Idk, we just use a flea collar and that's been working. For an active infestation, I'd probably combine ingestables with baths using flea and tick shampoo (we used the hose and those cheap plastic kiddie pools). It's also gonna be important to get flea and tick sprays and spray your yard down, especially where your dog likes to lie down- favorite patches of grass/shade, holes, doghouse, etc. While these pests mostly stay on the dogs, they'll hop on and off at these places and it'll make getting rid of 'em hard if you aren't diligent in giving them medication and spraying down those areas. I would even suggest consulting an exterminator to come and spray down your yard for you.
idk about the fleas, but you can get tweezers, cotton balls, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol and/or hydrogen peroxide to start removing the ticks manually. Douse the cottonball with either the alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, grab the tick with the tweezers, and apply the cotton ball to the tick to make it let go. Pull it off and smash it on the ground or maybe even run it through a candle flame to kill the tick. It's more ideal for large ticks or smaller number of ticks. If there are a lot of smaller ticks, it'll be long and tedious and who knows how cooperative you can get your dog to be.
wish I could vouch for any one particular brand or product, but definitely try spraying your yard.