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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I don't know. The only tag with the picture was Pastel Baka. There's a manga called Pastel but idk if it's from that. For all I can tell, pastel baka could be a sub-genre of some sort. @Pyon, I found another thing, just to spite you.
  2. During basic training, I spoke spanish to thank the serving ladies who came around with dessert plates that we were weren't supposed to get and... I got extra plates of deserts for my troubles because it turned out none of them were native English speakers and other reasons. The other reason being that I appreciated them doing what they do, no matter how mean and manual others might perceive their services to be. The were like second mothers to me, I swear. I was treated well and even looked up to well when I was in costa rica for a college field trip. Because I know Spanish. At least a good chunk of it, at any rate. You go to another country and show that you value the language and other things things about that country, the people will respect you more and treat you better. People have pride, and reasons to be proud about their own history. It never pays to neglect this fact and visit unprepared.
  3. It is the future ahead of us that calls us to do incredible things now.

  4. It wasn't fair. It never will be. And I had a past I enjoyed without it. But there is that one part that is curious about what it would have been like to have had it.

  5. When you're old like me, it isn't just one show, one movie, one book, one anything... The generation you grew up in shapes your experiences a great deal. What sort of time honored things was I around that I thing are great even to this day? A Muppet Christmas Carol- the story is very true to the original book from what I understand, but as a critic I have to say that it is my favorite Christmas movie of all time. The story itself is wonderful and intelligent and the songs are incredibly great and clever. Batman: The Animated Series It's a Wonderful Life- it's beyond even my time but I find it to be a fantastic movie nonetheless. How to Kill A Mockingbird- also beyond my time, but it is timeless for a reason. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I know there's more but I can't think of them atm for reasons. Excuse me...
  6. Is this where the delusional 'melee was best smash' fans hang out at? Because that's what it feels like. Because it feels wrong in every way. =3
  7. I literally just found a bunch via pinterest. This one actually reminds me of Scorpion This one has a bit of Jericho feel to me though, so maybe he'll steal it. And this guy reminds me of Levi from AoT.
  8. I know Godot likes to stream but I've been messing around with some of the video upload features and figured I'd share some of 'em here. Feel free to upload your own videos. Like some of those big, epic, important cutscenes and storylines. *coughgodotcough* ^ me kicking ass for the win ^ randomness -------
  9. Your previous avy reminded me of it a bit, since I'd just run across that one. Speaking of reminiscent avatars... @Shia @ Blanchette @Ame @kurostune
  10. You ship. I sail.

    1. Felicity
    2. Maelstrom


      But where's the bottle of rum, Dobby?

  11. Wait, how does one co-op ToS on pc over the internet?

    1. Felicity


      a magical thing called skype

  12. Muk- the Blob Dragalgae- my little sea trash (cuz poison sea horse) Drapion- curtains Nidoking- hedgehog's dilemma Tentacruel- Censorship (as in how japanese animators used tentacles to wiggle around censorship standards, cuz the more you know) Crobat- Rabies with Wings
  13. He does have a great music theme but I don't think the annoyingness of the entire rest of the game would allow it to be worth it. Stupid laugh scene anybody? Tidus as a whole, anybody? *is grumpy this morning*
  14. My response to the video is that they're stretching to make it seem like a lot of what he does and says is intentional in an artistic way. Stream of consciousness is right. He says what's on his mind, sure. Doesn't mean it's all some sort of masterful piece of art feces. >> Certainly his designer clothes look like crap to my eye. The video said military inspired and I was confused because I saw none of that. *shrug* I'm not familiar with all of his music, but there have a been a few songs that I've liked- and many more I didn't. Just not my style. I give him a lot of props for this song and the whole video presentation here for a variety of different reasons. What can I say, there's a lot of honesty in here that resonates with me. I know it's part of a full movie but I haven't seen the rest. But hey, here is the bottom line: I don't like the guy. They say hate the sin, not the sinner. A sin or a few doesn't necessarily outweigh the rest of a person when it comes to who they are in what they say and what they do. So in equivocal manner, a few gold nuggets as the exception doesn't represent or overwrite the actions and attitude of a douchebag as a whole. I can appreciate when he does things well once in while. In the same way that I can enjoy some songs and still dislike the artist/band as a whole. If you want to praise someone for polarizing his audience and causing discourse and shit just for doing the things he does- as the video argues- you might as well validate fucking Donald Trump while you're at it. He does the same damn things. He polarizes his audience, he causes people to talk about him, he causes people to look at and discuss social issues. It's a double-edge sword of reasoning. Anytime ANYONE states an opinion it does that- it divides people into groups that agree and don't agree. /stops mini-rant Attitude, intent, delivery, apparent values... he's achieved many things, but many of which are things I don't give a rat's ass about. Aside from some relationship moments as a result of some of his music, this topic and post have been the most he's impacted my life.
  15. First place- me, with 21 kills, 3.5 kd ratio. 2nd place had 12 and 1.33 k/d. This is why I'm boss.

  16. It's true, most hunter exotics don't do shit in PvP.

  17. Oh hey, another belated birthday wish. Stop having birthdays when I'm not looking. >>
  18. All I remember from your avatars is M Bison Groudon. Hard to find suggestions for you. =/ But the otaku in here can fight over this one I suppose. @Vinny/Flux @Dobby
  19. War upon stone and it grows weaker. War upon man and he grows stronger. Which shall your wall be built up? - Mark of the Bulwarks
  20. So... government sponsored trolls.
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