Naw, Fates and awakening do a lot to make the FE games more fun and accessible all around. The older games and hardcore modes are like playing minesweeper- sure, there's some strategy behind it but there's a lot of random luck that goes on that'll make you start over from scratch. Not the most fun way of doing things. I mean, look at that garbage Demons Souls game.
anybody that had been introduced to good anime and could recognize the art and story styles... we were the ones that caught onto the greatness of FE and Golden Sun early #hipstermoment
I've been in the pokemon fandom since gen one. I don't see why anyone would call it the best. It's great for starting what it did and working with what it had. Sure, pokemon designs have gone down the crapper, notably since gen 4, but I pick and choose the ones I like and go with them. It isn't to say that there weren't great improvements in mechanics in the lamer gens. And for those of you who complain about muk and voltorbs as a bad designs, I have to wonder if you know anything at all about past pop culture and science created monsters. Hell, that's the whole damn theme of the first game- ditto, voltorb, grimer, mewtwo, porygon, bill getting crossed with a pokemon (ever seen The Fly?). I don't see any of you nerds complaining about slimes in FF games. tbf, GF probably really did give up on electrode's design. But hey, still got fingers crossed hoping for voltorbs that have the color patter of other pokeballs, like safari balls and what not.
Other series brought to mind?
Smash- Melee vs current
Halo- Bungie vs 343
Megaman- Battlenetwork vs star force vs classic vs X
Anime- classics versus casual/newer ... stuff
Sonic games