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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. The ignorance is strong with these ones.

  2. Pls, Ame. Who are the last 5 people who you have made yourself vulnerable to? I have bets riding on this answer
  3. well, trump shouldn't be a pokemon but GF did it. but really, does anyone really have faith in GF anymore?
  4. And this doesn't fit into the idea of this topic how? That was my point and now you're arguing it for me.
  5. yo boy guzma is just another poser about to get his teeth kicked in.
  6. "Pokémon has no shortage of nondescript monsters that are designed solely to be cute, and Clefairy is one of them. Seriously, what differentiates Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, and Chansey? Yep, absolutely nothing"

    1. YinYang9705


      aside from typing, stats, and design, sure

    2. Pocky


      they should try fixing their eyes <:

    3. Maelstrom


      Yeah, it's from a terribad clickbait article ranking the first 151 pokemon on design.

  7. For a lot of games, replayability comes from its multiplayer aspect. It could be a combination of coop and competitive that keeps the game exciting. Both of these are usually bolstered by different gear and attack combinations. Look at fps's and mobas. Different kits and loadouts and encounter situations are constantly changing and challenging us in a fun way to succeed. I really miss custom robos. There were a lot of trash combinations but there were also a lot of good combinations that promoted using different play styles. Especially when you had to do certain tournaments where you are penalized for using any part but the frame itself more than once. Smash has all sorts of different characts that can be played in many different styles each, plus 'custom' moves. In some games, changing the gender of your characters adds a different perspective on characters and situations. See P3P, ME (I think), FE Awakening and Fates,
  8. I guess I get to channel my inner Iron Lord? http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2016/08/02/destiny-artifacts-to-receive-dramatic-overhaul-4730.aspx
  9. You clearly don't get it. Games mechanics, stories, and visuals evolve and change as time goes on. This is exactly what this thread is about, Flux. There were a lot of broken mechanics in melee and it's like saying gen 1 was the best mechanics wise. One the surface the games remain the same, just like the FE's are all turn based strategy games with a support system, but the differences go far deeper than that. real important differences. that produces very different gameplay styles, approaches, and attitudes.
  10. Wow, this is an old game that I barely remember playing. I know I had a bunch of stuff but it's been years. I doubt I could get back into the account cuz I probably used an email address that doesn't exist anymore. It was fun for what it was but yeah, it is completely unforgiving to new players.
  11. idk, dat sandslash is gonna help me get rid of those pesky fairies.
  12. So clearly if you like a game, you will show no interest in any other games in the same series or genre, right?
  13. there is no A-exeggcute *cough* plus, idk if GF would want to change its mascot Does anyone else remember the surfing raichu episode from the cartoon? It would glow blue when it senses big waves and shit. Thus the psychic.
  14. Naw, Fates and awakening do a lot to make the FE games more fun and accessible all around. The older games and hardcore modes are like playing minesweeper- sure, there's some strategy behind it but there's a lot of random luck that goes on that'll make you start over from scratch. Not the most fun way of doing things. I mean, look at that garbage Demons Souls game. anybody that had been introduced to good anime and could recognize the art and story styles... we were the ones that caught onto the greatness of FE and Golden Sun early #hipstermoment I've been in the pokemon fandom since gen one. I don't see why anyone would call it the best. It's great for starting what it did and working with what it had. Sure, pokemon designs have gone down the crapper, notably since gen 4, but I pick and choose the ones I like and go with them. It isn't to say that there weren't great improvements in mechanics in the lamer gens. And for those of you who complain about muk and voltorbs as a bad designs, I have to wonder if you know anything at all about past pop culture and science created monsters. Hell, that's the whole damn theme of the first game- ditto, voltorb, grimer, mewtwo, porygon, bill getting crossed with a pokemon (ever seen The Fly?). I don't see any of you nerds complaining about slimes in FF games. tbf, GF probably really did give up on electrode's design. But hey, still got fingers crossed hoping for voltorbs that have the color patter of other pokeballs, like safari balls and what not. Other series brought to mind? Smash- Melee vs current Halo- Bungie vs 343 Megaman- Battlenetwork vs star force vs classic vs X Anime- classics versus casual/newer ... stuff Sonic games
  15. So how about a lightworks made video giving a tutorial on how to make a video with lightworks?
  16. Okay, so Benedict is much better than I gave him credit for.

  17. I think alolan meowth is based on the blue persian, which are big fluffy cats with bluish silver coats and fits A-meowth's coloration.
  18. How do we keep getting such shitty teammates?

    1. Anstane


      Eh, I didn't find them to be too bad. The only bad one I'd say was Flo during the final battle in the Fiore Mansion. Can you PLEASE switch to something that can destroy that Whiscash, please, instead of the Hippowdon?!?

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