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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Well, in this case, reality was given a boost by fiction.
  2. Ye of scandalous repute...

  3. Where did your lightning shaped scar go, Mr. Potter?
  4. Keep getting teamed with noobs. You don't need a Thorn AND a Marquis on the same team. Thorn sucks, btw.

  5. I predict a lot of character balance issues in Overwatch.

    1. Cepheus


      Hanzo OP plz nerf!

      seriously "One shot, one kill" is Widowmakers line - but it is Hanzo that does exactly that!

      "oh hi, sudden tracer appearing before me with full health... let me shoot you in the FOOT!"

      *pling* player kill +100

      Hanzo killed Tracer

  6. Anybody else get Battleborn for PS4?

  7. Darkrai gift code giveaway at gamestop.

    1. Red_Chaos


      can you just give me the code :D? im not close to a gamestop

    2. Kaito


      The perks of being clsoe to gamestop employees, to the point where I'm "cool Fred": I walked in for 1, came out with 10.

    3. Red_Chaos
  8. You mean like how Pokemon Go is probably gonna come out as a failed gimmick?
  9. You'd like to think this armor is empty.

  10. Now that you mention it, they're probably hanging out with Half Life, Flux.

    1. Flux



      He's pulling the strings on all the anime

    2. Ikaru
  11. When is log horizon 3 gonna be a thing?

    1. Flux


      Log Horizon 3

      SAO 3

      Oregairu 3

      Darker Than Black 3

      Seitokai Yakuindomo 3

      Spice and Wolf 3

      Index 3

      Seriously, where are all my 3s?

  12. "Life is pain. Pain is power. And power is life."- Toland the Shattered

  13. Wiiu with gc controllers. But to be fair, the 3ds version got more use cuz portable.
  14. Genbu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      White tiger master race? Bad joke, brah.

    3. Godot


      It's not a joke, it is truth, bro-ski

    4. Maelstrom


      Got something against black turtles?

  15. Sometimes, I wish my ghost had picked someone else. - Old Man's Mark

  16. Need 1 for Warpriest challenge.

  17. @ anyone @ Kuro As much as I dislike Sonic/Sonic fans, this is pretty good @ Godot @ Rose
  18. I haven't been on an art binge in a while. Let's see if anything of interest pops up.

  19. "Ordis has been counting stars, operator. All acounted for."

  20. Excellent armaments, operator. Please return [covered in blood] safe and sound.

    1. Arkhi


      It really SUITS you.



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