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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. xb1, 360? what systems and what games? Same to you, psyducklan, what games?
  2. What is a Roxas? Oh yeah, it's that character that we forgot about. Top 3 are Aqua, Terra, and Riku, hands down. And yeah, wish all those HD remakes were for ps4 as well.
  3. As the title suggests, what animals would you like to see as a pokemon? For example, Kyogre is basically a killer whale, but there is no dolphin pokemon yet. Or a whale that isn't a blimp like wailord. Maybe a narwhal or a sperm whale? Rattlesnake Shark- I want something tankier than sharpedo. Like a great white or thresher shark. Swordfish Panther Wolf- manectric and luxray really don't count. their designs are too silly
  4. Sounds like a nice hiking and camping trip. Is it a heavily forested area? Or is it more desert?
  5. Wheel of Time. I should reread it or something.

  6. Ah, I'm used to the original terminology. Aka, EDH, elder dragon hilander. Pretty sure the 'command zone' was called the throne or something like that.
  7. Social/science experiment, play the game while drinking.
  8. "By fighting this match, I'm not trying to prove Chinese martial arts to be better than Western boxing. What I really wamt to say is... though people may have different status in life, everybody's dignity is the same. I hope that from this moment on, we can start to respect each other." - Ip Man, Ip Man 2
  9. I hate dreams like that one.

  10. Time to recover.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      well except for gimmick mons... like you know Unown.

    3. Maelstrom


      Slack off is something I know since lvl 1.

    4. Maelstrom


      Recover is what I call it to make it sound better.

  11. TIL that there are people who get their hair done at a website.
  12. Had parkeets. They didn't really last that long. But then the pair we had were afraid of any human contact. I've seen videos where they aren't and are very close to their owners. Like hop around inside of the house and without a cage. A few eggs were laid and stuff but they never hatched. We'd also gotten another pair of parakeets from my great aunt. I have no idea how long she had them. Cockatiels seems very loud, obnoxious, and time intensive to train if you don't get them very young. And even if you get them young, you have to be ready to be there constantly to train them. Finches I've seen aren't very interactive with people. They seem to do well when placed with many other finches together though. My grandparents and great aunt had some. No idea what happened to them, but their constant chirping was usually nice to listen to. Peacocks are loud and annoying. You will regret getting them very soon and your neighbors will not forgive you. Chickens- chicks are very cute and grow up somewhat swiftly. As chicks we had a couple run around in a very controlled area inside the house. They were kinda messy within their area. As they got bigger, we let them run around in the back yard and I saw them constantly digging and scratching around the garden beds for bugs and worms. Our wall facing the backyard is more like 4 giant windows than wall and while we could observe them through these windows, they almost always seemed to want to come back inside and be with us. As I think back to what I know personally and have seen, I'd probably recommend newly hatched parakeets and chickens over anything else. Parakeets will need more time dedicated to them but they seem to be very companionable. Our chickens seemed pretty companionable as well but also seemed to do well when left out in the backyard on their own for extend periods of time.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Mega Man Battle Network 2.

    3. Maelstrom


      The Battle Network games (except 5 and 6) are superior to the original series, yet not enough enough people seem to have played them.

    4. Sieg12


      They are superior gameplay wise but story wise nothing could top BN3

  13. Why? Because some of this shit is hilarious, clever, wtfsauce, etc. Pretty sure I beat 2 or 3 bosses at this point but I don't really remember any of it. I started BN2 because it was my first mm game and loved the shit out of it. Then started BN1 because I'd never beaten it... then got bored.... then eventually remembered that they introduced battle styles into this game and Shield style was the best. No, trust me, nullifying and reflecting damage like a badass was the best. Anyways, time to begin where I left off. ----------- Went to Okuden, best campsite ever. Why? Because bees. Not because they exist there, but because you get to combine a stick with a tossed out newspaper and a lighter into a legit torch to chase a swarm of bees away. Suck it, smokey the bear- I'm an elementary school kid and I know what I'm doing. Plus, I'm not old enough to have an Axe deodorant can yet and use it as a flamethrower. Btw, this is a pine forest. There aren't any flowers, wtf are bees doing here? And inconveniently blocking my path? Was their hive nearby? IDK, but I chased them away because this camp group needed a guy they could rely upon. An 11yo guy. So manly. Don't look at me. Roll posted that the mc was dependable because of this on the nets. If it is written, it must be true. Plus, forest fires aren't a thing, that's just propaganda. Except for smokey the bear. He's a real robot and he won't move out of the way or stop trying to kill you until you jack in and debug him. Yay!? Today, I've made nature my bitch. I learned today that my friends suck. One's a spoiled bitch because she wants fish because she doesn't feel like eating any other meat (yeah, suck it you idiots who think eating fish flesh doesn't count as eating meat on good fridays and bullcrap). Good thing there's a dude trying to fish nearby. With a fishing pole. I talk to him and voila, I caught some of those slippery, scaly mofos with my bare hands. Duh. Haven't you done that yet? My other friend forgot her knife, so she asked me to borrow it from someone around the public camp. I didn't tell her I took her knife beforehand because I believe she is a homicidal bitch and borrowed a plastic knife from one of the neighbors. Also, this is the MC's love interest, everyone. Third friend needed help getting wood for the bbq fire. In the middle of the forest. Good thing this other dude who is standing around this other tree used to be a lumberjack and can chop down wood with his bare hands. Because he isn't carrying an axe, or a pack, or anything. So I just assume he has Bisharp hands. Dam nearby was targeted by a terrorist group with bombs. When the hell did this come out? before 9-11? Of course it did. Chaud decided he'd deal with the bomb. He made me run around the camp looking for short range detonation devices. Found 3 out of 4 devices, 4th one was the PET of some angry hippie. Defeated quickman. Because bombs make me think of quickman and no other megman villain. But he was the fourth trigger device and deleting him triggered the bomb. But Chaud and protoman are badasses and disabled the bomb so it doesn't do shit. Chaud is an antisocial twat and because he leaves, you get all the credit when interviewed by the reporter (who likes frogs and drove high up into the mountains instead of getting to the place she was actually supposed to go. I forget where she was supposed to go but I remember her saying something ridiculous like she was supposed to go to the beach to report a story. Cuz yeah, going up a fucking mountain to find the beach.) Yay? Am hero yet? MC has to do a research report. He randomly finds a letter from Yumland, bourne to his native country of Netopia by balloon. Yes, some bored ass mofo stuck a letter to a balloon, let it drift, and told whoever found it that they should be international pen pals tits or gtfo. What? You millennials don't know what pen pals are? stfu and use google. I know! I'll go to Yumland and research the internationally famous food there- says the MC. You mean after you talk to your new Yumland pal? megaman asks. "Yeah whatever," replies the mc, "my inner fat kid comes first, second, and fourth." He searches for his new pen pal online (so he can get an invitation to go to that country: this country is invite only, no scrubs or hungry hobos allowed). He finds that yumland's google homepage has been destroyed by anonymous/net terrorists/evenagelicals/Isis a group called Gospel. By hiring a net ninja and through no might of their own. Gasp. Long story short, the country has one server that you protect from ninja ddos'ers. Chaud fights a ninja copy. You get a masterball 100% acc fissure gen1 hyperbeam machine Piccolo's special beam cannon a special attack program but then waste it on 3 pawns as they jump in front of Shadowman, as an inured goku protoman holds Shadowman in place so you could hit him. Welp. So I settle it in smash with normal fisticuffs and save the intarwebz. Because if the interwebs is shut down, in the early 90's, everyone would have to learn to live without their tamagachi companions, like megaman, and have speak to each other over the phone or face to face. I couldn't let that happen. Since I'm a the new country hero, I get flown out to America Netopia to go to a UN meeting Netbattle meeting in not-first-class because saving the intrawebs is cool but not top tier. I'm not good enough to be recognized an official netbattler yet. Because where were the 'official' netbattlers while I was taking care of a natural crisis? Before the flight, I get pretty much get mugged by a big, buff blond dude with a French accent. After several hours of sitting peacefully on the same plane as this douche, I grab my cajones and demand that he fight my pokaymanz give me back my money at the airport terminal. I win, obviously, and he gives me back the obscene amount of money I was saving up. I'm looking for a bus to get me into town. Because all airports are on the outskirts of town, kappa. When some shady dude tells me he'll give me a ride to town for free. I think he's shady. It's probably not the actual shades he is wearing but his manner of speech that sounds the alarm. But megaman says he sounds like a nice guy. And megaman is the guy that does my math homework for me. He can't be wrong. We get to town. Dude steals the Electopian chips from the MC because they're foreign and would fetch a high price here. I feel exotic, like a geisha or a leprechaun. The MC is a weak little elementary school hero, so he gets robbed and booted out of the car onto the sidewalk. I know I just beat the pants off Fabio in a pokemon net battle for all my money back and saved the interwebs but I get no chance to do anything to stop a fake taxi driver from copping a feel taking most of my shit. I stand up on the sidewalk and dust my pants off as I ponder what to do next. To be continued.
  14. Gameplay is kinda bland but which characters do you consider as counters for which specific characters?
  15. I graduated with a bachelors, was gone for 5 years, and then went back again last fall. You don't even know. tfw your father sends you on a quest to pick up a program that turns out to be the national treasure of another country. Way to go, dad. #MMBN2problems
  16. Looking for good teammates to play Battleborn on PS4 with. Any candidates out there?

  17. I am quite merciless with Marquis.

  18. Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Few understand this connection. Fewer still will understand that anger has no place, not even as the coin's edge.

    1. Ironbound


      Anger has its uses, but only when it is under the subjugation of the mind, and not when it clouds one's self and itself gains mastery. If one's knowledge and conscience dictate one to use anger in a given situation, then one uses it, and it shall be righteous. But when anger devolves into rage, frustration, wrath and vindictiveness, there is no greater enemy to oneself.

  19. The worst thing I've done in a long time.

  20. Oh, there are still things I like about me. It's just my top favorite ones no longer apply. And I do not think I could settle for lesser attributes. Most of you are young and no idea the potential you can reach. I know what it is to reach high into that potential and, for various reasons, lose the motivation to reach further or even maintain that level. And so it is a pain of sorts that you ask me to name things about me that is my favorite. For what remains to compare it to only reminds me of what I can no longer claim. "You do not treat me as a prince, but as a man. As if you expect more of a man than of a prince." -Prince Dutiful Do not get me wrong. There is still much about me that is capable. But they are not my favorite attributes and I hate how I do not meet my own expectations for myself. The pride I had almost forgotten understands that there is much to be proud of yet, but it is the same pride that will not allow me to pass these off as things I can claim of myself now, nor those that I can claim as true now as favorites.
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