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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. What started off as fun with gifs is turning out to be a serious lesson.

  2. Then this is me right now. 150% legit. No photoshop necessary.
  3. you, sir, desecrate the honesty and integrity of this thread.
  4. This IS my happy face.

    1. Shamitako
    2. Bearadactyl


      Just be sure to keep it clean.

    3. Maelstrom


      Grumpy Cat is a personal friend of mine.

  5. Obey posted limits

  6. I did boyscouts for a year or two. it was lame. You need to teach us how you got so many badges.
  7. Killed a lot of people with Ike tonight. Felt really good. I dunno what it is that happens when I drink, but I get hyper aggressive in smash and fps's and it works out. My timing and spacing get on point and I stick my neck out in the open far more than I usually do.
  8. It's not like I'm here to wish you a happy birthday or anything, b-baka.
  9. It's true, I think playing live on the same system is more telling than playing online with nintendo shitty server lag. And nintendo is stupid and has never ever been good at online.
  10. I'm not in a mood to make peace. I'm in a mood to force peace. Might doesn't make right. But it sure as hell can support it.

  11. if you are charging a smash against corrin, you deserve to get wrecked. Nearly fully charged is nearly the same thing as fully charging. aka, it isn't a real situation that happens. I just went quite a few matches as corrin. 0 of my kills were counter kills. killing from 0% is purposely fabricated in those videos. I've countered at above 100% damage and not gotten a kill from it. you all are salty from false bs. Dear Darvan, keep rolling past my projectiles. I will charge the claw attack and do %20 when you exit your roll dodge. the only more annoying projectile spammers than corrin are robin and megaman. Also, mewtwo is great to play as and can punish any projectile by reflecting it, even his own reflected back at him.
  12. Every time I listen to Tiger and Bunny OP2, I keep getting reminded of the japanese opening for ToA
  13. Don't be salty that you can't up air and up smash and charge up smash attack corrin without any risk.
  14. Happy Birthday, Shia. Don't spend too much time sharpening your axe.
  15. That's one of my complaints about arceus, mind you. The maps and enemies are definitely well thought out for the most part and you are definitely limited in resources and units for most of the beginning, which adds a comfortable challenge.
  16. There needs to be an actual devil legendary pokemon with a bst of 666.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Funny you'd say that...

    2. mde2001


      Devil with 666 confirmed for se7en?

  17. So I've noticed that the more skills on a unit, the more new skills cost when you pay to learn them off of einherjar or after castle battles. Another reason why the Gold map dlc is actually worth buying, even if you don't get the full dlc bundle. And the Bond unit feature is actually pretty neat. If you keep giving accessories to the same people, eventually your 'bond' with them grows deep and creates a new unit. It creates a new unit that's like a young avatar, it comes with one 'personal' ability and 3 others. I think the class is based off the other person's heart seal class, and takes one or two abilities from your avatar and theirs that appear at the bottom of the ability list, as I guess it assumes that to be the most recent ones learned. Hair color seems 50/50 either their avatar's or yours. Now I want to make an army of bond unit minions.
  18. I'm actually about to watch the newest episode of gate. And I'm excited. There's gonna be a battle at the embassy and it's about time. Not only that, they're using paratroopers. You know those guys sitting on the runway by the plane with their ruck sacks on their legs? The ones that obvious moron doucheclown reporter thinks are sitting around doing nothing? I recognized those guys instantly, because that's what I used to do in the army- Sit around waiting to jump out of planes and seize locations. Not only is it gonna be a battle, which I really enjoy in Gate (aside from the hotspring bullshit), but it feels like its kind of pandering to me specifically in this episode. Now time to sit down and watch it and see if I should have been excited or not. Edit: Aww, it's just another filler episode. Only two more episodes left in the season.
  19. have some mtg art. Shivan Gorge Thunderous Wrath Murasa Pyromancer and some Pixiv art
  20. Wow, they even drew in the NODs mount.

  21. I had an alcoholic drink and beignets (basically a donut) there at the cafe in the back.
  22. Those aren't test questions, that's just trivia.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I dunno what you are alluding to but... When I took the entry exam for my uni, one of the questions was about the winner of the latest edition of "Big Brother" (the reality show). So I dare say I know the feeling.

    2. Maelstrom


      The excel spreadsheet goes up to XFD, or whatever. How many cells are in a sheet? The correct answer should be more than you will ever use in a lifetime, but it was multiple choice.

  23. It's not so much that America is expensive is that New York is expensive. And nobody important likes basketball anyways. =P But yeah, the museums down in DC are legit. I've been twice. Shame they ruined it by all complaining and shit.
  24. Fixed a mistake in my castle address. acquired even more accessories, from making them and from random internet peoples. ----------------- Accessories: (all are base +1 bonus to something unless otherwise noted) Pink Beret Trainee Garb Mage's Circlet Princess Bow Simple Kerchief Flower Band Giant Haircomb Princess Crown (-2 dmg taken) Prince Crown (-2 dmg taken) Sun Tiara (-2 dmg) White Ribbon (-2 dmg) Head Towel (wearer shows up in the hot spring more often) Round Glasses (Thanks to Ikaru) Cross Eyepatch Faceless Mask Oni Mask Ninja Mask Royal Feather (+2 damage dealt while in other castles) Tengu Mask (+2 damage dealt) Einherjar Mask (wearer shows up in Einherjar shop more often) Samurai Mask (+2 dmg) Medicine Trunk (thanks to Godot) Lion Shield Fox Tail Nohr Pauldron Fox Pauldron (thanks to Inuki via Ikaru) General's Shell (-2 damage taken while in other castles) Emblem Shield (-2 damage taken, normally takes 27 pearls to make *hint*) Heart Pauldron (-2 damage taken) Battle Flag (+2 dmg) Arena Shield (wearer shows up at arena more often) Smithy Shield (bearer shows up at smithy more often) Bath Towel
  25. They usually know more than you think.
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