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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. It's only the first song I got off of itunes/the internet ever.
  2. Yeah, we get some good benefits, though I hear the VA is really slow and overbooked. My body didn't get too too broken so I escaped most of the inconvenience. The GI bills are definitely a strong recruiting incentive. They wouldn't offer it if they made a service term mandatory for everyone. It's true, a lot of people could benefit from a boot camp experience, but it could definitely hurt the incapable and the unwilling, which is why it's a last resort. Besides, that's what military boarding schools are about. Or those reality tv shows where they take delinquents and take them to jail or put 'em into boot camp. I should really watch one of those at some point. I get the feeling I'd be laughing a lot.
  3. I'm pretty sure I've put this in here before but it bears repeating. Prayer/poem written by Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
  4. No, you either do something to change it or deal with it in your own way if you cannot. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." When you break it down to just forcing people into dangerous situations, you pull it out of context. There is no realistic compromise in your ideal. Ideally, no one would go to war. Ideally, if we did, we would always have all the people we need and win every engagement with zero casualties. Ideally, it would never happen. But realistically, what would you do? But I guess we will agree to disagree. I see the military necessity of its existence and I accept it. When a building catches fire, we call the firemen to handle it. When the whole city is on fire, we'd all better become firemen real quick.
  5. "They hate us cuz they ain't us." I hope this answers your question. But in all seriousness, I'd rather be forgotten than be another Justin Bieber.
  6. You've definitely got talent. What else have you got up your sleeves?
  7. I could go for some Smash right now.

  8. As a conscientious objector, you would be exempt from the draft, either fully or in part, depending on the totality of your stance. Or you could willingly go to another country whose laws and policies better suit you. You have that freedom of choice. If you want things to change or stay the same, you have to fight for it either physically or politically. The country doesn't own its citizens, but its citizens should own up to their country or else it won't be a country anymore in those circumstances. Whatever the choices and results, we'd all have to live with it. But yeah, all that is why it exists, but isn't used. Even if a massive war erupted tomorrow, they'd jump up recruitment, mobilize more of the active duty, call in the reserves, and call back people who are out of the military but are still in their inactive ready reserve window.... long before they'd even begin to imagine using a draft.
  9. How much dairy were you ingesting daily? I'm with demon pigknightbotthing Edge, it's kind of extreme to just cut something out of your diet completely. Maybe just go partial. Go silk (soymilk) and substitutes for the big things that you eat a lot of at once or very often, but maybe keep some of the smaller things as regular dairy. You know, everything in moderation. I don't know that the milk content in a doughnut recipe is enough for you to toss out either. Idk if the lactose molecules and what not change in the baking. If they do, then it probably won't count. You can try it out after a while of no dairy and see if it affects you. You know, treat it like a science experiment to see if you should limit your krispy kremes or not. I don't know what you see in yogurt. It tastes like bad breath Pretty sure they sell vitamin and calcium supplements as gummy bears nowadays.
  10. The likelihood of a draft is super slim. It's a super emergency provision that would happen only in dire circumstances. You guys seem to think that anytime an incident pops off, the military has goes into draft mode from the start. That's not how it works. Did a draft happen when soldiers were sent to Kuwait, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, etc? No. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_the_United_States If you don't like what the military is doing, blame yourselves, blame your elders, and blame your peers. The military is directed by elected officials. All of us together elected them. That includes all of you with no interest in politics and don't bother to keep up with it or vote. What the military is doing, it is doing at the behest of elected leaders. And some idiots wanna put Trump up there with them. Uncle Sam, "Hi, we've lost most of our troops in all the fighting and we're being invaded so we're drafting people to help defend the country as a last ditch effort to prevent us from being ruled by a foreign nation." If you're not willing to fight in that situation, you don't deserve your freedom. That would be what a draft would most likely be like in these days. The public would never stand for a draft to occur in an offensive war and the public's general distaste for it since Vietnam. If something like that did happen, we'd all be pretty screwed anyways and there won't be much of a choice for anybody except to fight. Since the 80's, the military has been an all volunteer organization and the president requires a national crisis to reinstate the draft. So yeah, those of you hating on the draft clearly have an incomplete picture of what a draft is. You focus in on the forced service like that's all you need to know about it. Adding women to the draft registry is fine by me. Just because the Infantry MOS is open to women, that doesn't mean they would be forced to be infantry. The vast majority would not be able to meet the standards and would simply be reclassed to another job that needs more people to fill in. For any job you sign onto the military for, if you don't meet the standards and pass the tests, you will get reclassed to something else. If you sign up to be a medic but fail the tests, they're gonna stick you in another job for the rest of your service term. TBH, there are a lot of safe jobs in the military. But hey, it's not like there isn't a double standard already instituted in the military, kappa.
  11. Anyone up for smash?

    1. Shanco
    2. IdleThoughts


      Flaunting Bayonetta and Corrin? Me too. x)

  12. Happy Birthday, Wanderer. Don't get lost out there.
  13. It doesn't matter that the counter, witch time itself, doesn't do much damage. It's the fact that you can do more damage and then deal a smash attack to kill off an opponent that matters. That's like saying Cloud's Limit Down Special is bad because it only ever hits for 1%- you're missing the point.
  14. I haven't even heard the full song yet but it's already really old and annoying to me. The major part of it has already been overplayed and it's not that good.
  15. Her witch time gives her time to smash twice, so if she fucks up the first time, she can fix and still kill you. It's annoying how spammable her witch time is too.
  16. Corrin is pretty fun and smooth to use. Her side B is practically useless from the ground and is more likely to set you up for punishment. Even from the air, it's got a lot less use on flat stages without platforms because the timing is rather tight to get the spear into the ground and do the additional launching attack. If you're playing battlefield or miiverse, it's a lot of fun to use the platforms instead of the ground. In fact if you hit them on the ground with the spear, it has a chance of bumping you up and sticking your spear into the platform above. bair is awkward and a momentum killer. I didn't put it to much use but it still managed get me killed if I used it the wrong way off the edge. upair and fair feel great though and both up and down throws have a lot of launch power. I haven't checked damage percentages but the neutral B charge shot is pretty good. It always has the mouth snap to go with it so it can hit people who jump or dodge the blast but it keeps you from ever taking advantage of the stun. It seems like it would be most useful in 2v2 matches or even FFA. Down smash is underwhelming but side smash is pretty good. Up B is pretty useless as an attack and cannot go backwards at all. It either goes straight up or diagonally up in the direction you're facing. This, like the bair, can easily get you killed before your time. I find male Corrin's voice to be annoying.
  17. Just waiting for Bayo an Corrin to finish downloading...

  18. Oh hey, happy birthday. *swipes a piece of cake*
  19. When all hope is lost and the future looks dim, remember that I am judging you.

  20. Meatloaf is delicious with a tortilla.

  21. This feels a lot more like pyon's style a lot more than mine.

  22. What I don't get is why you're taking Trump seriously, Chase.
  23. Current mood: Volcano.

    1. Godot


      Fuck that song, you literally stayed up all night listening to it over and over and it literally fueled my sleep giving me a massive headache to wake up to. Asshat.

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