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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Grimolt is the default for me as well, though it doesn't really have that fast, easy to get reference that most pokemon have. Let's see what people can come up with if we just list related words and then try to mash 'em together. Wolf lobo lycan canine moon lunar growl roar howl fire flame ember flare blaze scorch wisp smoke haze ghost spectre haunt doom stalk grim omen shadow hell i dunno. naming shit is hard.
  2. I saw an article in some magazine saying how snap was a great concept, if short, and would probably be awesome if they made a new one for the wii.
  3. Geo has point. A cool counter to breloom. And I probably will be on more, but I don't have the time to make battles or teams yet. And I doubt it will have more time once I graduate airborne and get shipped off to Brag for SF training. >.> We'll see what I can fit in.
  4. Rivalry Intimidate New Abilities? Keen Nose, Sniff Out, prevent lowering of accuracy... or increases accuracy each turn? Or even cancels out moves like protect and detect?
  5. this, more or less. Basurao- the violence pokemon. now it has two forms depending on the version of the game... This'll probably be my water pokemon for the game, yeah, no need for the otter for me. Hopefully this means this pokemon will branch out into two separate evolved forms.
  6. You found me out pretty fast, Ame. And who is that N8 person who apparently has all the badges!? *glares* I thought they were pretty close to the starter forms, except the otter's last evo. I like how the lizard evolves and loses its limbs (take that, creationists!). =D
  7. Silly emo. You don't have souls. Or emotions, for that matter. =D
  8. Well, they changed the story around so the 'bad guys' you have to fight are more like good guys, going against pokemon trainers because they feel pokemon battles are the equivalent of cock fighting... and I'll be damned if they ain't mostly right. xD As far as what I wan't... more customizability. Like perhaps the ability to create/customize your character or choose a classic trainer type, like black belt or swimmer or something. I'd also like to be able to choose a pokemon's ability between battles. Like, i want machamp to have guts for this battle, but then have no guard for the next trainer I meet. cuz breeding and all that iv shit sucks balls. I want a real time pokemon battle system of some sort. Perhaps like brawl... and something more than pokemon rumble.
  9. Togetic for me. Except I'm the opposite of an impulse person. I don't plan shit, but I'm not exactly spontaneous per se...
  10. [quote name='Geo' post='4019' date='Sep 4 2010, 10:06 PM']Face the Facts......Logic in pokemon is slowly becoming irrelevant[/quote] and being replaced by rodents. pikachu, pichu, raichu pachirisu the chinchilla pokemon the momonga pokemon plusle, minun sentret, furret rattata, raticate that fire/ghost one
  11. Yo, this is all too much to read. Can some do a quick summary or something. You know, what all these new abilities do and all this stuff you're arguing about... I was pretty disappointed in the roster before, but looking at the current reveals, I think there's some hope. -That ground/dark crocodile thing. That shows promise. It's gonna evolve into a badass, i just know it! -kibago, that tusked dragon. Looks a bit like a dinosaur. I really want to see where they go with it. Wait, it has rivalry and mold breaker? Very nice. Mold breaker suggests it's from a fossil and is indeed a dinosaur pokemon. -gigaiasu- the evil version of the regi series? I like it. -mamanbou- looks like a new evo for luvdisc. Not my style or anything, but I like and welcome it. -moguryu- the mole pokemon. Not bad. kinda digging the blue stripes in there, and the evo looks good to me. -desukan- the sarcophogus one. I can really only see it as being spiritomb's evo. -Basurao- that green magikarp thing. I predict that it will evolve into godzilla. not something that looks like godzilla (like feraligatr), but godzilla. I mean, look at that green coloring, and the shape of those fins! xD No really though, I want it to evolve into some kind of dragon, or at least a shark, the way carvannah did. This will for sure find it's way onto my team. *Honorable Mentions* -victini- for the fire/ghost typing. we don't need more rodents filling up the ranks of pokemon. really we don't. the big glassy blue eyes suggests a cave dweller. wtf does victory star do? -wooguru- looks cool, typing sucks. -shimama- looks good. it does. it fits with pokemon. but too many electric pokemon. although most of those suck... -mamepato- not sure why, but it ain't bad. gives me the same warm and fuzzy feeling pidgey does. -musharna- another psychic tapir thing. with a hindu-indian sound to the name. I'm down with that. It's still pink and purple and kinda formless. -the otter's final evo- looks like dialga, but covered with cloister-shell armor. Why does it have walrus mustaches? *The WTF?! Category* -the flaming pig thing- it's a flaming pig. and then it looks like a retarded magmortar wannabe. -munna- the purple-flower tatooed fetus pokemon. It looks like one of those magnified pictures of flea, but pink. -hihidaruma- a lot like the flaming pig thing, but this time it's just a furrball with gorilla arms. like they're trying to be counterparts to the abominable snowman, the way iceman and the human torch are counterparts. Also, what does Encourage do? -gochiruzeru- the gothic bitch pokemon, complete with terrible fashion sense. -koromori- the furball bat thing that get points for being psychic and flying, but goes into debt for being a fly hairball with that thing in the center that sometimes looks like an eye, and sometimes looks like a nose/snout. lacks originality without being something worth copying. -yanappu- enough with the damn apes. I hate the ugly monkeyball lookalike apes. Leave me and my primeape alone. -emonga- another electric rodent, and really, 15 rodents too many, like that chinchilla thing. pokemon is officially trying way too hard to be cute. -darumakka- I presume this to be the pre-evo for that fiery furball with gorilla arms. in the fuzzy picture, it looks like a bushy red-bearded face with 3 yellow buck teeth sticking out. the beard-face pokemon. -miruhoggu- the angry chipmunk pokemon, this guy looks really angry or really baked. it's an angry/drugged up relative of sentret. wash, rinse, repeat.
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