My response to the video is that they're stretching to make it seem like a lot of what he does and says is intentional in an artistic way.
Stream of consciousness is right. He says what's on his mind, sure. Doesn't mean it's all some sort of masterful piece of art feces. >>
Certainly his designer clothes look like crap to my eye. The video said military inspired and I was confused because I saw none of that. *shrug*
I'm not familiar with all of his music, but there have a been a few songs that I've liked- and many more I didn't. Just not my style.
I give him a lot of props for this song and the whole video presentation here for a variety of different reasons. What can I say, there's a lot of honesty in here that resonates with me. I know it's part of a full movie but I haven't seen the rest.
But hey, here is the bottom line: I don't like the guy.
They say hate the sin, not the sinner. A sin or a few doesn't necessarily outweigh the rest of a person when it comes to who they are in what they say and what they do. So in equivocal manner, a few gold nuggets as the exception doesn't represent or overwrite the actions and attitude of a douchebag as a whole.
I can appreciate when he does things well once in while. In the same way that I can enjoy some songs and still dislike the artist/band as a whole.
If you want to praise someone for polarizing his audience and causing discourse and shit just for doing the things he does- as the video argues- you might as well validate fucking Donald Trump while you're at it. He does the same damn things. He polarizes his audience, he causes people to talk about him, he causes people to look at and discuss social issues. It's a double-edge sword of reasoning. Anytime ANYONE states an opinion it does that- it divides people into groups that agree and don't agree. /stops mini-rant
Attitude, intent, delivery, apparent values... he's achieved many things, but many of which are things I don't give a rat's ass about. Aside from some relationship moments as a result of some of his music, this topic and post have been the most he's impacted my life.