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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Happy belated birthday, Renzo. If I wasn't giving in to my video game addiction, I would have been here on time. Don't do anything I wouldn't enjoy.
  2. Some random suggestions: Wonderwall Por Ti Volare Fotografia- Juanes and Nelly Furtado Time After Time- Mai Kuraki. I'm curious how a male cover would come out. Towa ni tomo ni- this one is do-able solo but would probably be better as a duet. Probably the one I'd be most interest in hearing a cover for. Chrono Trigger the Musical- Brental Floss
  3. Can't wait to see Shin Godzilla.

    1. Pocky


      shin megami goduzirra

  4. Rage against hate.

    1. Harem Master

      Harem Master

      Rampage on the Carnage

  5. Rock jumping like a mountain goat.

  6. Destiny servers down. Man, this is lame af.

    1. Maelstrom


      Brightside are all the hilarious twitter posts to the bungie help account.

    2. Maelstrom


      And I'm finally in.

  7. If anything, having a pokemon around means that guns and heavy weapons SHOULD have been invented. Because they're stronger and more dangerous than the wild animals we know irl. We wouldn't have been fighting just other humans for food and other resources, but pokemon as well. Especially before pokeballs were invented. Before pokemon could be caught in pokeballs to be tamed, people would have had/wanted to defend themselves from predator pokemon or just random encounters, like running into an ursaring in the forest. Geh, I could go on, but the real answer is that it's intended as a kid's fantasy world and they're trying to both steer away from gun issues and keep the focus on the action/violence done with pokemon. Apply realistic logic to much of anything in the games and it all falls apart. Which leaves us with something incredibly silly, but fun.
  8. Happy birthday, Pocky. May your chopsticks always break apart evenly. =P
  9. Pyrron's new forum name makes me think of the kaio ken every time.

    1. Garnet.
    2. Maelstrom
    3. Simon


      Spade was referencing DBZ Abridged with that lol.

  10. On that note, you might want to visit castles just for food to give Lilith and getting DVP so you can build up your castle. Not to mention food to cook up for single battle bonuses.
  11. Heh, this is actually better

  12. Still haven't watched the Fate/Stay series but I found this art before I knew it came from something specific.

  13. This isn't the weird confessions thread... :Kappa: Bass can be really hard to hear sometimes. Tfw you finally remember that you have your SNES and games here with you at the apartment and you still haven't plugged it in yet. I will have to rectify this oversight soon. but then tofw you realize you have a bunch of homework that you had to do by tuesday and tuesday is when the Destiny dlc finally drops and you're certain you won't be playing much SNES for a while...
  14. My vote is on Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It's a really massive game that you'll enjoy if you've played the first game. You can also transfer file clear data from the first game for some extra tidbits, even if you might have to enter a huge code for it. You might want to look up some of that stuff up, cuz there were a couple of things that only happen if you went and revisited a few places later on in the first game. But runner up is Chrono Trigger, just because of how popular it is and how great Frog's Theme is. If you wanna play LoL, I ask how comfortable you are playing with a mouse and keyboard setup.
  15. I bet the one in the back is gonna snap. Then he's snap you, mr snapchat.
  16. We already knew the theme from the trailer before. We didn't want another one.
  17. So... Pokemon generationis is 0 for 2 for good episodes so far.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I liked that part it was kind of adorable. The episodes so far are less than 4 minutes long

    3. Hect


      Pika be like "Mii mii", good enough for me.

    4. Azeria


      It's following FRLG Canon, not RBY canon. The later was portrayed in Origins.

  18. I was really disappointed. Episode 1 was basically just another trailer for what the series should be about. Plus, it focused around pikachu, which is always a fail in my book. Episode 2 had some upsides- like a swat team going in with guns and using pokemon to infiltrate. Oh wait, those weren't guns. Those were metal poles. They were going in to threaten a ganglord with police batons. Stupid much? Did they really not know Giovanni was a gym leader? One of the only 8 leaders in the whole region/country? Why do they ignore the in-game dialogue of the first gen to make it seem like he's running away and plotting more instead of going away on a new journey to rediscover what pokemon mean to him and the relationship people and pokemon should have? Or even not use the plot that was developed in the pokemon special comic? Giovanni just comes out as so generic, it just sucked to watch. AND we didn't get to see a pokemon battle. Plus, did you see how poorly Giovanni was animated at the end? Honestly, this is just bad. Just all around crap so far.
  19. I have sincere doubts that you actually know about mtg from your statements. I haven't kept tabs on the meta (standard, extended, or otherwise) but I know most of what you said about magic isn't true. But whatever, that's not what this thread is for anyways. *steps back and takes a breath* Ame, what do the YYH cards look like?
  20. Memory is the scribe of the soul.

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