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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. 12 days till rise of iron

  2. For defense, I love playing as Ana. He damage is pretty decent and keeps their heads down. If you want a good quick heal from Ana, you want to use her canister. The canister just feels wasted if you try to use it offensively. It's basically a stronger, swifter version of 76's healing thing. If you can keep hitting an ally, which isn't THAT hard to do, her healing output is definitely much greater than mercy's. She does suck against roadhogs though. her best bet against him is to tranq him and let someone else take care of him. Her mobility really does suck but when you find a nice perch (which is hard without wall scaling or jumping), she can be pretty devastating. It's actually really nice that her rifle still works well even when you aren't scoped in. Reaper- reaper is basically easy mode if you wanna go in for attack and kills. Phase in and out and get lots of kills. I rarely find a good opportunity to use his shadestep, but he's great for taking a platform above people then jumping down on 'em in an ambush. Plus, he heals himself with the tears souls of his dead enemies. There was one match where we were getting massacred at the beginning and couldn't even get out of our spawn point, even with myself as Rein. I switched to reaper for the first time in a long time and just started killing them all and pretty much solo captured the point to start the payload rolling. And basically outplayed and killed the two enemy reapers who were a huge part of the reason we were penned in in the first place. Reinhardt- definitely a must have on most modes, but especially an attack and escort mission. Most times sticking with one of these guys is the key to victory. his projectile is rather lacking, but getting that pin kill with his charge is just satisfying. little punks who stare and you through the shield, thinking you aren't gonna do a thing about it. McCree- I played him quite a bit a first, cuz I was getting some good accuracy shots and that shit just kills fast, but I feel like his rate of fire is just too low and fanning the pistol feels like you lose a lot of damage output per shot as well as all your accuracy. His ult takes much too long to set up and more often gets me killed than the other way around. And one of his moves is pretty much wasted on a rather lame roll with too long a cooldown. Also, his stun grenade only just lasts long enough to get one shot in, and that's just bad tbh. Pharah- I didn't like her character design at first but after getting killed by her a few too many times I decided to try her out. And holy shit does experience as Benedict in Battleborn really pay off with her. I've already got her trophies for knocking people off the stage with her little pushing blast and getting 4 kills before touching the ground. Her liftoff is just great for approaches and escapes and a direct hit just does so much damage, while hitting right next to a player doesn't seem to do all that much. While not easy mode like Reaper, she nets me a lot of kills on most maps and often lands me PotG's. Like that time I got boosted by anna and just wiped out the entire team, including torb's turret. DVa- I played her a lot more in the beta. They definitely changed her shielding move and I'm not entire sure how those new mechanics work. Her suit explosion has ridiculous range to it. I'm just not feeling her this time around. Soldier 76- just a completely solid character. His primary fire is a bit inaccurate for my tastes though. His primary fire does relatively weak damage and you can't make up for it by getting headshots because the inherent accuracy isn't good enough. Otherwise, he's pretty good. I like his ability to run. everyone else feels slow as balls.
  3. So Overwatch is gonna be free to play this weekend. For ps4 at least.

  4. Those turkey drumsticks from sam's are friggin delicious.

  5. Cool, we got an ankylosaurus dragon. A-raticate looks like it got back from getting its molars pulled out at the dentist's. The designs continue to be either really cool or absolutely piss poor with no middle ground.
  6. Too much math. Please make it stop, I just want to learn coding and stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Shamitako


      If you learn the basics now you'll be better off later when you get to more complicated stuff. Arrays and printing text to the console are basics

    3. Shamitako


      The point is, the cooler the finished product is, the more math there is behind the scenes. If you want to do anything interesting with programming, you're going to have to stomach a whole lot of math

  7. Got bored and broke down and got Overwatch. Who should I play with first, beside S76?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Soon, the update will be complete.

    3. Twilightwing


      Well what's your play style?

    4. Maelstrom


      I love being on the offensive. But Reinhardt is pretty good support to play as. Mercy seems really lacking. Soldier 76 has better healing. And I played CoD when it was good.

  8. Steaming a late night run of Stick of Truth. Adult Swim rules apply. https://www.twitch.tv/azuremaelstrom

  9. Oni Chieftans with Death Blow and Counter, tho. Do you really need lance killer when you're running around with axes anyways?
  10. It just occured to me that the female Corrin I made looks like this Flannery.

  11. Get your standardized tests done if you haven't already and start applying to colleges.
  12. Well, I was eventually gonna do a female avatar run for the different support convos, so I started one. I'll let you know when I get far enough to side class. But... this is how she'll turn out. Name: Krystal Boon/Bane: Skill/Luck Class: Oni Savage Which reminds me, I still need to do a female protag run of p3p. Edit: current castle data should have her all set up for ya if you want.
  13. I feel like a persona x pokemon would feel pretty similar to Pokemon Conquest at the start.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monochrome_Complex


      Persona X pokemon would open up with 2 hours of exposition, in true Persona fahion.

  14. What games or series would make for a good Pokemon crossover? And don't say digimon. Think beyond that one obvious choice pls.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YinYang9705


      fire emblem was planned for one

    3. CodeCass


      I would say Persona for sure.

  15. Guess you missed the other recent post that had this one.
  16. Game Freak was high and suffering from severe munchies when they made this shit. Raichu and pancakes? Snorlax doing a flat pancake attack? We know what they were smoking. And they clearly need to quit cuz their ideas are [REDACTED]
  17. tfw you've got about 6 hours of tabletop gaming and bottomless tea refills scheduled for today. btw, any suggestions for a game? This place's library might have it.
  18. not yo grandpappy's don't tread-on-me rattlesnake.
  19. Did you miss the whole thing about hyper training? You can max out your IV's this way. As part of this, I'm sure IV's are visible for the first time. Super training is probably still a thing, and so EV's are visible, even if it's more of a gauge than a strict number count. As long as you keep track of what you do in super training, you'll know exactly how many IV's a 'mon has.
  20. I think either berserker or hero would suit me fine, but I think the edge goes to Hero. Able to use swords and axes, a hero's got more options than just axe. With Sol to help replenish HP and axebreaker, it beats out axefaire and rally strength, imo. I would like rallies if they didn't take up your movement and shit for a turn. Setting up useful rallies is a pain. And Murdoc, no. Einherjars and copies of characters can't learn new skills from castles and stuff.
  21. Wow, really? Hope you didn't get hurt.
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