra evolves into a badass. Did not see that one coming. the centipede is probably the coolest bug type yet... except perhaps scyther. oh, and then there's that bug/knight thing. not bad either. Ho shit! that spider is pretty damn good too. wtf? normally I hate bug types cuz they're so terrible!!! And the little dragon dinosaur evolves into... well, the pokemon version of Destroya, a foe of Godzilla's. and that dark steel type reminds me of jet jaguar too. I'm liking the hydra dragon. I also see a lot of parallels to the first gen and a bunch to other gens. The cats- meowth and persian. bats/ zubats gigaiasu line- golem and co. the moles- diglet and dugtrio that log/girder/cement grabber- Machamp The blue frog- poliwrath Nageki/Dageki- hitmonchan and hitmonlee Archaeopteryx pokemon- aerodactyl The WTF blob- muk Emo bitch- Mr. mime and jynx combined mushroom thing- parasect ghost jellyfish thing- tentacruel chandelier ghost- gengar ononokusu- dragonite kojondo- reminds me of farfetch'd bison pokemon- tauros with a fro wargle/barujina- fearow kuitaran and pink dream smoke/whatever thingy- hypno sazando- salamence 638-634: just the traditional semilegendary trio polar bear- ursaring furijio- glalie natorei (grass/steel ball)- foretress denchura- ariados deer one- stantler rankurusu- rotom zoroark- ninetails Derpface- tyrogue/ralts erufun- jumpluff doreida- bellosom a lot of those elemental looking cloud things that all remind me of castform
*looks at trainer cards to help jog the old noggin* Starmie?
I don't hate them. I merely dislike them. =D
[quote name='N8theGr8' post='4506' date='Sep 15 2010, 06:34 PM']So much for your precious Hammer of Knowledge RUMOR: Desukan, the Sarcophagus Pokemon thing, will be Spiritomb's Evolution.[/quote] I'd think so, though it does stand a good chance of being it's own pokemon, as a sort of counterpart to spiritomb.
Oh the cuteness!!!! It makes me want to murder something small and fuzzy. =D
[quote name='AmethystStorm' post='4492' date='Sep 15 2010, 03:33 PM']That has nothing to do with anything... I mess around sometimes, that's all. I wouldn't lie about something with a serious impact.[/quote]
[b]Bug- [/b] Shedinja, cuz I'm so damn ninja. [b]Dark- [/b] Sharpedo. [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4chanmemeandmotivational.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/im_a_shark.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.comicbookresources.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D303924&usg=__VEmUpNm27R2Re9fu-NZw8lFG900=&h=589&w=629&sz=121&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=On4E3nrknVXYEM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Di%27m%2Ba%2Bshark%2Bcomic%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D551%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&ei=H1-RTOfNIcL58AazuN2jBQ&oei=H1-RTOfNIcL58AazuN2jBQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=82&ty=90"]"I'm a shark."[/url] [b]Dragon- [/b] Garchop. Like a shark, but on land, and a dragon somehow. [b]Electric- [/b] Luxray. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, but with electric powers. [b]Flying- [/b] Wow, so many choices... but I guess I'll say Aerodactyl... no, Charizard... wait... oh yeah, Charizard. [b]Fire- [/b] Torkoal, fo sho! This little dude is a BEAST. [b]Fighting- [/b] Machamp. [b]Ghost- [/b] Gengar [b]Grass- [/b] Torterra. What can I say, turtles are my thing. [b]Ground- [/b] Nidoking [b]Ice- [/b] Articuno. My favorite pokemon of all the legendary trios, aside from Suicune. [b]Normal- [/b] Ditto. I'd be whatever the hell I felt like being at the moment. [b]Poison- [/b] Toxicroak, the fighting frog with poisonous fists. Hellz yeah! [b]Psychic- [/b] Mewtwo. Pure badass. [b]Rock- [/b] Kabutops [b]Steel- [/b] Aggron. or Lucario. [b]Water- [/b] Blastoise, no question. My favorite of all time.
I told you the water evo looked like dialga mixed with shellder shell-blades on it. >.> Also, compare rhyperior, the fire starter to Magmortar and electivire as well. They all have the same basic build. And they're all kinda ugly, and apparently are steroid users. My guess is that the snake evo will be pure grass, btw.