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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Donated blood again.

    1. Alex


      I'm sure they appreciate your blood, but charities probably prefer your money...

    2. Hect


      I would, too. But I have an intense fear of needles. But I'm sure you're helping people with it. :P

  2. Just watched Brazil won gold in women's Judo.

  3. Asking you is shia's way of trying to find out, yes? What makes you think Shia was around when you've mentioned it to people? What makes you think that would be easy to find using the search bar? Why don't you have that answer saved in a word document for easy copypasta? Are you ready to cough up them beef ribs or am I gonna have to use force?
  4. Do you have any idea what kind of creatures these are supposed to be or are these derived entirely out of elemental typing?
  5. Gems- because too powerful? Idk. Guess they weren't balanced. This new Z-move sounds like GF's new system to balance it out. Improvement. game corner was boring slots gamble that should have taught you that'll you'll never win playing that shit. I used to grind the e4 for money to just buy the coins directly for the tm's and pokemon I wanted. Coin flip was fun but consumed more time than it was worth. Now they have you fight pokemon battles for bp in order to earn stuff. improvement. annoying 24 hour limitations were annoying. now you can buy better versions of those balls without the wait. improvement. safari zone- that other gambling area where your stars had to align to find AND catch a chansey in there without it running away like a champion track star. remember that footstep limit? then we got the friend safari where we could battle and farm for pokemon with 3 or more perfect IV's and hidden abilities. improvement. extra pocket? what was that for? the reason I didn't notice it is probably the same reason I won't miss it. Not that you needed it unless they happened to get a crit. jesus saves. often. and always right before obvious rival battles. Seasons? I literally don't remember them. What was their point... on yeah, sawsbuck forms. and then no one cared. Follower pokemon were a nice cosmetic. kinda wish it had an on/off switch. Edit: As for that 'leak' thread. A lot of it sounds like it could be legit but it could easily be a troll post. fighting/psychic abra line- so it can use elemental punches effectively again? flame dancer marowak, volcano alola form golem... Like, you look at the answers he posts and you could really see it being true. Either this is all true or this is a very clever faker that has better ideas for pokemon games than game freak. not that that would be too hard. Also, the fire guy with the Marowak reminds me of Marlin, but with an opposite personality type. But I really like the both of 'em. This should be fun.
  6. Don't restart your whole phone. just the app. It's pretty easy on iphone to do. Probably an easy way to force close it on android too.
  7. Suicide Squad was definitely more enjoyable than BvS. Go see it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Combat


      That's like saying a splinter is better than a knife in the eye...

    3. Felicity


      I mean I ain't the biggest DC fan but I don't see why people dislike it so much

    4. Maelstrom


      It was actually good for the most part. There are times when Joker and HQ make you roll your eyes but the action was pretty good and the story wasn't bad.

  8. So suicide squat wasn't the shitshow I expected it to be.

    1. IntSys


      Suicide squat?

      In all seriousness I probably won't be bothered enough to go and watch it.

  9. Getting back into New Leaf because sometime this fall it'll be updated for amiibo compatibility. So now I'm looking for a few things and wondering if you guys can help me out. Chess Pieces: Queen Bishop I have all the other chess pieces and I'm looking to make a gold and silver set. Also looking for pieces for the Exotic theme.
  10. Actually, I made 216,764 bells on the one trip to the island. Bank.

  11. Between fish and bugs, I usually make 75k bells and up a trip. Easily. As long as it is evening.

  12. I hear all that thunder oustide. The day just got amazing.

  13. It was never really a cheat. You still had to travel to locations in order to get pokemon. And that doesn't mean you'll be able to catch it. Nor that it will be at a decent cp. The numbers of duplicates you need to find of uncommon and rarer pokemon pretty much make it imperative that you know where they are, especially since they're on timers and it could very easily take you the very last second to even get there even when you know where it's at. Edit: check out these greedy bastards. they're working on a harry potter game before they've even finished fixing Go. Rowling's camp jumped on the trend just a bit too soon. http://www.nme.com/filmandtv/news/pok-mon-go-creators-are-working-on-a-harry-potter/413628
  14. from what I've googled, the phone doesn't have enough RAM to play it. at this point, the game isn't work playing, tbh.
  15. Next time I think that's a good idea... remind me.

    1. Cobalt996


      I am reminding you that you think it is a good idea next time.

  16. I don't really give up, but I give up.

    1. Lits


      Channeling your inner Natsuki Subaru?

  17. why are you complaining about file downloads when you put up your file to download? how will people tell what you are doing when you don't saying anything any which way and have to look into your file to see what you have to work with? Do you want advice or for people to alter your file for you? wtf do you want? Why are you so unreasonable?
  18. Can you be more black and white with this? You know, a question a reasonable person could answer with anything other than 'a bit of both?'
  19. One more time to what? Relive anything again? One event? Relive her whole life again? And have the time of her life as opposed to what? Can't you be more clear? I ain't Ame's bouncer or anything but this isn't worded very well
  20. Politics is called politics because they make policies you have to follow. AKA the laws. If you don't care if they're fair at all, then don't care. You will when you aren't a slave but the company you work for owns your labor and creativity and copyrights the compassion you show on the job. Oh wait...
  21. Afraid not. I looked at your post several times and didn't see it. You were posting in order of response and I would have been after Ame. I was not so I was kinda sad. but that topic makes total sense. And if that's what you think of Drumpf, we even have the potential to be friends. If you are not too opposed to the idea. We've never talked before.
  22. Yes, I've seen Idiocracy and I find it hard to discount its message when I look at republicans.
  23. Don't mind me, it's the just the rum speaking ever too loudly and in an opinionated sort of way. But still more informed than the bloody republicans. =3

    1. Tempest


      They're bloody? What happened to them?

    2. Maelstrom


      Some tried to think but their heads burst.

  24. Silly Dobby, common sense and kids don't mix because being kids and making those dumb mistakes is how they find out for themselves. I mean look at you. You're a paragon of getting things right the first time people older people told you, right?
  25. I guess we agree on this for the most part. Even as overdramatic as it sounds at parts, we agree.
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