by all accounts, wendigo is like a winterized bigfoot. Aka, an abominable snowman, aka abomasnow.
I don't see how a platypus pokemon would really differ much from psyduck though.
tbh, gamefreak is terrible with mammals/normal types.
zigzagoon was fine... and then linoone happened.
beavers are interesting, but then they gave us derpy bibarrel
sentret and furret are tame/lame as hell. they turned a ferret into weeb kawaii awfulness. that is disproportionately huge.
why does zangoose look like a furry who has been in too many barfights and not like a mongoose? (new mongoose is way more legit, btw)
jigglypuff. enough said.
clefable. also enough said.
kinda lame that normal type pretty much only means hp in pokemon terms. look at ursaring, chansey, snorlax, miltank, etc.
or just... completely underwhelming. persian, raticate, granbull, purrugly, etc. slow start, truant. cough.
The only normal type I ever enjoyed using was Stoutland.
I've had enough of GF and their cutesy bs too.
they should have gone with those instead of gastrodon, swampellow, but GF is a group of terrible people with terrible taste.
Masquerain, the evolution chain goes from weaker, general form to tougher. so yeah, smaller bird into a falcon.
A woodpecker into a delicate wading bird would be like taking a step backward in that respect to my eyes.