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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. If you were ever looking for something redeeming in humanity, you can find it pretty much constantly with with this app. "Hey, I found something good over there. Go for it!" People are out and about, getting exercise, and giving people tips that show they want to help others. Did you ever really go to public parks before if you weren't there to play soccer as a kid? What about at 2am? There are so many people on campus late at night playing pokemon go, I'd swear the campus is the safest it has ever been. Surely, not least because I am patrolling the grounds now. You've got so many potential witnesses and rescuers around that it is completely discouraging to attackers. There is just too much good going on around this game for me to feel that a few mistakes made by a handful of users should eclipse the countless good things that have come about because of it. That's Fox media. Intellectual folk don't listen to Fox media.
  2. If you look at the app's FAQ, you realize that they did say that you couldn't.... at this time. It begs the idea that you can at some point in the future.
  3. Have you ever been bitten by anything venomous? How do you feel about vegemite? 5 Australian dishes I should try? Recommend me 3 movies to watch? Have you been to Steve Irwin's zoo?
  4. TIL that no, I'm not really hearing things. That IS Chris Sabat, famous for being Vegeta's voice, as the English voice for Kuwabara in Yu Yu Hakusho. I also learned that Yusuke's english VA is actually a Funimation studio producer. And that Keiko's VA did FE Lucina's voice.
  5. I drank HOW much of that bottle?

  6. Blanche is a female name so I suspect so... and then I seem them thick legs and lack of chest and I wonder... Candela isn't as fantastically awesome as I'd hoped. When can I change teams and join team Instinct? Am disappointed by Candela and Blanche.
  7. stupidity on the user's end are the user's fault entirely, not the game's. suddenly I feel like a republican but w/e, I support ownership of guns too.
  8. Are you two really related? You look stiff while she looks natural.
  9. The in-game radar is broken, and idk what difference it has to do with the items. even lures and incense aren't very good at getting more or better pokemon to appear. trust me, even when you know where something good is, you still have to get there in time. The alternative is literally ambling around aimlessly for hours and still never find something beyond the commons you see everywhere.
  10. Honestly, I enjoy seeing another team owing a gym. It means more experience for me when I knock it down to take it over. A pkmn capture gets you 100 exp, plus throw bonus. If the gym has 3 pokemon in it, you get 350 exp, then 250 exp, then 150... and then you own it. Helps with the leveling. Doesn't do shit for the dearth of stardust ... unless you check out the store while you hold a bunch of gyms
  11. I found a thing that will help you decide whether or not to evolve a base form all the way to final evo or a strong mid evo to final evolution. http://pogotoolkit.com/
  12. So Godot tells me Jeri shared neat new site that shows you on a map where Pokemon are and how long they've got left to be there. I'm gonna go try it out later after my phone recharges, but have a look: https://pokevision.com/ That being said, I took over 5 gyms and found 2 friendly ones with slots open. So grand total of 70 coins, 3500 stardust, and a 21 hour cooldown. So confirmed, if you have one gym, cooldown is 20 hours and any more than that the cd is 21 hrs. If my luck keeps up, I can save up for some free incubators or lucky eggs. Thanks to all the stops on campus, I will never run out of pokeballs.
  13. god, what is it with you women crying under bridges?! You're like trolls!- kirito, SAO abridged
  14. What are the 5 or 10 video games you've played most recently?
  15. What are you favorite vegetarian dishes? Oh, lets say top 5.
  16. Where does your name come from them? How does Arkhi know you?
  17. Why does that Steven Universe song speak to you so much?
  18. Apparently this is Moirane. No idea what she's doing with a staff but the art is nice.

  19. Recently caught up to Dragon Ball Super. While not nearly as good as it was made out to be, I watched Boku no Hero. Main character is trash. But I'll probably still watch season 2. Watched one episode of Taboo Tattoo. All the overdone cliches and tropes. Not gonna keep watching it unless someone else tells me an episode to skip to later. So... looking for recommendations as to what to watch now. Doesn't have to be something from this season either... Actually, I should probably see if I can't go find all the old Zoids stuff.
  20. So, good new is we get access to Pendles a week from now if you have the season pass. Bad news is you won't be able to really play him for 2 weeks after that because he's gonna be instalocked every time. https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/battleplan-11-7-21-16/1541474
  21. Dragonair meowth bellsprout voltorb clefairy jigglypuff Haunter spearow rattata geodude exeggcute tangela goldeen murkrow pineco togepi elekid poochyena zigzagoon wingull bronzor sneazle patrat ruflet braixen brexit pumpkaboo
  22. tell me something harsh but honest about myself. there. you happy?
  23. Riding on a whale through the sky wouldn't be scary at all. Right?

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