Well, there's more to it than I mentioned. The liberals win by either passing enough liberal policies or by killing hitler. You can only have a chance at killing hitler after a number of fascist policies are put into play- the elected president is the one who decides who to kill. There are almost twice as many fascist policies in the deck as liberal, and the elected president draws three, passes two to the chancellor, and then the chancelor has to pick one of those two to play. If the president is a fascist and gets a choice of two fascist policies and one liberal, they would likely only pass on the two fascist policies (you can't check the one that they discard) in order to force the chancellor to put one through, although he may claim all 3 were fascist. But if the president sends one and one, the chancellor might be a fascist and play the fascist policy anyways. Then the president might say something about it, but then it becomes a struggle of which person to believe, since you can't check the policies that were drawn and passed up. You can only see what was played. The fascists win if they put enough fascist policies into play, or if after a certain number of fascist policies are put into play the secret hitler becomes the chancellor. Each turn, the next person in order gets a chance to run for president and they pick their chancellor, but everyone has to vote to put them into power or not. If they voted into power, that's when they draw 3 policy cards. If more players vote against them, they lose and the next person tries to run for president with their own chancellor. Too many failed elections in a row means the policy on top of the deck is put into play, no matter which kind it is- and remember, there are almost double the fascist policies in the deck so the chances aren't good that it will turn up liberal.
So yeah, there's a bunch of things to it. The fascists know who each other are except hitler, who knows nothing about anybody else, and the liberals are likewise in the dark. One generally tries to pay attention to what the other players claim, how they're playing, how they're voting, etc, etc, in order to try to help their team win.