Ok, well these are my thoughts and opinions as I sit watching the debate on yt.
starting with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEKAFZgxwbw
Wait, why are New Hampshire and Iowa important again? I fell off the political trail for a while and I'm wondering why two inconsequential states, as far as population and economy go, are heralded as important? I have a sneaky suspicion that suspect statistics are to blame.
Why does Ben Carson not know when to go up to one of several identical podiums when his name is called? An aide is clearly shown behind the curtains urging him to just go on and take a spot. The social intelligence is not strong with this one. Even after they specifically call him out to stage after every other candidate was called forward after him. Hell, he made Trump look like a good guy for waiting for him.
Then the people hosting made up some lame excuse about the excitement in the room being so loud as to why he didn't come out when called the first time. At this time, one would expect the candidates to be familiar with the whole stage and debate process but it turns out that this isn't so. Does this bode well for Carson's ability to learn and adapt? Fuck no. Whatever script he was waiting for didn't go as he planned and he ended up looking like a moron. Way to think on your feet.
First question is for Trump, why we should be comfortable with his finger hovering over the big red nuclear disaster button. He tries to claim that he has worked for years and years as a people person, in a bipartisan way. He talks in a vague way about his stances on immigrants and muslims and how he is somewhow the go to guy. Despite the fact that these two issues alone make him completely unvotable by the democratic side of the nation.
We have more vague language. "We have to have a temporary something because something is not good." Tell us in detail, oh brave one. And then he says he was one of those people who said not to go to Iraq way back in the day or it would destabilized the people.
He then goes on to say that he will make the military bigger and stronger than the other candidates so that no one will ever mess with us.
I'm sorry, ISIS is too fucking afraid to mess with us, the second largest standing military in the world. Clearly, getting even bigger is the best course. The US has a standing military of about half the size of China's, despite being about 1/4 the population size. Someone tell ISIS to be afraid. Because Trump says they should be. But only if we're number 1 largest. That one spot move will make a difference and make terrorists shake in their sandals.
Ted Cruz believes that Trump isn't the kind of temperament you want with that kind of responsibility that is the infamous red button. I agree. If he says one extreme thing and does another, as Chase so aptly put, you can't trust him with anything. That pretty much disqualifies a person as a candidate, not doing or at least attempting to do as he says. And what he says he'll do is bullshit.
He goes on to claim that Obama is unwilling to acknowledge the enemy we are facing. What with the Paris attacks and whatnot, we should be doing something. Right? I mean, we couldn't be playing into those terrorist hands by dropping more bombs and causing further enmity and hatred in a region that has begun to hate us because we dropped bombs on lots of people, right? I mean, firsthand survivor accounts are all lies, right? Making moves that clearly plays into the media savvy hands of our enemies is exactly what we want to do.
I mean, really, conservatives are in touch with the feelings and ideas of people outside the bible belt, right? Right? *dies laughing*
He claims that the current administration and Clinton have not acknowledged, much less dealt with the Islamic terrorist threat. When terrorist organizations attack and all but beg to be attacked in return, only Republicans would choose to attack head on without asking why. Because our military has been dropping bombs directly and supporting the war indirectly for a long time now clearly counts as 'nothing being done about it' to Republican candidates.
Rebuild the military, the air force, the navy, the army, and the marines to keep us safe... Here's a man who is unfamiliar with numbers as far as manpower (see number 2 largest military in the world above) goes or as far as cost to the nation. I'm not sure whether I dislike him for overestimating our foes or underestimating our troops. Oh wait, I do know. Fucking scare tactics, man...
Cruz is asked directly about his words saying that Trump is not level-headed enough to lead the country. He pawns off his answer to the republican voters, saying that they will decided who amongst the candidates is level headed and qualified enough to do the job. They already knew that- way to dodge the question and not man up to your own words.
He mentions that it is important to know when to engage enemies and when not to. His criticism of the US post-Paris attack action shows he is does not have that capability.
OMG, Trump just called out Cruz for not answering the question. Wtf, I shouldn't be giving Trump respect points but here I've done it twice...
Then he goes on to say generic bs about how 'we're gonna win with Trump' and how Trump makes others back down. Says the guy who vowed he wouldn't be a part of these debates. I want specifics, not generic motivational poster platitudes.
To be continued as I watch the rest of the debate...