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About Mazzza

  • Birthday 10/08/2002

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  • Interests
    I love pokemon! Mostly play showdown, reborn and rejuv!
    My passion is DnD! Currently i'm DM'ing a year long campaign!
    Many games are dear to me, but i won't list them all! Gotta talk to me for that!!
    I also have many other interests such as cooking, reading, programming, twitch streams, exercise, cleaning, parties and uhmmm i think that's it! I'd like to learn how to draw but... i'm just unable to!

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  1. Hello Candy! I do like candies so................... wanna be friends? :P
  2. Hi there! That's a really cool cantrip! It fits the character and it even references that one magic item that throws 2 daggers, right?
  3. Thank you, kind friend! We can party all day long now!!! I'll bring the candies and you bring the confetti! :P
  4. Welcome, dear readers! For your lives are about to be blessed with true entertainment! and by that i mean i'm going to introduce myself so pay attention please? hear me out. I'm autistic irl. Doesn't matter most of the time, but i think i should let y'all know first. ANYWAY! My gimmick is that i, Mazza, am in fact playing a character. A friendly yet troublesome individual that gets in trouble often! (fret not mister mod i'm still breaking no rules intentionally...) I shall avoid talking in public about meta subjects such as my theather or why i do this or what's my irl hair color so you should ask that on my dms. The reason for that is immersion. As for my character! I am 19 years old, got into reborn in 2018 and fell in love with this little game and community! Now i know what you're thinking! "Wow that's sooo dumb why didn't you just join us sooner you dumb idiot!" And the answer might surprise you: i didnt want to yea thats it. Anyway! Now that i'm here we can all be friends and talk about stuff and maybe even roleplay a bit? that's what i like to do for fun! for interests, i'm just gonna throw a huge list after this and then end the post without saying goodbye DnD, pokemon, anime, cooking, cleaning, minimalism, AI, programming (i'm a novice), all kinds of games except horror ones, movies and shows except horror ones, talking (its my favourite!), art and getting electrocuted by random stuff in my house that isnt supposed to electrocute me. i also have a dog.
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