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GrovyleTheThief last won the day on December 1 2023

GrovyleTheThief had the most liked content!


32 Developing


About GrovyleTheThief

  • Birthday 01/28/2004

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  • Location
    United states
  • Interests
    Video games, reading, whatever passes the time

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See all updates by GrovyleTheThief

  1. 5 chapter demo for PMD: Winter's Fury Complete


    Hey guys. The 5 chapter demo is finished. However, I will not post the download link until I get feedback from the discord server I'm in. Speaking of that, I left the Reborn a couple months ago since it seemed like I was a little too worked up about Desolation's flaws and it felt utterly embarrassing. So that's when I realized that it's not really healthy for me to stay so for the sake of my wellbeing, I left. Some of you may or may not have interacted with me there before. Sorry for that by the way. With that being said, thanks for reading my status and I hope you all have a nice day.

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