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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I prefer physical. Downloading games takes up a lot of memory, and being able to borrow or lend games via hard copy is always a plus.
  2. We already know N's story. He was found an purposefully raised with abused pokemon so that he would grow up with certain ideals that Ghetsis manipulated so he could get his hands on Reshiram/Zekrom. Despite his good intentions, he grows up with a really narrow view of the world and gets taken advantage of. Not really much to it. At most we might see the Zekrom/Reshiram fight. I would hate anything more than that.
  3. Do you want ants, BMIC? Cuz that's how you get ants.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      <3 I rove you Maerstrom

  4. You could try using mtg set editor to come up with your own cards. For example, I started a smash bros themed set once upon a time. Or use it to remake cards you can't get your hands on, and perhaps re-skinned with new art and flavor text? I'm curious if anybody here wants to try a community made set for Reborn or other games/themes.
  5. I'm too tired for this crap.

  6. Petition to make America great again.

    1. Maelstrom


      * Plans or details not included

    2. Shamitako
    3. Ironbound


      Those of us who are not American have no incentive to work to make an already cantankerous country even more belligerent.

  7. What N? I didn't see an N. It seems the furthest stories it touches are heatran and regigigas, the gen before the puppet hippie shows up.
  8. Hold on to me, you're all I have.

    1. Sir Flash™
    2. Maelstrom


      I didn't write those lyrics. And if I did, they would wouldn't be aimed at you. =P

  9. Powercreep has reared its ugly head since the beginning of the ygo tcg and it has only gotten worse. How much money have you spent on ygo, I must ask?
  10. Your name is Noface Nothought the Nth. You are a memer.

    1. Ironbound


      And Noface Nothought, like all the ones utterly like him who have preceded and who will unfortunately succeed him, belong in the incinerator specially reserved for those who spam thoughtless, out of context memes.

  11. Okay, pokemon Generations looks fucking amazing. I hope it keeps that action adventure vibe and doesn't get dumbed back down into little kid's show.

    1. Swampellow


      preach it; i really hope that they are making this to appeal to people who are fans of the entire series, and not just gen 1.

    2. Maelstrom


      I would imagine so, since it goes, at the very least, to Gen 4 where they introduced Heatran.

  12. That's All I Need- Dirty Heads Mama Said- Lukas Graham
  13. I think both rockruff evolutions are ugly as sin, but the dark one is even uglier than the day one. Speaking of ugly, does it weird anyone else out that the beauty ultrabeast or whatever is a white roach? that red thing with the needlemouth, is that a tick, a flea, or a mosquito? all this human-pokemon hybridization makes me think of gen 1 bill and his teleporter accident.
  14. I'm tempted to claim the pokemon, ygo, magic, and yyh cards but I've got a bunch of cards here I need to go over and organize. I'm mostly curious about those yyh cards.
  15. Nothing trumps plot armor.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tringus



    3. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Game of Thrones > Plot Armor

    4. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Of course, plot armor has a nasty habit of failing...

  16. Procrastinating again

  17. Sometimes you find nice music in unexpected places.
  18. "My heart is beating as fast as a microprocessor."

  19. are they THAT strict about it? I wouldn't rework a paper just to lose 1 word. Maybe go back and use a contraction?
  20. War never changes.

  21. I'm on the move again! ... I wish there was a faster way to say that. - OM

  22. 'Cause I'm no criminal. I'm not your enemy. All I have is life. And I don't wanna go to Heaven if I can't get in. ~

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