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Everything posted by Ckp000001

  1. So, I am in BlackSteeple Castle now, and I found Saki & friends. I need to ask someone in the mines for info about Aelita but no one knows about her whereabouts, I've talked to Saki and her friends multiple times and talked to all the NPCs in the mines multiple times but to no avail. Am I missing something or talking to some NPC? Saki clearly did mention trying for leads in the mine and I talked to everyone multiple times...
  2. Any good strategy or recommended Pokemon for his Mimukyu? It Outsped my 2 speed bost Blaziken iirc which I thought is too much. And it gets a free SD :(
  3. I played the previous version. I don't remember this Dusknoir chasing maze back then in the mansion. I want to play a Pokemon game not some stupid escape the maze game. And my laptop's arrow keys ain't working properly ( and tbh even if they were I wouldn't be able to do it T_T ). And it would be a shame to not continue this game over an issue like this so, 1. Any way to avoid finishing the maze? if not 2. Anyone kind enough to do it for me? I'll attach the rx file here and it should be right in front of the maze. If I attached the wrong save file pls let me know. Dont understand why they added this to the game :( Game.rxdata
  4. My bad. This is the correct save file. I honestly have no clue what to do. :( Noel is just throwing bs at me Game_2 - Pradhit - 137 - 22h 34m - 6 badges - Tanzan Cove.rxdata Edit: I just beat Noel without any items and with 4 of my pokemon near full health. 1. I was lucky to have rainy weather. Greninja and Roserade destroyed his team with water and grass boosted. 2. I didn't understand when my Rose was up against his Fairy, it kept on using stored power instead of cosmic powering and using potions. That saved me the battle or at least made it a lot easier.
  5. @LilyX I think this is the save file. Also I caught a gale wings TFlame and an intimidate Mawile with Sucker Punch. I tried some tailwind strategies and went down till only Clef. Iron Head from Mawile wasn't doing much to it :( Ig my only hope is Shift Gear Klink Klank need to try. My main idea was to use aracanine to intimidate Cincc taking bullet seed and Mawile taking rock blasting and intimidating it. After Cincc is sufficiently weak I switched into Scrafty to drain punch it. My Aggron pretty much walls his bird. Girafarig I took down using tailwind and crunch arcanine. Gothitelle took care of his Bewear (Tailwind is up). Porygon Z was a hassle but I took it down. Clefable is not going down. Game_3.rxdata
  6. Ckp000001

    Beating Noel

    How do I beat this dude?! Every other major battle till now I somehow figured out by myself, but this guy's Minccino keeps on flinching me and his every pokemon outspeed me and one or almost one shot me. Do I have to EV train? It's probably is just that I am using my Pokemon in wrong order or soemthing. I think I have good enough Pokemon. I have Arcanine, Greninja, Turtunator, Aggron, Ribombee, Togedemaru, Comfey(which doesn't have Draining Kiss and is at the level cap), Huge Power Diggersby, Roserade, Oricorio, Mawile, Vanniluxe, Dusklops, Zoroark, Toxicroak. I have some other pokemon as well. One more thing, is it possible to reduce difficulty level without needing a data chip? I used one I had to use the weather code to catch a Numel. If its somehow possible to reduce the difficulity level I can enjoy the game for the story and play the harder mode later.
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