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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. xD, you look like you're hiding out in a storage room of some sort. I mean, I can't imagine them furnishing you with a bench in your room.
  2. I'm still waiting for the devs to be like... but that's too many FE characters, or that's too many pokemon... then finally realize that they need their own smash spinoffs.
  3. Huh, now that mention cecil, he'd be interesting. He'd be a new dual set/transformation character, whether or not they keep sheik and zelda split. I, too, heard that it was Dobby's fault we got Bayo. I still want Isaac from Golden Sun. The new FE character should be someone who uses a weapon that isn't a sword. Preferably Hector or Ephraim. Or one of the manaketes. It'll be another two-in-one character, with the humanoid side using dance moves or tomes (or even bashing people with their dragon stones). The dragon form will of course take a lot of inspiration from Charizard. I want blastoise in the game. They're putting him in Pokken and I want to see how they handle him there, though I've got my own ideas for a smash iteration. and my list of DO NOT WANT: Goku, Naruto, Luffy, Ichigo, etc.
  4. Lol, maybe you should have given more of a heads up than the day before.
  5. For some reason I thought it was shoulder length though. Do the loreal hair toss. As for everyone else, let's not get too carried away flirting in here and derailing the thread.
  6. FE club now has an exclusive FE art gallery/dump, collected by yours truly. Check it out.


  7. @Sirius I manually change 'em. I tried a while back to use a site that does do an image playlist type thing Jericho found for me but it didn't work for avatars, but it did for signatures. But it also appears that the site is down now, so idk. There are probably other sites still around that do the same thing.
  8. This is Dana from Ys 8, in her luminous form. Good game too. Check out the demo.
  9. I used to find em by spending way too much time sifting through deviant art for the gems among the drash, but these days it's way easier to use pinterest. I still get some stuff from artists I watch on DA though. For anyone, really. Crop as you please. @Rosesong @Arkhi @Felix~ @Godot @Neo
  10. @Felix~ Did you always have your hair that long?
  11. "If you look at people today who are not in conflict with science, they have viewed their religious text as something that gives them spiritual support, not as a science textbook. The conflict in society is when you have those who are still religious who want to use their religious text as their access point to the natural world. Persistent efforts of the past to make that happen have just simply failed. The bible does not work as a science text book. In fact Galileo knew this, and he himself was a religious man. He is famously quoted as saying, 'the bible tells you how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.'" - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  12. There is a gradient of people who talk about their problems with you. On one end of the spectrum is the person who just wants the comfort, that personal feelings that someone is there for them and understands them. Or maybe even just a place to vent. How to help? Give a sympathetic ear. On the other end is the person who is genuinely looking for a solution. How to help them? Help brainstorm and provide possible solutions to the situation. When helping someone, it helps to figure out and understand where along the spectrum the person rests and adjust responses accordingly. Not like me- I'm the latter answer sort of person these days. I go straight from "that sucks" to "maybe you can try X or Y, with fallback solution of Z." Good luck.
  13. Well that's because spinach is one of the vegetables that actually has more iron in it and can help with iron deficiencies, sr. ironbound.
  14. I really need to go back and re-read the Wheel of Time again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Oh yeah, definitely worth it. It's definitely gonna be difficult to piece together everything that's happened and all the world building if you miss the first book because each book has SO MUCH in it. In what form do you have the other books? Hardback, paperback? Do you have an e-reader? Well, you probably don't need an e-reader. You can probably buy and download a copy of the book to your cell phone if you wanted to.

    3. BandorKitty


      I have a kindle but my brother has it right now, and I can't buy anything online :( So my best bet is to look in op shops and secondhand bookstores. The ones I have are paperbacks but I don't really mind what I find them in, as long as I find them.

    4. Maelstrom


      I think it larger book shops, like barnes and noble, you can order copies through them if they don't have 'em in stock. I definitely remember places like Barnes and Noble or Hastings having not only hard cover and paper backs, but 3 packs of books in sequential order. Hopefully you can get one of the local book stores to find a copy for ya.

  15. making vegetarians more susceptible to iron deficiency anemia
  16. Name the game/ yt video my avy is from, if you can.

    1. Eviora


      Chrono Trigger? I have no idea about the video.

    2. Maelstrom
  17. @Josef How was he supposed to see through it? The men under him, under the Lannisters, and under the Freys all look the same.
  18. Once upon a time...

    1. IntSys


      Twice upon a time.

    2. Maelstrom


      Lightning needs a reason to strike once, much less twice.

    3. IntSys


      And that's what makes it all the more special.

  19. Altered Carbon is pretty good.
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