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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Yo, I can personally attest to kicking your butt at smash. But it's been a really long time since we've battled. And we haven't played any splatoon together though. Between you, me, and Godot, that's a pretty good half a team right there.
  2. The main 'dress' design is a pokeball, which makes me think of voltorb. Whatever that is up top remind me of beetles where the protective shell halves move so that it can use its wings to fly. A lot of the design reminds me of a bug, actually. Plus decorative gear for a maid bonnet or whatever. Volcanion's design is garbage and this one isn't much better. As a pokemon, I have no interest in it. it's probably just another lame fairy style legendary, like mew, celeby, azelf, uxie, etc, ad nauseum. My hype is in the negatives at this point.
  3. Oh yeah, pit is really annoying to fight against as corrin.
  4. Keep em pressured and moving. Get them in the air so you simply hit them from below with aerials. Get them to approach by jumping over projectiles and right into the claw half of that move (which does much more damage). Punish moves that used to be safe because they created just enough distance by using the wonderfully ranged side smash. If they run away while you're pressuring, get used to the range of your side special and go for the tipper for more power and launch. It's a great edge guarding tool too, where you jump off and do it or jump off, turn around before unleashing it. Try to predict when they'll roll in your direction and charge up your side smash, the buzzsaw blade will catch them and your smash will release and give 'em something to remember. Use side B to stick the ground and then use the following vaulting attack as a surprise, quick ranged attack with a bit of super armor. Remember you can do that to go the opposite way of the way you were facing when you stabbed the ground. I don't remember to use counter all that often, but it makes it less predictable when I do pull it out. Corrin isn't combo-reliant like most other characters. It requires more the spacing and timing that would normally be required for ganon or Lucina/Marth.
  5. Godot is obsessed with it and will get it as soon as it comes out. Plus, there are plenty of great games for ps4.
  6. Common killer whale, expert killer whale.

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Legendary Killer Whale

    2. Isa-Chu


      Mediocre Killer Whale

    3. Hexagoen


      Whale killer whale.

  7. Sorry jelly. We have a new meme king around here. His name is Nutella.
  8. It hasn't been mentioned in here yet but there's more to corrin's neutral b than at first glance. Both the projectile and the claw snap can be charged individually. If you hold down b the whole time, the projectile powers up and the claw charges up. But you can tap b to quick fire the projectile, then quickly hit and hold the special button. It will charge the claw for an attack that tends to get characters that approach by jumping over the projectile and get in your face because they expect a quick snap to leave you defenseless. By the same token, you can do a quick snap after a full projectile charge if you let go soon enough after firing and hopefully being better able to follow up a stun. On a different note, mewtwo feels so good to play as now. It makes me happy. The matchup I have the most trouble with as corrin is robin so far.
  9. Who is up for smash tomorrow afternoon?

  10. You know that corrin in the video is a scub. You fought my corrin. Oh wait. That IS my corrin. In a bad match. My timing was off for everything in that one. And one of the few where you actually beat me that night. C'mon man. My Cloud is an even better match up against Falcon. But hey, I challenge you to a rematch. As a non-ZSS or sheik player, I still say Bayo is bs. I still have found ways to fight her, but you mess up and she really screws you over. Idk why but I almost never remember to use Corrin's counter. I literally forget. But then, that makes is a true clincher when I finally remember so I can get a kill. They're usually above 100, 120% by then.
  11. you must have cropped this too short or something. 'was guud, deez nuts' that shit only is funny against Yoda.
  12. A skirt and crocs does not a personal profile pic make.
  13. So I really like the lyrics and the music, except the part where it says there was nothing there anyways. No. There was always something there or it wouldn't be worth tearing down and changing to something else when the person comes back in force.... something more worthwhile. Different Heaven- Far Away sounded good at first, then it quickly devolved into terribly stereotypical not-goodness. It dissolved into a techno beat. Which is just that. A beat. No melody or dynamics... just... a bland sound that keeps time and does NOT constitute as music on its own. Boss Fight- Sonder was decent. I guess. I want you to know that there are certain genres and styles I dislike because they're too repetitive. or where the lyrics don't add to story the music conveys by adding new meaning despite using the same melody... It's the difference between: "I've got a voice but it can't be heard" x infinity, aka a lot of trance, dance, edm, etc. the rhythm repeats almost endlessly with one small sound added with the main refrain is over. vs "I've got a voice but it can't be heard. This isn't the place where I can share my word. There's another shore unspoken.... I will get there and weave a tale unbro---ken...' pls arkhi, find me an acceptable song.
  14. The sheer amount and quality of people you get to meet. Between sports and classes, you met so many people on your level and with the same interests, it was impossible not to have friends to hang out with at any given time of the day. Jock friends, goth friends, anime friends, ap nerd friends, video game friends, soccer friends, wrestling friends, swimming friends, funny friends, serious friends, casual joke and tease friends... I had such a wide ring of influence back in the day. Adult life narrows down your exposure and experience so much.
  15. On a scale of 1 to 10? I saw the first part of it while browsing youtube and... well, I skipped ahead to the video had actually chosen to watch. I was really hoping that the pokemon commercial they'd shown weeks before was just a teaser for the superbowl, where they would show more/a different commercial. But I was wrong. So disappointed. In total, I didn't watch the superbowl. I saw lady gaga finish sing the national anthem. I couldn't here it because we were at Fudd Ruckers eating and they had the TV volumes down. I didn't recognize her for certain as the singer but she was still the person I guessed she was. She looks different every time I see her. I fully expected Denver to win but I don't really care either way. Godot wanted the Panthers to win, just to spite all the Denver fans in New Mexico. I guess the next closest kin state to NM is Colorado.
  16. Influence is power. Who do you look up to? Who looks up to you?

    1. Arkhi


      It's far easier to answer the former.

    2. Maelstrom


      But the latter always exist, whether you mean it to or not.

  17. I read this as I by chance am eating and a Panda Express where I got coupons for free stuff and now this explains why. I'm a rabbit. I don't really like rabbits or feel any association with them as animals, but some of the description does match. I've been extremely lucky throughout my life in one way or another. Family, health, wealth, mental and physical abilities and random circumstance. I can definitely be diplomatic, but not nearly as much when drinking and thus venting. Discriminating taste? I'll let my choice in art and avatars speak for themselves. Gourmet food? Well idk about gourmet but I know what I like to eat. Fashion? I don't do fancy or logos or designs I don't like. I dress simply in solid colors. Solid and straightforward. I'm not some swag fop. Cultured and snobby. Sure. I have few enemies. Because I DESTROY them. I mean, I usually don't go out of my way to be mean and I usually craft my words do specific effect. Haven't done that much lately but yeah.
  18. It's that same mistake again. sigh.

  19. Being super critical tonight. I'm not a pleasant person to be with atm.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      It's not even night tho

  20. Sounds like someone in the reserve or national guard. Active duty personnel don't have time to have another job. And it IS an individual thing. If they can pass, they get the qualification. Ranger school is a very tough challenge, even for men. It takes a very unusual woman to make it through. In the bell curve of females, they're the high end outliers. They are the exception, rather than the rule. And the military is now open to that. They still haven't changed the fact that I could do the physical fitness test and pass it with perfect scores on the female scale... and fail all three parts with the exact same score if you use the male standards. I would be discharged from the army in disgrace as being physically unfit while females would be commended as capable and be better looked at for promotion opportunities, even within the same job as males. I'd rather see this discrepancy fixed before opening all jobs to females, but that's a subject for another thread. Equal treatment involves equal responsibilities.
  21. Part 2 of 4: Starts out asking Casing about his comments about some other guy being liked and that changing traditional conservatism. He talks about how he cut taxes more than anybody in the country. I wonder who he cut taxes for. I'm curious. I also have to wonder what state projects he stopped or slowed to do so. Highway renovation perhaps? I don't know. What I know is that taxes pay for one service or another. What I wonder is what got cut in order for him to reduce taxes responsibly. Okay, surplus budget, balanced budget. Sounds good. Doesn't say how though. He says he wants to help the troubled as well as the others. The drug addicted, the developmentally disabled, the working poor, the minorities, etc. That's a huge difference from what I remember conservatives caring about. Because at its core, that's socialism and conservatives ain't about that life. No details about how though, so I remain skeptical. But I want to know more about this guy now. Trump responds to claims that he isn't a true conservative. His main answer at the beginning is we want to conserve our money. Conserve our wealth. Those two things are his first and foremost thought and answer. That sounds like a conservative to me. He talks about worrying about where we go and how we spend as a country. And that there are people who have no idea how to conserve or save our country. Spoken like a billionaire, he talks about economic gain without mentioning the distribution of that wealth, or rather the lack thereof. more to come later, I need to sleep.
  22. Ok, well these are my thoughts and opinions as I sit watching the debate on yt. starting with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEKAFZgxwbw Wait, why are New Hampshire and Iowa important again? I fell off the political trail for a while and I'm wondering why two inconsequential states, as far as population and economy go, are heralded as important? I have a sneaky suspicion that suspect statistics are to blame. Why does Ben Carson not know when to go up to one of several identical podiums when his name is called? An aide is clearly shown behind the curtains urging him to just go on and take a spot. The social intelligence is not strong with this one. Even after they specifically call him out to stage after every other candidate was called forward after him. Hell, he made Trump look like a good guy for waiting for him. Then the people hosting made up some lame excuse about the excitement in the room being so loud as to why he didn't come out when called the first time. At this time, one would expect the candidates to be familiar with the whole stage and debate process but it turns out that this isn't so. Does this bode well for Carson's ability to learn and adapt? Fuck no. Whatever script he was waiting for didn't go as he planned and he ended up looking like a moron. Way to think on your feet. First question is for Trump, why we should be comfortable with his finger hovering over the big red nuclear disaster button. He tries to claim that he has worked for years and years as a people person, in a bipartisan way. He talks in a vague way about his stances on immigrants and muslims and how he is somewhow the go to guy. Despite the fact that these two issues alone make him completely unvotable by the democratic side of the nation. We have more vague language. "We have to have a temporary something because something is not good." Tell us in detail, oh brave one. And then he says he was one of those people who said not to go to Iraq way back in the day or it would destabilized the people. He then goes on to say that he will make the military bigger and stronger than the other candidates so that no one will ever mess with us. I'm sorry, ISIS is too fucking afraid to mess with us, the second largest standing military in the world. Clearly, getting even bigger is the best course. The US has a standing military of about half the size of China's, despite being about 1/4 the population size. Someone tell ISIS to be afraid. Because Trump says they should be. But only if we're number 1 largest. That one spot move will make a difference and make terrorists shake in their sandals. Ted Cruz believes that Trump isn't the kind of temperament you want with that kind of responsibility that is the infamous red button. I agree. If he says one extreme thing and does another, as Chase so aptly put, you can't trust him with anything. That pretty much disqualifies a person as a candidate, not doing or at least attempting to do as he says. And what he says he'll do is bullshit. He goes on to claim that Obama is unwilling to acknowledge the enemy we are facing. What with the Paris attacks and whatnot, we should be doing something. Right? I mean, we couldn't be playing into those terrorist hands by dropping more bombs and causing further enmity and hatred in a region that has begun to hate us because we dropped bombs on lots of people, right? I mean, firsthand survivor accounts are all lies, right? Making moves that clearly plays into the media savvy hands of our enemies is exactly what we want to do. I mean, really, conservatives are in touch with the feelings and ideas of people outside the bible belt, right? Right? *dies laughing* He claims that the current administration and Clinton have not acknowledged, much less dealt with the Islamic terrorist threat. When terrorist organizations attack and all but beg to be attacked in return, only Republicans would choose to attack head on without asking why. Because our military has been dropping bombs directly and supporting the war indirectly for a long time now clearly counts as 'nothing being done about it' to Republican candidates. Rebuild the military, the air force, the navy, the army, and the marines to keep us safe... Here's a man who is unfamiliar with numbers as far as manpower (see number 2 largest military in the world above) goes or as far as cost to the nation. I'm not sure whether I dislike him for overestimating our foes or underestimating our troops. Oh wait, I do know. Fucking scare tactics, man... Cruz is asked directly about his words saying that Trump is not level-headed enough to lead the country. He pawns off his answer to the republican voters, saying that they will decided who amongst the candidates is level headed and qualified enough to do the job. They already knew that- way to dodge the question and not man up to your own words. He mentions that it is important to know when to engage enemies and when not to. His criticism of the US post-Paris attack action shows he is does not have that capability. OMG, Trump just called out Cruz for not answering the question. Wtf, I shouldn't be giving Trump respect points but here I've done it twice... Then he goes on to say generic bs about how 'we're gonna win with Trump' and how Trump makes others back down. Says the guy who vowed he wouldn't be a part of these debates. I want specifics, not generic motivational poster platitudes. To be continued as I watch the rest of the debate...
  23. selfies are bullshit This is what a hefty 250 lbs at a short 5'7" looks like. "If you are what you eat, then I'm beefy... yet well marbled."- me Gabriel Iglesias I am not. I wish I was half as funny...
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