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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Dear research monkey,
    Make my cane a gun. Oh, and put another gun inside my gun. Also, it needs to be gold to match my .01%ness.
    ~ Marquis

  2. Really? Walmart is sure to have 'em, Walgreens is likely to have 'em. You could always substitute the disposable gloves with the big ones people use for washing dishes (or handle fish with behind the seafood counter- tilapia and catfish are spiny). I imagine you could find either of 'em in the cleaning product isle or in stock at the local pharmacy. When in doubt, ask a bio/chem professor/TA where to get some, cuz you're certain to need some for labs.
  3. Is it just me, or did Fate gender bend 99% of the guys? These people need to be stopped. On a separate note, I know that they like to take creative liberties to make them more anime, but there's usually something in their 'lore' or description that rubs me the wrong way for the characters I've uncovered so far.
  4. I don't play any flash games but the people here probably made a few suggestions:
  5. Does anyone know anybody who knows a thing or two about being in the peace corps?

  6. It makes sense, but it's rather vague. For a change of perspective, consider that some people enjoy moderate to heavy drinking because it stops them from being their usual self. It can make people more relaxed or energetic, and more outgoing by loosening inhibitions, etc. You also have to consider that there are things that are naturally 'you' that causes the conditions that result in you being prescribed these medications in the first place. To change your cognition and behavior patterns is precisely what these drugs are meant to do. So you have to stop and take an objective inventory (preferably with the help of trusted friends and family) of of how you feel and what you can and cannot do while on or off the medication. You should take steps to try to further explore and understand the reasons for your dislike of using the medication and try to find out what are things you can do and take advantage of while on them. Does it change your mood? Does it affect your behavior in a positive way from an outside point of view? Do you feel that the medications change your values? What are the noticeable effects in your decision making? You have to open up and be honest with your feelings in order to understand and conquer what you need to conquer, accept what you need to accept, and change what needs to change. It could be that zoloft doesn't particularly fit you and there could be a better alternative. It's a sad fact that pharmaceutical companies wine and dine medical professionals all the time and make deals to promote different procedures, drugs, equipment and devices, etc, to give them a commercial edge over their competition. It would behoove you and your parents/guardians to demand information about alternative drugs and treatments if you've taken the time to really explore what you have now and decide that it isn't working for you. And/or get a second opinion.
  7. Dan and Ame have met. I know Godot. I've met Saya, but she hasn't been active in eons. Not sure if Ikaru and Inuki have met irl. I forget if someone went down to NOLA and visited Rose.
  8. Don't worry guys. Reborn has a short respawn time. Plus, reborn will be around at least as long as pokemon games in general keep coming out. And let's face it, there's no end in sight for that... And yeah, Ame's got stuff she wants to do after the reborn game is finished.
  9. Idk, at my university, there weren't any weird places that made you buy paper too. We had $10 attached to our school id's each semester and we logged into computers and printed stuff through the printer kiosk after sending your papers to queue there. It was 5 cents a page iirc, a bit more for double sided and/or color prints. I also think there's a point system that goes with the meal plan. There's a bunch of stuff that you can get all you can eat while there's some premium stuff that'll cost you points, like muscle milk and other random stuff. Some people end up having to pay cash for meals later on when they run out of points, while others might be stocking up on stuff bought with points at the end of a semester, so maybe they don't roll over. Hey nick, what are pences? But yeah, have to agree on the plunger. There are people who don't know how to clean up their business without using half a roll of toilet paper. A basic multitool is nice but I always lose mine and idk if you can really find any that are cheap. Speaking of cheap, take advantage of a sam's/costo membership any of guys might have and chip in for common supplies in bulk, like good toilet paper (you're unlikely to get provided the good stuff, if any), paper towels/napkins, paper plates, giant ramen packs, sodas, etc, etc. And don't take too much stuff with you. You don't have much room. Bring your clothes, cleaning/cooking stuff, and maybe some of your daily hobby/gaming stuff.
  10. Know your dorm or wherever it is you're staying. I didn't have to stay in the dorms when I went to college but during the summer orientation we stayed the night in dorm rooms and we had individual rooms adjoined by a small common room from what I can remember. You should definitely consider getting your own miniifridge. And if you do, remember to defrost it if has a freezer section to it. That little metal box is what cools the whole thing and if it's covered in the ice, the ice will insulate it and keep the rest of the fridge warmer than it should. Toaster ovens are pretty great too. But you don't need one to make a dorm personal pizza. Get yourself some bagels, pizza/tomato sauce, cheese, and other toppings. I'm sure you can figure out the rest from there.
  11. Well sure, none of them were speculated about recently. but this is supposed to be a fun thread, not a serious thread. Or did you not you say that? Gorsich- major win for republicans. Holding out democratic nominees until they had the majority and then voted him in pretty hard. Just like they blocked most everything Obama tried to do. GJ I guess. It's how parties aim to be... Trade deals with China, Vietnam, and SK? Please, tell me more about these deals. I see average Americans winning out this because of reduced cost of cell phones and other items they use so much .... but I don't see them winning because that takes businesses and jobs away from local Americans (do I sound republican here, cuz I bring up this line of logic?). Trade deals basically means: reduced import taxes on items, which means they are better able to compete with locals selling the same, or same type of things. Import costs get lower and thus can reduce costs to consumers at least a much but not likely to in the long run because companies skim as much profit as they can get away with.... seriously, name a company that has actually increased worker wages as a result of top-down economic policies. And then name the reason why other companies and businesses haven't. I'll wait. For eternity. Cuz they don't... And if you find one, tell me so i can work for them... Also, he likes to claim he repealed Obamacare... he didn't. He only repealed the fact that people with pre-existing conditions wouldn't have to pay more for healthcare when dealing with insurance companies. I mean, being born with a congenital condition or catching the aids, or parkisnon's disease when you're young.... since you're gonna die... since you know it, your family knows it, your neighbors know it... eventually... wow... that's a bad bet... You have to pay more for insurance because you are riskier and for sure gonna die sooner. Why does life insurance exist again? Oh yeah, to make a profit off of people who are sick and dying and occasionally pay out to those those few surviving families who meet the conditions. You do know how insurance models work, right? You also realize how bad it is for insurance companies to insure people with high risk factors. That makes them higher cost to ensure cuz their actual death means that many other people have to pay into the scare scheme just to pay out one person's death that they insured against. I mean, you do know that Improved relations with Israel? You mean picking a side in the Israel-Palestinian conflict? I mean, I would have picked the same in a super tight spot and had to pick who I was more familiar with but trump is completely ignorant of the entire situation. it was pretty obvious when he proclaimed that whatever agreement the two sides reached would be what he supported... cuz they haven't agreed on much in generations. I mean, unlke anti-semites, I think people realize that Jerusalem and the surrounding lands are far more complicated than they realize. I mean, we already militaristicly and ideologically side with Israel in any conflict. I don't see how we're any closer to finding a resolution just because trump decides to dump his sympathy on israel without considering what palestinians have to say on the matter.
  12. as the next two playable DLC characters in Pokken Tournament DX. Aegislash comes out this month, while blastoise comes out in march. I gotta complain that the wiiu won't get them as dlc too, but I guess the wii u gets to continue to collect dust again. At least it had a better life than my xb1. But I gotta love the fact that they're bringing in blastoise. How do you think they're gonna play? Aegislash clearly has a stance change kit to fit different situations and opponents... but how do you think blastoise is gonna play like? Lots of super armor? A ranged tank? How fast will his movements be? Will he be all bulk and no bite, or will his opponents feel it when he decides to throw his weight around? Definitely itching to find out.
  13. You mean Trump's own party opposed quite a bit of what was proposed in Trump's name in order to keep 'em from burning the house down. *Points at McCain holding out against the repeal without replacement* If you really wanna have fun imagining famous candidates... How about Pres. Steven Colbert and VP John Stewart? Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson? The Rock and Kevin Heart (he can double as the new Anger Translator)? Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito (perhaps reprising their "Twins" roles)? Or the Rock and Arnold? Tenacious D? Ellen and Oprah? I'm sure you guys can come up with some interesting candidates. Or some obviously bad candidates, like Seth Rogan and James Franco. Tommy Wiseau and Nick Cage?
  14. ngl, watching people use torkoal to great effect in the ou meta is pretty awesome.

  15. Close but no cigar. Pretty sure that comes from @Swimming95. He's the entire squirtle squad all in one person. I'm just the dude with the torkoal interrogating irredeemable reprobates. ;P
  16. Blastoise and Torkoal. Or turtle pokemon in general. kinda interesting if you look at carracosta and turtonator as parallels of the above two.
  17. idk, my first gut reaction is 'no thanks, idk how qualified she'd be for the job'. second reaction was, 'she has a ton of money and could/would likely hire qualified people to positions (read as people who know wtf science is and are experts in their fields of work)'. Trump could have done that, but instead he gave positions and jobs to his rich business friends and family... only to ignore their advice at least half the time anyways. He also loaned his own campaign money that was paid back later by actual donations from other people, then spent shittons of taxpayer money to frequently travel to resorts he owns to entertain people and golf. This man ain't about doing anything but filling his own pockets. Back to Oprah. I honestly don't know much about her. She's rich, owns and runs her own entertainment business and whose opinions are influential. I think I read the first Harry Potter book in middle school cuz my advanced English teacher saw her promoting it or something in her book club. She's also been know to given away extravagant gifts to all of her audience members, but I've never watched an episode in my life, so I have no real feel for her political stances other than she would be liberal as hell. I have no idea how far she'd go to re-adjust budgets, for example. And yeah, she has that major television personality thing going against her, especially after Trump. Honestly, just give me Bernie or McCain. As much as some people want to have our first female president already, let's hope the DNC learned something and don't bring back Hillary as their front runner. I'd say best bet for that little bit of history would be Michelle Obama, but that family looks to be enjoying the hell out of NOT being the white house. Elizabeth Warren is no slouch either... But it all boils down to individual political stances, doesn't it.
  18. Well, there's more to it than I mentioned. The liberals win by either passing enough liberal policies or by killing hitler. You can only have a chance at killing hitler after a number of fascist policies are put into play- the elected president is the one who decides who to kill. There are almost twice as many fascist policies in the deck as liberal, and the elected president draws three, passes two to the chancellor, and then the chancelor has to pick one of those two to play. If the president is a fascist and gets a choice of two fascist policies and one liberal, they would likely only pass on the two fascist policies (you can't check the one that they discard) in order to force the chancellor to put one through, although he may claim all 3 were fascist. But if the president sends one and one, the chancellor might be a fascist and play the fascist policy anyways. Then the president might say something about it, but then it becomes a struggle of which person to believe, since you can't check the policies that were drawn and passed up. You can only see what was played. The fascists win if they put enough fascist policies into play, or if after a certain number of fascist policies are put into play the secret hitler becomes the chancellor. Each turn, the next person in order gets a chance to run for president and they pick their chancellor, but everyone has to vote to put them into power or not. If they voted into power, that's when they draw 3 policy cards. If more players vote against them, they lose and the next person tries to run for president with their own chancellor. Too many failed elections in a row means the policy on top of the deck is put into play, no matter which kind it is- and remember, there are almost double the fascist policies in the deck so the chances aren't good that it will turn up liberal. So yeah, there's a bunch of things to it. The fascists know who each other are except hitler, who knows nothing about anybody else, and the liberals are likewise in the dark. One generally tries to pay attention to what the other players claim, how they're playing, how they're voting, etc, etc, in order to try to help their team win.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Hitler Out of the dozen games I've played and won... and the one I actually lost and remember the most... is where the hitler somehow managed to convince the others that I, a liberal (game role), was Hitler. If they had listened to me, we would have won the game right there. le sad. but then again, I'd won every time I'd been hitler, as difficult as that was. Idk, it's so much fun, especially when you play multiple rounds back to back.
  20. There's a tabletop game out that is reminiscent of mafia/werewolf called Secret Hitler. Are any of you all familiar with this game?
  21. Nice, that's definitely better than mse for ygo cards. Couldn't figure how to get it to put in the quickplay symbol... if it even has those in the program.

    1. seki108


      I haven't really watch Stephen since the Colbert Report ended.  Glad to see he's still funny, at least to me. Thanks for showing me

    2. Maelstrom


      If you open it up in another tab, you can see the playlist of these, since this is a recurring segment on his shows now. You should also look up the big furry hat segments too. I like those even better.

    3. seki108


      I'll have to check those out later.  Thanks for pointing me in a good direction

  23. yeah, google shows that 'oricas' is 'original cards' smashed together. https://transcendcards.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-yugioh-oricas-original-cards If you wanna design your own personally customized but aren't a photshop wizard, there's a program for that. It's called MSE (magic set editor). It let's you make not only MTG cards, but YGO cards as well. You can print 'em out and stick 'em inside a card sleeve in front of a real card and play with 'em that way if you wanted to. js http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/ YGO example mtg example
  24. "Sometimes, when people say things always happen for a reason... I push them down a flight of stairs and ask them if they know why I did that."

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