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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by GrovyleTheThief

  1. It is completed. It's been done for a couple months. Also, I don't like going through so much hassle when learning another game engine right now. Maybe later.
  2. Art by @Cheesu Story Somewhere in the Pokémon world, there exists a continent that is prone to disasters and it seems the yearly amount has increased for an unknown reason. Fortunately, Absol families warn other Pokémon of incoming danger. Unfortunately, this lead to them being seen as bad omens and they are forced to go into hiding. However, this one particular Absol named Midnight despises needing to hide. He also resents his powers since he sees them as a burden more than anything. One day while he was traveling with his parents, a disaster separated them and Midnight is forced into the world by himself. Will he be able to reunite with his parents and figure out the mysteries of the Tempest Continent? Features *Dungeons with gimmicks *Challenging battles *An engaging story with great characters Screenshots Fixed Bugs/Changes Currently has 10 chapters To start new content, head inside the guild Discord https://discord.gg/tJ5Tgq6RgF Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/0a39s8mxlwugocy/PMD_Storms_Of_Disaster.zip/file
  3. New game


    What's up you guys? I came to announce the next game I'll be working on. It's another mystery dungeon game and this time, the protagonist is an Absol. This game is called Pokémon mystery dungeon: Storms Of Disaster. Currently, I am almost done writing down the first 5 chapters of the game. However, this one won't have special episodes due to the game being longer than Winter's Fury. Storms Of Disaster will have 30 chapters. And I know what you might be thinking. "This dude is crazy! There's no way this game will be good! This is too bloated!" Hear me out.


    If this game had gyms, of course it'd be bloated. But since Winter's Fury, I've decided to ditch gym badges entirely. In my honest opinion, I think the badge system weakens the story of the Reborn games a little bit since the characters don't have lots of room to breathe. This is especially what happens in Rejuvenation. If the game didn't have badges, then most of the cast would be more fleshed out and they would also have more screen time. Then again, having too many similar characters may also be bad too. Which is why I wrote out every single character's personality and only gave the more important characters backstories. Moving on...


    I have a discord server for the game. So feel free to follow me there as I will be posting dev updates there from now on. Sure, I'll post updates on here from time to time but discord is much more convenient. Here's the discord code if you want to jump in: m45N2ENtgp


    Anyway, I hope you guys have a good day and I hope to see you all in my new discord server! I'm more active there so feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

  4. Ask blog

    So I decided to make an ask blog dedicated to the team of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Winter's Fury just for fun. You can check it out here: https://www.tumblr.com/ask-team-winters-fury 


  5. How I feel after finishing Pokémon Mystery dungeon: Winter's Fury 


    Sup everyone. Grovyle here and today, I'll be talking about how I feel about finishing the game. I'll also discuss the development history of the game and oh boy is there a lot of it. First, I would like to thank everyone for playing Winter's Fury and that I won't be making another game for a long while. To be honest, this game wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for PMD: Broken Ideals. This fanfic traumatized me so much that I wanted to make a game about it. Look, it's not that I hate the story. It's good don't get me wrong but I felt so sorry for this poor Zoroark. She essentially lost everything and my reaction to the ending was a mixture of sadness and anger. I finished it around May 27th. That's a day that I won't be forgetting anytime soon. In short, this game was originally made out of spite. But after a good friend from the PMD: Guiding Light discord server cheered me up, I became passionate about making the game. Eventually, I realized that I had to move on from Broken Ideals and I suppose beating Articuno could represent my willingness to move on. I started working on this game in June and let me tell you, trying to focus has been a nightmare. My mind keeps going back to thinking about the poor Zoroark. Eventually, I stopped thinking about it after finishing the game. It felt a huge weight was off my chest. Look, I know loads of you will think I'm just an unhinged Zoroark fan if I told you about all the times I tried to console myself so I won't get into that. The story's main theme is about not letting your emotions control you. And no, this game is not saying to bottle up your emotions. Doing so will be very detrimental to your health. We can't throw away our emotions for long. They are bound to leak out eventually. We are human after all. Let's be honest, I felt like a Zoroark being the protagonist would fit the game's themes. As we know, these tricky foxes really hate people who hurt their loved ones and would ultimately let their emotions run wild for revenge as you'll see in the game. However, the main character stands out from the rest of his kind. As for the party members, I was inspired by the team dynamic of PMD: Gates to infinity. I really loved it there and wanted to implement something like that in Winter's Fury. I won't tell you all of their names since I want people to have more of an incentive to play the game. Zack the Zoroark is a young Pokémon who's sister got sick and was kidnapped by the Neverwinter Guard. He's utterly furious about it and runs away from home so his parents don't run into danger. Throughout the story, he matures and makes several friends. Something that most Zoroark wouldn't do. Mary the Glaceon is a troubled doctor who ran away from an abusive workplace in search of a way to continue her work in peace. Unfortunately, she gets caught by a member of the Neverwinter Guard but is saved by Zack. Eventually they became friends but Zack learns that she's a little arrogant. And for the last non-spoiler party member, we have Jack the Floatzel. He's kind of like my dad in a way in that he's energetic, cracks jokes, and he's a little pushy. He meets Zack and Mary in a forest but he mistakes them as members of the Neverwinter Guard and attacks them. After the battle, Zack and Mary explain that it's just a misunderstanding and Jack introduces himself as a member of an organization called Glacial Hope. They then start traveling together after Zack agrees to accompany Mary to their base. Oh yeah, remember the title for the game? Yeah, it's pretty obvious a lot of people are going to assume that Winter's Fury is a metaphor for my anger towards the author of Broken Ideals but it really isn't. If anything, it supports the theme of the game. There's tons of points in the story where the party members would get emotional but they don't let it control their actions. One last thing I'll bring up about the party members is that I feel like the people who read Broken Ideals would assume I ripped off the characters from there but I feel like the characters in Winter's Fury are distinct enough. Next, let's talk about my writing. I feel like it got better after having said friend from the Guiding Light discord server beta read the dialogue and reading the outline for the story. I even put him in the credits at the end of the game for being so helpful. Without him, the writing would still be messy like my first game. This isn't actually all of my thoughts and if I spilled everything, we'd be here all day. All I'm gonna say is thanks for reading my spiel about how a fanfic broke me and inspired me to make a game about it.



  6. Winter's Fury fourth batch complete (Chapters 16 - 20)


    Incoming! My forth batch is finally done. As usual, I'll be waiting for feedback before releasing it. This is the last episode you will get and it also includes 5 more chapters. Sorry if this ended up being so short. Thanks for reading.

  7. Winter's Fury third batch complete (Chapters 11 -15)


    And I finally have the third batch done! This one took quite some time since I had to make a bunch of new areas along with 2 special episodes and 5 chapters. Yeah, that's a lot of content to sink your teeth into. As usual though, I have to bug test this for a while and then I'll release it. If you want updates faster, join the PMD: Guiding Light discord server. See you guys later!

  8. Winter's Fury second batch complete (Chapters 6 -10)


    The second update is completed! Testing has begun and I hope to release this soon. The story picks up more in this next batch as villains and heroes will have their motivations explored alongside more side content to do. The first special episode will appear too so you can check that out when the game gets updated. But, I won't post the updated link until I receive feedback and put it to proper use. See you guys next time!

  9. Winter's Fury update


    So I'm done writing the next batch of chapters along with a special Episode about Mary's past. I'm not sure how long implementing all of that would take considering that I also have to make maps and events. Thank you for reading and I hope you'll be able to see this next batch of story.

  10. Story Somewhere in the Pokémon mystery dungeon world, the icy kingdom of Neverwinter has a virus spreading around without anyone knowing and the king is trying to keep it under wraps by having the Neverwinter Guard kidnap sick Pokémon and locking them up to perform cruel tests on them. Which leads us to our young hero, Zack the Zoroark. his sister became sick and was taken by the Neverwinter Guard. Zack became furious and started his search for her. On his journey, he will bump into other Pokémon having a connection to the Neverwinter Guard and the king. Features * Has side quests * Talking protagonist * Some puzzles * And optional story content in the form of Special Episodes Screenshots Download Link https://www.mediafire.com/file/d3yqocypc8wr20l/Pokemon_Mystery_Dungeon_Winter%27s_Fury.zip/file This game goes up to 21 chapters and has 4 special episodes Special thanks to the folks over at the PMD: Guiding Light discord server for helping me test the game
  11. 5 chapter demo for PMD: Winter's Fury Complete


    Hey guys. The 5 chapter demo is finished. However, I will not post the download link until I get feedback from the discord server I'm in. Speaking of that, I left the Reborn a couple months ago since it seemed like I was a little too worked up about Desolation's flaws and it felt utterly embarrassing. So that's when I realized that it's not really healthy for me to stay so for the sake of my wellbeing, I left. Some of you may or may not have interacted with me there before. Sorry for that by the way. With that being said, thanks for reading my status and I hope you all have a nice day.

  12. News on my project


    So I finished writing down how each chapter is going to go and it's actually really simple. (I hope...) I even wrote down the characters so that I can keep track. Something that a lot of fangame creators are guilty of is that most of them don't write down their stories and because of that, the writing suffers and it makes the story "Convoluted". While I don't consider my first game having a messy story, I kinda changed traction after reading Guiding Light so I'm also a little guilty off going of script in my brain. But that's a story for another day. This time, I'm actually going to write down my story. Anyway, my new game is called Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Winter's Fury. The demo is currently taking it's time since today is the first time I'm working on it. When I'm ready to release the demo, I'll post the game in the Fangame Expose just like I did with my first game. Thanks for reading this update. Hope you all have a fantastic day!

  13. New project incoming


    Good morning everyone! I know it's been literal years since I've posted here but I'm back again and this time, I have a new project that I'm currently brainstorming right now. Before we get to that, here's a little status update for me. Recently, I read another Pokémon mystery dungeon fic named Broken Ideals and it nearly broke me. I read this a month ago and it took me until the end of this month to finally get over it's ending. I'm also taking summer classes so I can get enough credits to graduate from collage. Oh, and I suffered some severe burn out at some point. Anyway, back to my daily scheduled update for the next project. Basically, it'll be a Pokémon mystery dungeon story but I'll still use Pokémon essentials. (I know SkyTemple exists but I don't feel like using it.) And I'm thinking of making a Zoroark the protagonist of this planned game. Note, this is not a spin off of Pokémon Sky. It it's own thing. This time, I'll be using gen 1-8 Pokémon instead of adding gen 9 since you know, feature creep and all.  Keep in mind, this what I thought of so far. I'm still thinking about the story. However, instead of just using my brain to write the story which is what I did with Pokémon Sky, I'll actually have it written down so I don't go off track and I know quite a few people that can peer review the draft of the story so that it isn't all over the place. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys soon after I have the written down and reveal the name of this new game. 



  14. My thoughts on Pokémon Desolation

    Hey, it's been a minute hasn't? Long story short, I'm now 20 and about to get through my first year of community college. And before you ask about 16.5 no, I don't feel like working on it right now. I still have no motivation for it at this time. Recently, I've just finished playing through Desolation and I wanted to share my thoughts about the game to get this off my chest. Look, I know some people might disagree with my thoughts on the game as a whole and that's perfectly fine. However, I don't want to get attacked over this. Let me start by saying that I feel like the story of the game is very overrated. I just don't understand why it's held to such a high regard. For context, I've seen many people on here praising the writing and I sometimes I wondered if we played the same game. 




    The start of the game feels like a copy-paste of Rejuvenation's boat section. The difference here is that the ship explodes and you wash up on some random beach. The characters you meet on said boat are Ava, Scarlett, Conner, Nova, and Amelia, who is a member of the black foxes. Ava and Conner's personalities are too similar to one another. They seem to be very unlikable and condescending toward others. Scarlett seems innocent but she gets worse.


    Anyways, Conner wakes you up and takes you to a part of a forest to talk about the situation. I'm not gonna explain the entire plot. We'd be here all day. I'll just summarize it to get the main points across. The scene then cuts to Ava and Scarlett running away from the natives. Meanwhile, Conner helps the player by giving them healing stations but is still a jerk. The first episode is literally just fighting natives, saving your friends, and introducing a character named Shiv. (Who in the world thought that was a good name?)


    Who drags Kuiki somewhere and the entire thing never gets brought up again and is forgotten about. Oh, and don't forget the fact that Conner and Ava are gym leaders. She sets up a match between you and Conner to receive the first badge. And also humbling Conner in the process. After the battle, we head to Route 1 to find a way home. We run into Hardy then he battles the player. We never see him again until another badge later. Then we run into some crescent grunts who suck at their jobs by shouting out loud as to where they are going. Plot twist! They are blocking the path to another City because Baron wants a legendary Pokémon but during the struggle, he seemingly throws Ava into the Lava while Scarlett conveniently shows up to watch it then breaks down. Honestly, the scene seems good at first glance.


    The issue I have with it is that Nova somehow brings Ava back rendering the scene before pointless. We battle Scarlett and run into yet another gym who doesn't really affect the plot very much but only in side content. It makes Aderyn irrelevant. She basically sends us to some random burial ground to clean up crescent grunts and nobody bothered to help. Then Nova shows up and says "We want a peaceful world and the world sucks right now". When it's been like what? A few days?  Her motives seem really stupid and only serves as a red herring. Just like the rest of act 1. No wonder it all feels rushed. Then Shiv tells the player to fetch the onyx stone from his mind. Later, we are presented a choice. Either hand the stone to Nova or Shiv. The problem is that this choice is pointless since Nova steals it anyways. Like, what's the point of choices if they don't affect the plot?


    You battle the next gym leader and are presented a scene that shows Scarlett questioning Nova's nonsense. Later on, the player meets with Ava and Scarlett over in the grid to get picked up. Unfortunately, the plane leaves and Nova sees the player again. Then out of nowhere, Shiv decides to do something and Nova creates a portal causing the nameless grunts to die. Like, where is the build up? It just happens so suddenly and I just don't care. Oh yeah, remember Scarlett? She betrays us even though she literally saw her friend die in front of her. It just feels so rushed. I don't understand why it needed to exist. There was no need.


    Anyways, you run into Tristan. Both of you navigated around the icy mountain and leave. That's it. No bonding or anything... Whatever... 

    When you leave the icy area, Shiv will talk to you about stuff you already know and leaves. Later, you run into Hardy and battle him. He mentions someone giving another badge and that all he contributes to the plot. Just exposition. Oh wait... Later on, Ava runs into you and questions how you lived the fall when I would question how she lived the fall. Then a bunch of Black Foxes mess around the Addonfall area just as a distraction. Well that was pointless. You go to the gym only to find it abandoned and Tristan asks for a battle since he's a gym leader. 


    You battle him for the third badge and never see him again until the end of act 1. Then, Hardy appears again as a member of the Black foxes. He hesitates on killing someone and Amelia just lets her live and gets onto Hardy. When you see him at the top of some mountain, he says the reason for joining the Black foxes was to cure his Zoroark. Okay, I have several problems with this. 1: I find it hard to believe that Nurse Joy would just let an innocent Pokémon suffer like that. 2: It has no buildup at all. We don't get a scene where Hardy and his Zoroark are chilling when it coughs? Really? And 3: You're telling me that Hardy doesn't consider it's feelings at all when joining a gang? I thought Pokémon were sentient? 


    The rest of act 1 is just preparing and fighting a gang war in the middle of a city. Why the Black foxes or team crescent wants control over Blackview, I will never know. Like, couldn't they just use psychic type to teleport to Cellia? I know they want to get closer, but they can't use their Pokémon? You battle Conner's sister for the 4th badge and before hopping on the boat, Tristan wants to come with and you meet with both Ava and Conner to tell them about Tristan. You go to Tristan's house only to find out that there is no Normal type leader and they've been gone for 5 years. Uh, okay? But, wouldn't there be gossip as to what happened to them? This just comes out of nowhere. And then boom! Act 1's over. 


    So I think act 1 is probably the worst part of the game. There's just so many things happening at once. Nothing feels natural at all. Sure, Amelia wanted to know where Artem was and all that jazz but wouldn't it make more sense for her to capture one of the crescent grunts instead of killing them? Another thing is that it all happens way too fast. The betrayals for example feel weird and they offer nothing except an interesting idea that goes nowhere. Well, at least for Scarlett. Hardy on the other hand just feels like another twist to foreshadow certain plot points like perfection. Yeah, they feel like plot devices. However, I did like the scene where Scarlett breaks down. I'd rate it a 3 at most.


    Act 2 is where things kind of start to fall into place. It's starts with you in bed and Ava and Conner talk to you for awhile and then you fall back to sleep only to wake up in Cellia. You stay at a local hotel that Ava paid for and Shiv shows up to give you a vision of when him and Nova were a thing. He tells you the same thing about taking the stone off her since he couldn't convince Nova. Then you run into some Black foxes as they run into a warehouse. Once you beat them up, the police award you entry inside Cellia City. 


    I won't lie. Cellia city is actually really pretty and I like it. Then, you get introduced to Aurora AKA Shiv's sister. She was shown in a cutscene earlier but you get the point. She gets rid of the black foxes inside the building and takes you hostage. How predictable. Then, Rosetta shows up and causes Aurora to leave. Rosetta recognizes the player as the one who helped with Blackview and asks to meet at the big tournament building. Once there, she asks the player to find Nova through Garret. (Side note, Garret is actually one of my favorite characters) You head to South Cellia to find him. Garret chases the Black fox out and then asks you to find the fox den to test you. So you go down the sewers and do just that. Afterwards, Garret congratulates you and tells you that Nova was in a red manor. 


    Once you find her, she admits that she has no use for the onyx stone and battles you for it. Before you could grab the stone, Aurora comes in and says she's been looking for Nova and leaves. Nova does too. Before you leave however, you notice a strange coin on the ground. You go to Rosetta for help and she says to go to the the storage place. They know where it's from but can't tell you since it's illegal. So you talk to Garret again and he tells you about the undercity and the story of Lilith. It's kind of edgy when you think about it.


    You head down there and find a Black fox base. For some reason, the guard mistakes you as a recruit and lets you waltz in. These villains are clowns. Even Amelia lampshades it but pointing out issues doesn't fix them. Anyways, you fight a bunch of Black foxes, flip a few switches and battle Amelia as well. She accidentally summons Lilith who tells you that a truce is in order to get rid of the twins. She puts you to sleep for some reason and leaves a note saying to look for Garret again. Couldn't she just tell us? Whatever...


    So you found garret and you plan to break into the archives to find the info on Shiv and his sister. Then you read a bunch of exposition and a fight breaks out. Personally, I don't think dairys are a good way to explain important information. It's just a bunch of exposition that I probably won't bother to read. They are written by Aurora and it's literally telling you that her life sucks and she hates the world because of her powers. Oh yeah, and one of them tells you the same stuff. It also explains why Aurora wants Nova dead. She stabbed his brother. As to what causes Nova to do such a thing when she cares about him I will never know. 


    Nova talks about how she has to do terrible things and Aurora is just as bad. Aurora fires back and says she won't forgive Nova. I could tell the entire argument but it feels like melodrama so I'll give you the short version. She eventually summons a portal to toss Nova in there but was stopped by Shiv. He tries to convince his sister to leave Nova alone but she isn't having it and the player walks out of the library. Here, you have two choices, either abandon Nova or save her. Spoilers, it doesn't matter and it railroads you anyways. Cause Nova gets tossed into the grid regardless. Oh yeah and you don't even need to do the quest for the fifth entry to Aurora's diary. Nova lives no matter what cause the plot needs her. If you tell Aurora about the entry, she leaves Nova alone and leaves. But if you don't, Nova just gets injured and you wake up in the manor.


    Ava wakes you up and admits that it was a stupid move to leave you in Cellia. Gee, ya think?! Like, what kind of friends are you for leaving me to deal with the melodrama? Anyway, you go downstairs and the group actually sits down and casually talks to one another! (I really wish this game had more of these. It makes the group feel like friends.) Rosetta even invites you to her tournament to battle her. After going through the tournament and getting the fifth badge, the player decides to take a nap only to be woken up by Garret about the info in the archives regarding Shiv and Aurora's powers. Turns out it relates to dreams and you fall asleep before hearing the end of it. 


    Episode four ends with Aurora telling you that Ayrith is a dream and that you woke up. Okay, here's some problems with this episode. Why does the story still feel rushed? Why did Ava and Conner leave you to deal with Shiv and Aurora's drama? I know it has something to do with them going to Arcanius but couldn't they just get the other gym leaders to deal with it? Particularly the ones that don't do much like Aderyn? It'd give her some sort of purpose for the plot. Another thing I didn't like was that the choices you make may seem important but then gets thrown out the window later. I'm also not a fan of the dev team ripping off inception. Other than that, a solid 6. It actually seems like the story is actually getting decent. It also introduces Garret and it makes the game a little better. 


    The last episode is where things get weird. Why? Because the game tries so hard to make you believe that Ayrith was a dream but fails. What were the devs thinking when they named the place you woke up in the dreamscape? It makes it sound so obvious that you're dreaming right now and Ayrith is the real world. It tried to pull an inception on me but I saw through it rendering the "plot twist" meaningless. You follow Aurora around and then she makes you find a way to wake Shiv up in Odis Village. You then run into Tristan again. (What's the point of his character again?) Who points you to the direction of the council building. The people inside tell you about Booker and you head there. Booker then tells you to find his books.


    This is actually when the game lets your choices matter. You either just find the three books and continue on with the plot. Or you could look deeper into the dreamscape to find the truth. It's actually cool. Regardless, you find the three books and head back to booker who explains about dreams and then you get back to Aurora. You tell her that you'll wake up Shiv and you wake up back in the real world. Ava explains that she's ready to take back North Cellia. It turned out that North Cellia is a warzone and you fight with Aaron, the steel type gym leader who loves to give thesis statements on questions the player has for things. You eventually find one of the Black foxes' research labs. The books explain what the Black foxes plans on doing with perfection. You also find Waldenhall's name on one of them. You pick up Lilith's pokeball and get a flashback of Lilith's life. You run into Hardy and battle him. He leaves and North Cellia returns back to normal. 


    You battle Aaron for the sixth badge and Garret takes you to the archives to investigate it. Cryptic stuff and you go to the manor. Garret tells you his backstory and you battle him for the 7th badge. Rosetta then screams at the player and Garret that team crescent are on bountilla island. (Let me be honest, I don't care about team crescent. They are one of the most generic villians in the game. Along with the Black foxes who's only interesting character is Lilith.) Once there, you beat up a bunch of crescent grunts. Some of them were beat up by Shiv. Eventually, you go inside one of crescent's labs and beat up more grunts and Garret becomes a chad. You then run into Shiv and battle Barron. After that, the whole place explodes and you get sucked into the dreamscape again.


    Aurora wakes you and Shiv up then makes a portal to where Darkrai is and pushes you in. This is where the inception nonsense gets worse. Why? Because there's still too much cryptic pretentious dialogue. Lilith then intervenes to say something obvious and battles you. She shows you that Shiv and Nova messed with her this whole time. I feel like that was obvious given that Shiv, Aurora, and Nova aren't exactly trustworthy.  Anyways, you meet with the twins and they summon Darkrai. Darkrai says that you can end the dream all you have to do is just take is hand. If you don't, you'll get a game over. (Which was actually quite cool. I remember Rejuvenation giving you interesting game overs as well. Reborn just trolls you.) 


    If you took Darkrai's hand, everyone straight up hates you and the game continues as normal. But if you found the truth, you can reject Darkrai. (The truth of the dreamscape is that it's just Darkrai's prison. That's it. Odis Village has no role to play at all.) Oh yeah, then Nova saves you out of nowhere if you helped her. But you just get back to Cellia and Nova shows up in the manor anyways. They talk about everything that transpired and Nova offers her help. The group obviously has trust issues with her. (Which is stupid considering the fact that Scarlett just gets easily forgiven for siding with literal terrorists.) Conner believes her and Garret gives the best speech in the game.


    Overall, episode 5 was a predictable mess. It's too easy to figure everything out. However, I do like the fact that characters actually start doing things again. It's so refreshing. Darkrai's introduction was cool and actually interesting. The plot finally gets itself together and it gets compelling. Act 2 as a whole is decent but the end of it is really good. I give this a 6.


    Episode 6... Where to begin. I honestly thought this game was a lost cause until we get to act 3. Sure, act 2 was decent and all, but I'll never forgive act 1 for being so rushed and messy. I just can't. Act 2 doesn't redeem the game at all when it has the same problems but to a lessor degree. Act 3 so far is just amazing. It blew the first two acts out of the water. 


    It starts off with the player overhearing Nova and Ava talking about trust. Ava still doesn't trust Nova but Nova says that she was under Darkrai's thumb. Ava eventually agrees and tells you and Nova to meet up in Cellia East. Ava knows someone who researches perfection. This person happens to be a gym leader. When they arrive in Cellia East, they are amazed that the gym leader spiced the place up and began the search for the gym leader. We eventually find him inside his own nightclub. He makes a spectacular entrance and sees Ava and the player. Ava explains that they were looking for him and they take a seat. Ava introduces the gym leader as Reave, the psychic type leader. (He's also one of my favorites purely by his personality alone.) 


    Ava explains that the reason they were looking for him was because of his connection to perfection. Reave seems hesitant to discuss it but agrees and wants you and Ava to meet him at his clothing store. Once there, He tells the group about his deal. You are to accompany him

    to his meeting with a crescent admin and he'll spill the beans on perfection. Turns out that crescent is also after perfection and when Reave refuses to spill the info, he attacks with some undercover agents and tries to take Reave by force. He fails and runs away. 


    You meet up with Reave again and he explains that hundreds of years ago, a bunch of explores who had close bonds with one another and came across perfection. They fought for power and all died. Perfection is also similar to mega evolution and that a genuinely strong bond is need to be able to use it. Nova presses for more info and Reave only says a name, "Waldenhall". He also has a connection to the research regarding perfection. Nova tells the player to come back to the dreamscape for answers.


    When you go into the dreamscape, it's actually quite a bit. The council in Odis Village tell you that Tristan is in the waterscape and you go there to fight a bunch of Tristan's Pokémon and you him argue with his Lopunny. (I really like that Tristan's Pokémon actually show you how they feel about Tristan abandoning them. They actually feel sad. I can't say the same for Hardy's Zoroark since the game doesn't actually show it's feelings whatsoever.) When he sees you again, he tells you that he was actually Darkrai's doll this whole time and begs you to stop him. After the battle, he tells you that Darkrai is in a place called Chryseum Canyon looking for something. You then leave the dreamscape with Nova and return to Cellia East.


    When you go into Cellia East, Ava tells you that there's been a prison break at Cellia prison and that Baron and Artem are missing. You go inside to stop them. When you go into the location of Baron's cell, the place is in shambles. You and Reave investigate and discover that team crescent has a lab stowed away deep in the prison sewers. You also find Baron and Artem inside the lab. Baron gets away and Reave holds Artem back so you can catch Baron. (What a bro!) You corner Baron and battle him. Unfortunately, he escapes and you head back with Nova in tow. 


    On the way back, you encounter Shiv who is trying to keep Darkrai's control on him at bay. Nova tries to get through to him but fails and you wake up in the docks of Cellia East. Reaves checks on you and wants to meet you at his store. During the meeting, Reave reveals that he knew where Waldenhall went. It's a place called Fairbale. Ava accuses Reave of conspiracy but Garret steps in and reminds the group that stuff needs to be done. After the meeting, you jump on a boat to Fairbale to capture Waldenhall. 


    In the woods near Fairbale, Your group runs into the Black foxes and fights through them to get to Waldenhall. When things go wrong for him in Fairbale, he books it out of there but was intercepted by Garret. He demands Waldenhall answers on what he did with Garret's sister. Waldenhall refuses to answer and retreats to Visinite Current. Garret chases him and corners him. Waldenhall eventually confesses that he kidnapped Garret's sister for research on the grid and left her there. Garret collapses out of relief and the player goes up to Waldenhall and battles them. Once Waldenhall losses, he warns the player that there is more to his research and leaves while the player gets knocked unconscious. Garret wakes them up and tells them about the ruins. You investigate it however, you see Waldenhall's memory of the ruins. 


    Waldenhall came across some very dark secrets about the place and ran into a being in the mirror who seems to be Darkrai's trainer. He got spooked and ran off. Causing you to come back to your senses. After that, you leave and Garret gets a text from Reave saying to meet at his nightclub. Once there, Reave reveals that he has continued his research on perfection in secret. He also tells you that he can track down Waldenhall with the perfection energy. Not only that, but you also have that energy and the problem is that if someone with perfection doesn't ascend naturally, they die a slow painful death. However, you deny fate and Reave wants to you to see how long you'd last with it. He gives you the 8th badge when beaten and tells you to come back to his secret lab. He tells you about you're next objective and it's to go to Darkroot. 


    So, you jumped on the boat and head for Darkroot. The game ends with Darkrai's trainer calling Darkrai.


    So there you have it. For now, act 3 is over. Now, this entire episode was the highlight of the game and that's for good reason. For one, Garret gets better and more compelling since the game shows you his past and you bond with him. Two, Reave is such an enjoyable character. I like it when nerds have personalities. He literally lampshades on Ava's presence during the story. He also has a pretty interesting backstory. And three, Waldenhall is actually a unique villain. He's more than a pretentious fool. He also has ambition and isn't afraid to die for his research. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him in the next versions. I like that there's more to the dreamscape now with a new section of it. The story is actually getting interesting and not predictable. You did a good job Caz and co! I know I was ranting on your writing for quite a bit but you really made up for the game's failure's in the story. 


    I rate this act so far a 10. Keep up the good work! 




    Okay, I know this is gonna be controversial but hear me out. I really don't care about most of the characters in this game. I really don't. It's a shame I only liked 3. Let's start with Ava and Conner. They feel too similar to each other in that they both stagnate as characters and are rude, condescending, and outright unlikable. With Ava, she so far doesn't really develop much in the story like, at all. She's the same throughout. While Conner develops slightly with how heartbroken he felt after Scarlett betrayed us and that he wanted to get her back. However, their relationship feels a little forced if you ask me. Conner and Scarlett only had a couple conversations and I'm supposed to believe that Conner had feelings for her? Yeah, no. And then he's back to being a jerk again.


    As for Scarlett, I really didn't care about her much either mainly because we don't actually bond with her. Sure, we have a couple conversations but that isn't enough to convince me that we're friends with her. I do like that she expresses sadness after seeing Ava get thrown into the lava but it's gets ruined by plot convince with Nova somehow having the ability to bring Ava back from the lava. I get this is supposed to make Scarlett trust Nova a little but the entire thing felt shady to begin with. What if the Ava that was thrown into lava was just a decoy? Then again, Scarlett got traumatized after seeing it so I guess I can let that go. Then we get to her scene with Nova and I find weird that she'd believe Nova just like that. It felt a little forced. Yeah, she was hesitating but she eventually agreed anyway. When we get to the scene in the sky, she actually went through with betraying Ava. The whole thing drove me insane and it's not because of the act, I was more annoyed with the writing of it.

    Like, why would she betray her supposedly dead friend to begin with? It sounds like a cool plot hook but the game does nothing with it later on and gets resolved no less than a badge later. It really feels rushed. And she gets forgiven for it so easily. Oh yeah, speaking of betrayal...


    Hardy. What is even the point of this character? Like, we get introduced to him and he leaves so fast that I really could care less about him. Then, he comes back after silver rise to tell you about Tristan's badge. He's literally just an exposition bot. And don't get me started on how stupid the sick Zoroark plotline is. First, it has no buildup. We could've had a scene with Hardy and his Zoroark chilling to show their relationship and also explain how it got sick in the first place. Surely it can't be that hard. And two, does he even consider his Zoroark's feelings? Of course not. What if it thought that Hardy joining a gang was a bad idea? It would've been compelling if they had an argument similar to what Tristan had with his Lopunny in episode 6. But no, it just feels like a missed opportunity. Another problem with hardy is that he barely gets screen time in this game. Why am I supposed to care for this character when he lacks screen time? 


    Lilith is actually quite a decent character with an interesting backstory explaining the origins of the Black foxes. She also helps us with the Darkrai stuff and that's about it. Her personality is rather paper thin. All she has is just cryptic dialogue. However, I don't have much to say about her since she has yet to make another appearance.  


    Shiv, Nova, and Aurora mean absolutely nothing to me. For Shiv, all he does in the story is give us half truths and then just leaves. Sure, his backstory is interesting however, as a character he and his sister are complete enigmas from both a writing and character standpoint. I find it weird how they change their goals in such a short amount of time. For Shiv, it was to get the onyx stone away from Nova but it gets tossed out the window once Darkrai shows up and now all of a sudden he wants power. As for Aurora, I have no reason to care about her drama with Nova. I mean yeah, she stabs Aurora's brother and manipulated Scarlett, but is that really enough to make her evil? And after episode 4, I have no idea what she wants now. Speaking of Nova, I couldn't really remember her purpose to the story since it really doesn't matter. I hope she does more in the future. Because as it stands, she's just yet another plot device.


    Rosetta. Honestly, I have no opinion on her other than the fact that she hates being famous. That's it. 


    Aaron. Yet another exposition bot. He only has horrible jokes. 


    Oh yeah I almost forgot about someone. Aderyn. I honestly found her to very forgettable outside of a side quest. 


    Garret. I really love his character. His personality is quite entertaining and he actually grows in the story alongside another character but, I want to focus on Garret. He really carried episodes 4, 5 and 6. His chemistry with the characters is very hilarious. He also has a compelling backstory about losing his sister and the game actually shows a little snippet of what their relationship was like. That moment where he completely loses it with Waldenhall and it makes him feel human and not an edge lord is one of the best scenes in the entire game so far. The fact that he genuinely trusts us is also endearing. It doesn't even feel forced or anything. 


    Then we have Reave. Oh boy. He's also one of my favorites. His entire backstory with Waldenhall is very in depth. He actually cared about his mentor once. Another thing is that I really like nerds with personalities. The fact that he roasts Ava lackluster presence in the story was actually funny. He also plays quite a massive role in the story since he and Waldenhall are perfection researchers. His character development was actually quite good. He admitted how lazy how was and decided to take things more seriously. The argument between him and Waldenhall really made me intrigued as to where the plot goes next.


    Oh oops. I also forgot Emily. Yeah, she's just like every electric gym leader ever. Moving on.





    I don't have much to say about the villains other than the fact that most of them act the same. They're all pretentious idiots that spend most of their time reading dictionaries rather than being threating. They seem like complete clowns if I'm being honest. They also have the same motivation. Power. That just makes them shallow. It was a bad idea to shove two major villain groups at the start of them game since it makes their screen time very strange. The only villain I actually like is Waldenhall. The reason for that is because there's more to him than just power and pretentiousness. He actually has ambition and wants to take the next step in Humanity's evolution. Every time he's on screen, I just couldn't stop getting interested in what he has to say. He's just so interesting I want to know more about him! And just listen to his battle theme. It's awesome. He also carried episode 6.



    The gameplay for this game is pretty good. I like how streamlined it is. It also runs smooth. There's also the speedup feature that really makes backtracking convenient and speeds up the dialogue really nicely when you need to redo a battle. There's the mints and ability capsules you can buy with credits. Which is this games special currency when wanting to get better stuff. The side quests are tedious sure but the worldbuilding is worth it. They also reward you with credits and items. However, you can also just grind them when the fight clubs open up. The battles aren't really something I remember being hard but they are somewhat challenging with the fields. Grinding in this game is actually really easy. The Audino trainers spam memento and give you experience candy which saves you so much time. The passwords also make the game much more accessible with some of them giving you the expall early, mints, and so you don't need hm slaves. Neat! 



    Look, I know a lot of people will disagree with my opinions on Desolation. However, if you like the game then that's perfectly fine. I have no problem with it. Playing this game for the past couple days really drove me insane. This game can have some of the most compelling characters and story bits but also have some of the most rage inducing plot threads I've ever seen in my life. I really wanted to like this game. It didn't have to be this way. But because of how bad the first act was, I honestly thought this game was a lost cause. Like, I'm not saying that the game is trash or anything. It definitely has a lot of love and effort put into it and I appreciate that. However, I felt that act 2 was somewhat of a step up from act 1 but it carried over act 1's problems but just some of it. Then act 3 really cleaned up the game's mess for me because that's when I didn't want to skip the dialogue. I wanted to pay attention and episode 6 delivered a great story that surpasses how bad the rest of the story felt to me. My biggest issue with the characters in Desolation was that they didn't feel like friends. They felt more like acquaintances rather than anything. They just didn't have enough bonding moments or screen time for me to care. Hence why I can only care for 3 characters. Do I think this game is irredeemably bad? No. Despite my issues with the game, I still enjoyed it and wish to see it complete because it's still in development. It just needs more time is all. I give this game a 7. If you actually read the rant, thank you for understanding and I hope you have a wonderful day.





  15. The Future


    Sup guys. It's been awhile. Recently, I've been thinking and I'll be honest. I have no idea whether I'll continue making games or not. After Pokémon Sky was finished, I honestly was tired and burned out and needed a break. However, don't be surprised to hear that I won't be working on 16.5 for a bit of time. This game may have flaws that I don't know about but I had fun making it. I know this may be corny, but making a game has been one of my biggest dreams. I'm so happy that I released the game and people seem to enjoy it. I never thought that I'd ever get to see it to the end. I'm also surprised to see that my game is kind of popular around here. Originally, I posted v1 around May of last year. I was graduating high school at the time. It had a lot of bugs and it wasn't very good. Well, gameplay wise anyway. I thought about the story of this game since I played Reborn and Rejuvenation. I leaned more towards Jan's style of writing rather than Ame's style. I was so impressed by the qualities of both games. Fun fact, I liked the Pokémon mystery dungeon games but ironically, I was never a fan of Explores of sky. I thought most of the characters were one-dimensional. Especially Grovyle. I just couldn't relate to him at all.  I'm a Gates/Super fan for the most part. One day, I saw some posts on the mystery dungeon subreddit heavily criticizing the 3ds games. I thought "What if I could somehow fix them?" And so began the drafting of the story in my mind with Rejuvenation's style of writing. No, I don't mean to have 96 characters in the game. I mean to actually get to hang out with the characters and have them grow along the way and also to have an interesting story. I know there's plenty of people on here that think that Rejuvenation is a poorly written messy story. I don't really agree at all since it feels like there's all these little puzzle pieces that connect together. 

    After writing some horrible fanfics in high school, I wanted to grow as a writer. The prologue and the first chapter of the game was simple. Foreshadow some villains, establish the threat of the evil team, have the player fight back, introduce the rival friends, introduce McGuffins, and get the badge. Chapter 2 is about world building, foreshadow the player's importance to the plot, and shed some light as to why the McGuffins are important. Chapter 3 is just grabbing one of the McGuffins and saving a town. Honestly, I could list some more example, but I don't want to bore you guys with all that. I've kept you here long enough as it is. TLDR: Making a game made me tired and 16.5 won't be worked on for awhile. I was inspired by other things and pointed out some examples of the story. Thanks for reading this and I hope to see you guys at some point. Take care!  

  16. You just head to the Hm item shop. There's one in Spirit Tree City. There will be an update to clarify this.
  17. Addressing unfinished features  


    Hey everyone! I wanted to talk about some things regarding the release of v16. As you know, v16 is the finale of the game and a lot of you may be curious on the status of gym leader rematches and the recap. Let me tell you all something, the recap might be finished in the a future release. This will be called 16.5. The reason why I'm splitting this up is because I need a break after working on 16 versions. 16.5 will have the gym leader rematches and the recap finished. Although there won't be one in the Darkrai path of act 3. Something else I wanted to say is that boy, are the other map designs rough? Let's be real, I had no clue on how to do this stuff but I eventually figured it out. Oh yeah, I'm gonna hate making the Great Glacier since making mountains is like, my biggest weakness. v15 probably has my best maps ever if I'll real. I'll start v16 at some point this week. After it's finished, I have no idea when this hypothetical 16.5 will actually be made. Thanks for understanding and I hope to see you soon. 

  18. Sorry about that. That was a bug. Thanks for reporting it. I've released a patch so it can fix the problem.
  19. V15 announcement 


    So how's it going guys? End of the year am I right? Well I have to preface this by saying that the final act will come out next year. V15 will most likely be worked on in January. However, the only things I did this month was work on maps and made Icy's sprites. Take a a look at some screenshots of these maps.






    That's right folks! What you're seeing here is the final city of the game: Glacier City. Since the dawn of act 2, I've been hyping up this city and we finally get to see what it looks like! Looks pretty doesn't it? Well, I still have to make the trainers and write the stories of both the Darkrai path and the True ending path. The purpose of chapter 15 is to show you the consequences of your actions. In fact, some may die in the Darkrai path. If you did the Marshadow quest, you'd have access to Gallian's journal and if you read it, it may foreshadow the Darkrai route slightly. In fact, the side quests in V14 also point to the direction that Gallian's disaster sense will most likely cause him to go after you. As to what the context is, you'd have to do those for yourself. That's all I got. Please come back soon as I discuss what made me do the route split in the first place.

  20. You can find the wood near Leafia's house and then you need to go to Route 4 and you will see normal grass. Honestly, this quest will be reworked next version to be less tedious. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  21. Merry Christmas folks! It's been crazy year hasn't it? I remember thinking that my game never be finished and 14 versions and I think I lied to myself. Consider that patch to be my gift to you all. That being said, I want to tell you all more background info on the project. Okay so to start, I

    did think about act 2 a bit but not as much as act 1. Act 2 kinda just sat there in my mind for a little while. I had a rough time trying to piece to together what it actually would have. Then, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Guiding Light caught my interest and I wanted to put two of the names into my game to pay homage to those characters. Hence why the alolan ninetales in my game is named Shane and the absol is named Gallian. 

    Another thing I wanted to add is that people seem to think that Umbreon and Espeon form gates to infinity are shallow and mean nothing to the plot. So I made them actual siblings in my game and added a whole backstory and everything to flesh them out more. I could go on and on about some more details but I'll leave it here until the game is done. Thanks for taking the time to read this! 

  22. v14 snippets


    Here we are. The end of act 2 and the start of act 3. This will be very significant mainly because the choice that you make here will affect the ending that you'll get in act 3. I know I sound like a broken record here, but I can't believe that this game's almost done! Like, I kinda just posted the game to see how big it could actually get and it's been blowing up for a while now. To be honest, I'm not sure what'll I'll do with myself after it's done with. Maybe I'll pass college and get a job. I don't know. But for now, let's focus on the present. Mapping is already done and as always, I'll only show the non spoiler stuff.







    These two maps are sections of Withered Savanna. Fun fact, it was actually a dungeon name from Pokémon mystery dungeon: Gate's to infinity.

    Despite how negative people are about that game, it had some pretty cool things such as the story and some QOL stuff. Do people really want things to be "edgy" that badly? Regardless, this area has some significance due to a side quest that I thought of while sleeping. The Absol isn't the only one getting a side quest. His Zoroark friend get's one too. Anyway, this place is known for being quite humid in the summer time

    and it's one of the most hottest places in the region along with Oceanview Town and Scorching Desert. Better bring a water type!






    Oh, and speaking of Scorching Desert, here it is. This place is known for housing the Regis and for hiking as well. There's a couple paths that they could take. One of them leads to an oasis. The Absol will get a side quest here involving a heatran. This desert also has a volcano nearby and sometimes hikers go there. This desert also happens to have a lab home to professor Glen, the ground gym leader. He studies earthquakes around the region and works with the Eevee siblings from time to time.


    Well, that's all we got here! I'll hopefully see you guys when this updates gets released. I'm excited to hear about your reactions to all the story content v14 has to offer. Thank you for following up on my game's development and I will see you guys later! 

  23. Most popular characters of Pokémon Sky (main game)


    I bet you expected to see updates on v14 didn't you? The reality of the situation is that I'm not gonna work on it for quite some time and I there was something I wanted to know. Who are the fan favorite characters of the main game. I actually was thinking of doing this for awhile and this is just something I thought of doing for fun. So without further ado, cast your votes down below! Be aware that it will close in a few days.



  24. v13 snippets


    It's that time again folks! I have some maps fresh from the oven! Take a look!




    So my first one is an area called Shadow Forest. Shadow Forest is infamous for the trickster dark types living there. It also has one of the most prettiest forests in the region. President Jacob had a manor tucked away in these very woods and according to rumors, it's haunted. Sometimes at night, people can hear whispers coming from Jacob's backyard.




    And lastly, we have Shadow Village. A place where it's populated mostly by dark type Pokémon and very rarely do outsiders actually come to this village. However, it changed a bit when the bug leader moved in and set up their gym. There was a young Absol and Zorua child that lived here but were separated from their parents at some point. 


    And that's all I have out of the oven at the moment. v13's development is a lot more smoother than v12. There will be some actual testing be put in so that people don't get swamped with bugs like v12. See you guys soon!

  25. Okay, I want to apologize for releasing such a buggy version. V12 wasn't supposed to be as buggy as it was. Originally, I was gonna test it but surprise, laziness caught up to me and said, "Let's not test this game." That was a disaster. There were some softlocks and everything. In terms of gameplay, v12 was a mess. In terms of story, I think it was fine. But let me say that v13 won't actually be as buggy as v12. V13's development won't be until the 10th of this month since you know, exams and stuff. But, I will actually put some planning into it. I already got the story and side quests figured out. Now I just need to sketch the maps and make sure things actually work before release. Thanks for taking your time to read this.

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